Negotiation Creation
Discussion List
Ability to make Template mandatory & default an existing value in Create Negotiation popup UI?Summary: Is it possible to make the "Template" field mandatory & default an existing "Template" value in Create Negotiation popup UI using Page Composer? Content (requir…
Do we have FBDI for seller negotiation?Summary: Do we have FBDI for seller negotiation? Content (required): Our client is looking for a FBDI upload of seller negotiation due to high volume of seller negotiati…Jain Amit-Oracle 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Sourcing
Table containing the column for Saving amount and saving percentage as per Analyze Negotiation UISummary: I want a query or the table that contains the column for Saving amount and saving percentage as per Analyze Negotiation UI. Content (required): Hello All, I wan…
Ability to send notification across all registered suppliers for Forward Auction(Seller Negotiation)Summary: Oracle currently support's forward auction(Seller Negotiation), but we are only able to add the bidders to the negotiation manually. The requirement from the cu…Kirish Kumar Venkatesan 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kirish Kumar Venkatesan Sourcing
How to enable DFF in Seller negotiationSummary: How to enable DFF in Seller negotiation? Content (required): Pls let know how to enable DFF in Seller negotiation? DFF can be enabled in RFQ and Auction same is…
What is the table which stores the outcome for a negotiation? And in which lookup are the various ouSummary What is the table which stores the outcome for a negotiation? And in which lookup are the various outcomes stored?Content What is the table which stores the outc…
Do we have REST API to create Seller Negotiation?Summary: Do we have REST API to create Seller Negotiation? Content (required): We need to create seller negotiation automatically based on an event in a custom PaaS syst…
Ability to use "Add Predefined Questions" functionality in negotiations without SQMSummary: Ability to use "Add Predefined Questions" functionality in negotiations without Supplier Qualification Management Content (required): hi team - i would request …Abhishek Gattu 91 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Sourcing
possible to change the My negotiations infoletSummary possible to change the My negotiations infoletContent Is it possible to change the My negotiations infolet? the infolet is not bringing the information from the …
RFQ to Complex work contract purchase agreement gives errorSummary: RFQ to Complex work contract purchase agreement Content (required): Hi, Created an RFQ with required outcome as "Complex work contract purchase agreement'. Gett…
create saas Neogtiation from an ebs quote request(RFQ PO) :query in ebs for mapping with call restSummary: create saas Neogtiation from an ebs quote request(RFQ PO) :query in ebs for mapping with call rest to create negotiation Content (required): create saas Neogtia…
Open Scoring option not available on manage scoring negotiationSummary: I have created a negotiation, supplier response is done and i have closed the negotiation and trying to score the negotiation but manage scoring doesn't have op…
RFP as an option in Negotiation Type Drop Down when creating NegotiationSummary Unable to see RFP as an option in Negotiation Type Drop Down when creating NegotiationContent I am on Revision 13.18.10 ( on our Oracle pod. But I …
RFP -- Request for Proposal -- How to ConfigureSummary RFP -- Request for Proposal -- How to ConfigureContent We are implementing Sourcing in Cloud and wondering if anyone had enabled RFP Negotiation process. We are …
In Sourcing will a member of the scoring team consume a paid license?Summary: When a buyer creates a cross functional team to review and score the supplier proposals, will these team members require a full procurement license, a sourcing …
Are Context DFFs supported on Negotiation Header?Summary: Unable to see Context DFFs on negotiation Header Overview page Content (required): I wondered if anyone has successfully used Context DFF on negotiation header.…
How to use VBCS Excel Add-in to show/add negotiation line DFFs?Summary: Does VBCS Excel Addin support negotiation LINE DFFs? Content (required): The published API seems to exist However, the business object doesn't seem to exist in …
Is it possible to put a control that negotiation opens only after 24 hours of being published?Summary: To have a control which ensures that negotiation is open for a response only after 24 hours of being published. Content (required): Client would like to have th…
How to close a Negotiation that is in a status of ClosedSummary: Client created a negotiation and closed it. They are unable to cancel or delete the negotiation. Is it possible to cancel or delete this negotiation? Content (r…
Are there any Descriptives Flexfields for Negociation at header level ? line Level?Summary: I need to categorised some of the negociation, and was looking for DFF to do it. However, I can't find any DFF at the Header level of a negociation (RFQ, RFI ec…
Supplier Negotiation Approval - Based on Open dateSummary: We want the approval to be automated if the open date is less than 24 hours from the submission time. We searched for attributes in the approval but there is no…
RFQ - Extension and Closing before close time. HistorySummary: Once the RFQ is closed and awarded. Is there any way to check if the RFQ was extended or closed before the close date. Any history of this data can be seen. If …
Procurement Contract from RFQContent This is on the ability to generate a procurement contract from RFQ What we have observed is that the creation of the base contract (while the negotiation is init…
Location field on RFI Line level not populatedSummary: There is a field on an RFI Line: Location. However there are no values in the dropdown list although (Ship-to/bill-to) locations have been set up. Content (requ…
Display Supplier Item in RFQSummary How to enable supplier item in RFQ Screen?Content Currently Item number and Item description is visible in RFQ/Supplier response screen.In addition to this we ne…
Knowledge Article: Create a draft negotiation from template using supplierNegotiations REST serviceContent As a best practice, many sourcing departments create and maintain negotiation templates with predefined negotiation overview controls, cover page, common set of …
contract terms template LOV when contract is Global and different from negotiation BUSummary: We have many contract terms templates configured in the terms library. They are all created under the US Business Unit (which is the main BU) and all enabled as…
Create negotiation across Business UnitSummary Create Negotiation task should allow multi selection of procurement BUContent Business requirement is to create negotiation for multiple business unit at the sam…
21C Release - Sourcing Line Response SpreadsheetSummary 21C Release feature - Send a lines response spreadsheet in the supplier invititationContent I am attempting to test the recently release feature referenced above…
Negotiation Template for New Round RFQSummary Negotiation Template for New Round RFQContent Hello, why is that we are unable to select any negotiation template while going for a new round RFQ? Use Case: In a…Jaya Chandra-Oracle 45 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Poornima Bhilegaonkar-Oracle Sourcing