Discussion List
Not able to enable Terms Approval Serial Manage Purchasing Document ApprovalsI am enabling Terms Approval Serial from the task Manage Purchasing Document Approval , but the system, by default, picking "Terms Approval Serial 2", How to fix this is…
How to setup a vacation rule for a particular PO charge account department segmentSummary: We have a requirement. When a user raise a PO. Normally, it will go to the normal user manager A for approval. But if the department segment of charge account i…
Restrict delegate selection while creating Vacation RulesIs there a way we can restrict users to select their delegates (while creating a vacation rule) so that they belong to either the same job level or a higher job level.
REST API to Retrieve Change Details for PO Change Orders in Pending Approval StatusSummary: REST API to Retrieve Change Details for PO Change Orders in Pending Approval Status Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, …
"Purchase order event" for Purchase order approval or Cancel or change Po statusSummary: Do we have any event for Purchase order approval or Cancel or change Po status in fusion and we have to send PO to EBS once it approved. Can you please confirm …
Approval rule for change orderSummary: Hi, how to create approval rule that says: if PO ordered amount(base amount) plus change amount > 1000$ or between 1$ and 800$ (when create change order ) Conte…
How to omit approval process for a change orderHi Oracle, Currently the system has a purchase order change approval process: Manage Purchasing Document Approvals > Terms Approval Serial 2 > change DOA rule setup > sy…
Use orcl: query-database sql count value on FlexfieldsSummary: We need a rule to use a Sql statement to Auto reject PO's when the value in the flexfield is different in the rows. Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
After adding a participant in BPM, not able to access FSM ApprovalSummary: For Supplier Spend Authorization Approval, as there is no option for Serial Approval, we enabled a new serial participant in the BPM, once a new participant is …
how to stop approved requsition from old year (out of budget year) to be processed to POWe have requisitions from 2024. We won't process the PR to PO in the new budget year. Can we use the PO approval cycle to prevent this from happening? Or any suggestions…ahmed abuobyda 9 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Display requisition number in PO and CO FYI notifications using Oracle Analytics PublisherHi Team In our business case, we have a requirement to display the source requisition number in the approved purchase order/change order FYI notification title. We are e…
Can requestors/buyers be notified when the req was not successfully sourced into a PO?Summary: All of our Reqs get auto sourced into a PO. If a req exceeds the BPA amount, it is allowing the req to go through and the PO gets generated but sits in the inco…
Backing Requisition Exists PO Approval Attribute not working as expectedHello Experts, We have defined an AutoApproval for Change Order Approvals as follows: If Backing requisition exists = Yes AND Requisition Line Amount = PO Line Amount Ho…
Approvals workflow Add Assignee backward routingI have an Approval Workflow 1 Creator , 4 Approvers ---- Creator > Approver 1(approved ) >> Approver 2 ( Approved ) >> > Approver 3 ( Received but wants to reroute it ba…
How a Vendor and other stakeholders view the attachments which are done during the Approval Process.Summary: While approving a PO or Change Order (using APP notification), users are attaching a new document, but those documents are visible only to next approvers in the…
PO approval Reminder User wise or BU wise Configuration.Is it possible to configure the PO Approval Reminder to be sent based on individual users or specific business units (BUs) without impacting other users or BUs?
Purchase Approval Rule With Multiple Document Line CategoriesSummary: Need to create a new approval rule that combines multiple Document Line Categories Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business curre…
How to add new Participant in Purchasing Document ApprovalSummary: How to add new Participant in Purchasing Document Approval (DocumentApproval BPM Task) Content (required): Hello, I need to create new Participant in Preapprova…
Need to add a condition in Purchase Order approval hierarchy of Project NumberSummary: Need to add a condition in Purchase Order approval hierarchy for a Project Number. Can anyone help which attribute will be used for Project Number? Content (ple…
buyer - accept or reject a change orderSummary: i need the buyer to accept or reject a change order via notification: the supplier splits the order in two dates and quantities and the buyer has to accept or r…
Requisition approval rules to auto reject the change order if new amount exceeds the original amountSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement where requisition should get auto reject if new requisition header amount exceeds the original approved amount as part of change o…
Reminder Approval Notification not disappearing after the action taken by userSummary: We have setup a reminder notification for PO approval, however after multiple reminder, if the user takes the latest notification and takes any action rest of t…
How to configure BPM approval rule for BPA imported through FBDI importSummary: I want to configure approval rule in BPM for BPAs imported through FBDI import, which attribute should i use to configure the approval rules? Content (please en…
About approval of ordersWhen approving multiple purchase orders, is there a way to approve multiple orders at the same time?
Contract Management Approval Cycle with different approvers and different Contract ValuesSummary: Dears, I want to create Contract Management Approval Cycle. this approval cycle should contains many approvers with different Contract values. Example: if the C…
Why TitleKey of DocumentRejectedFyi is updated when we update DocumentOpenFyiSummary: Why TitleKey of DocumentRejectedFyi is updated when we update DocumentOpenFyi Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are adding amoun…
How to create the Purchase Order Approval Workflow in BPM?How to create PO workflow in BPM based on the expense account used in Charge Account ? Also, what condition to be used in BPM for Document Approval routed using the Expe…
What is the key column for joining FND_BPM_TASK_B and PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE_ALL?Summary: What is the key column for joining FND_BPM_TASK_B and PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE_ALL? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, I found…
How to change the Supplier after the PO is in Open statusContent Is there a way to change the supplier after the PO is fully approved and in Open status. Business requirement: We have 2 suppliers with almost same name with min…
When the approval rule with cost center condition it is not working.Summary: When the approval rule with cost center condition it is not working. It happen in both PR and PO approval rule. I using the following attributes: ReqDistributio…