Requisition Processing
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How to choose the right organization as Source Organization Internal Requisition?Hello, We are trying to do an Internal Requisition but the correct organization cannot be selected as the source and destination. We have completed the Interorganization…
Item Level Budgeting and ControlDo you have item level budgeting and controls Lets say Medical Requirement is one GL Code but its tagged with multiple item code like X-Rays, Lab Machine etc and for eac…
Can cost center manager view all PR/PO charge to the cost center?Summary: Content (required): Can cost center manager view all PR/PO charge to the cost center? Either by viewing on the web or from report? Version (include the version …
Drop Ship PO in Oracle Cloud Procurement via an integration when the Customer Ordering applicationSummary: Can we Drop Ship PO in Oracle Cloud Procurement via an integration when the Customer Ordering application (sales orders) is in an external application. Content …
How to assign group of buyers to a single Purchase Requisition using Buyer Assignment RulesSummary: Hello Oracle experts, the client wants to assign a approved Purchase requisition to a group of buyers for converting it to a Purchase Order. Is there any option…
Manually created Requisition is not available for converting to POSummary: Manually created Requisition is not available for converting to PO Content (required): Created a PR manually and its in approved status. But not able to find it…
Requisition Amount not showing in requisition Currency in Manage RequisitionSummary: When we create a requisition in a different currency (Other than base currency), we see the total amount of requisition in base currency only and not in the req…
Approval Heirarchy on Requisitions not visible after SubmissionSummary: Approval Hierarchy on Requisitions is not visible after Submission. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): While creating a requisition …
Can manager view all PR and PO submitted by their team?Summary: How can manager extract and view the list of PR/PO that submitted by their team? Content (required): How can manager extract and view the list of PR/PO that sub…
How to disable supplier communication for PO Change Orders individuallyHello, We are aware of the 21B feature to disable Change Order communication at the BU level: We would like to know, however, if there is a way to choose - for each Chan…
Query on Deliver to Organization defaulting in POSummary: INV ORG defaulting in case if there are multiple INV ORGS under the same BU Content (required): Need Clarification on 1. How to pass an INV ORG in REQ which wil…
Is it possible to share the private shopping list to other usersSummary: Can a private shopping list created by requester shared with other users Content (required): Hello Team, A requestor creates a private shopping list. Can this s…
Group Requisitions Generate Purchase OrdersGood morning. I'm having a problem grouping purchase requisitions that are linked to a purchase agreement. We have a situation where a legacy system generates requisitio…
can we define PO category for specific business unitSummary: can we define the PO category for the specific business unit Content (required): can we define the PO category for the specific business unit we have created a …
Custom data validation for free text fields (incl DFF)Summary: Ability to perform basic validation on data entered into fields. Content (required): There was once a useful feature where we could use groovy expression 'VALID…
Impact of changing the natural account mapping to Category in procurement mapping set .If we change Natural account from XYZAQ to 1234X in mapping setup configuration What will be the impact of already existing Requisitions, PO ,Change orders irrespective …Balu Prakash Anugandula-272328 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
PR assignment historyOur Buyers are looking for viewing the historical assignment of PR's. This is required to know the PR's previously assigned buyer, once its re-assigned to the new buyer.…
Is there a way to refrain the system from automatically rounding?Summary: Is there a way to refrain the system from automatically rounding? Is there any configuration behind that? If not, what configurations can be completed to ensure…
How to get the Negotiated checkbox enabled in Requisition lines when created from Dropship order?Summary: Hi, We have the requirement to create Dropship PO automatically without BPA reference. We need the negotiated flag to be enabled on requisition when created fro…
Prompt when cancelling a requestor with sourcing activitySummary: Prompt when cancelling a requestor with sourcing activity Content (required): Scenario: A sourcing/ negotiation activity is on-going for an approved Purchase Re…Catherine Rosales 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Catherine Rosales Self Service Procurement
Deep link for Purchase Requisition ApprovalWe're building a Digital assistant from where the user has to be taken to Purchase Requisition Approval page on clicking a hyperlink. Is it possible to have deeplink or …
Fund checking functionality when PO is raised by Purchasing Service Provider BUSummary: Fund checking functionality when PO is raised by Purchasing Service Provider BU Content (required): Hi Experts, I have a clarification where a PR is raised in A…
Is there any configuration for PO to refer currency conversion rate from requisition creation dateSummary: Client is looking if the currency conversion date on the PO can be referred to Requisition creation date, reason behind is in many cases the FX rates on the req…
Enable the price field editable in requisition line even though the line type is quantity based.Summary: Business looking for enable the price field editable in requisition line even though the line type is quantity based. Content (required): Business looking for e…
Unable to continue editing a requester initiated change orderSummary: Content (required): Requester Initiated a change order from requisition side, but then from Purchasing side when the same requester tried to edit the same pendi…
Fusion Procurement - EDI Transaction SetSummary Process to generate Format 850 (EDI) for Purchase Order (Outbound interface from Oracle Cloud to third-party)Content Hi, Kindly suggest the process to generate t…
Field Ticket functionality for BPA/POSummary: Hi Team, Could you please advise if we have Field Ticket functionality which would help in creating BPA/PO specially in cases where PO quantity is unknow when w…
Inventory Organization is not defaulted as per the standard setup hierarchySummary: One of our preparer was raising PR on behalf of other requester. He forgot to update requisition preferences and directly click on Enter Requisition Line and ch…
Requisitions for agreementSummary: Add a "Supplier Item" field in the "Item Line" search Content (required): When choosing a line item from a blanket agreement, the system shows only line numbers…Houssam EL ALAMI 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
No Option Given In Cancel Requisition During Cancel The Purchase OrderHello everyone, Does anyone know if Oracle Cloud still has the functionality to cancel a request at the time a purchase order is cancelled? I had previously encountered …