Production Scheduling
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Where to find a White Paper or example of Configuring an Injection Molding company in Fusion Cloud?Summary: We are in the early stages of installing Fusion Cloud SCM, IOT and ERP. We are a company that does both injection molding and thermoforming. We are curious how …
Is it possible to record the Production Operator's Working Shift when completing the Production?Summary: We have a requirement that when the Production is started/completed from Review Dispatch List, Production Operator wants to record his working shift. But the Bu…
What should be consideration for creation of Work Order and Work Center in a Plant?Summary: Dear Experts, What all points we should consider before identifying and creating Work Area and Work Center in a Process Manufacturing Plant? 1) What should be t…
Discrete Manufacturing Setup and transaction documentSummary: Kindly provide the Discrete Manufacturing Setup and transaction flow white paper document/user manual document. Content (required): Oracle Fusion Cloud Applicat…
How to schedule parallel work order operations on the same Work OrderSummary: There is a need to work on multiple operations on the work order in parallel. Is there a way to do it? Content (required): There is a need to work on multiple o…
What is the logic to update Due date at WO in Reservation window?Hello Team , We are trying to update the SSD and RSD (Request Shipped date) at sales order, and we are expecting to make the changes in back-to-back WO Due date in reser…
What is significance of 'Start or Stop Operation' button at Review Dispatch List page.Summary: What is significance of 'Start or Stop Operation' button at Review Dispatch List page. Is it only indicative or does it also capture real execution time of an o…
Can we keep Work Order open even all qty completed?Hello Team, In Oracle fusion, we need help to understand if we can keep WO always open until business close it by any external system or manually? Mostly once last opera…
Negative quantity transaction at WOHello Team, Is there any possibility to perform the negative quantity transaction at WO at any level of operation sequence? Example - Initially I have created 10 quantit…
Resource class and Resource groupSummary: Utilize resource class and resource group feature Content (required): We would like to assign resource class and resource group to production resources. And use…Sriharsha Murthy 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sriharsha Murthy Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
For Oracle MFG how to Auto Capture & Propagate Lot / Serial Number from one Ops to another?Summary: For Oracle OPM/Discrete MFG how to Auto Capture & Propagate Lot / Serial Number from the Initial Cast Item till FG (ready for dispatch) without user having to m…
Is back to back cycle synced with process manufacturing?Summary: I know that back to back is available for discrete manufacturing but is it available for process manufacturing or planned to be executed in future and is there …
API for reverse Operation Return?Summary: Do we have an API for Operation Return Transactions? , we need to do return of Work Order Operation Completion. Content (required): Below Payload is for Operati…Kamalesan Govindasamy 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
Need help: FG item-not able to see fetch from the LOV in the Review Product Genealogy screenSummary: Lot enabled item Supply type - Push Enable Genealogy Tracking: Yes I am able to see components in the LOV and able to see Lot forward/backward Content (required…
Firm Planned order "Make to order cycle"Summary: In oracle process manufacturing ebs we had the functionality of transferring the sales order to a firm planned order "Bulk batch/Work order of for example 100 Q…
How to Peg One Work Order to a Sales OrderHello All, We have a requirement to satisfy one work order to one sales order. In the supplies and demand, same planned order is being displayed against two different sa…
Can we setup two alternate resources but with same priority in Manufacturing Cloud ?Summary: We have an requirement to setup 2 alternate resources but with same priority. In our case, if primary resource is not available then that work needs to be done …Ramesh Choudhary 121 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alexander Vaidhyan-Oracle Manufacturing
Is it possible to see resource instances in production scheduling?Summary: Content (required): The assignment of a resource instance is performed at the operation level in the work order, and the customer wants to see it in the product…
How to View the Oracle Manufacturing Seeded Infolets And Get The Queries Behind Them?Summary: How to view details of Manufacturing seeded Infolets? Content (required): We need to edit/view details of oracle seeded infolets, currently we are unable to vie…
Update Item Attribute like length by contract manufacturer supplierSummary: We have a requirement, where once we define the item let us say the length during the item definition defined as 2 and the item data has been transferred to con…Sam Samaddar 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Manufacturing
Manually Create Multiple Work Order for Same Item and Same QtySummary: Content (required): Hello Friends Is that possible to have 100 Work Order created for one Item with Qty 10? May be manually or using planning? But not using FBD…Ashish_Kumar 11 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Manufacturing
During Plan to Build through Central planning, Planned orders are relaesed for Parent Finished goodSummary Despite Planning engine release the work orders for both parent and its children work orders , currently there is no ties up of Parent to Child work order. this …VAIDYANATHAN KRISHNASWAMI-246518 36 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Shivana-Oracle Manufacturing
Work Order creation through Webservice From An Paas FormSummary We need to create an work order through Webservice which should have validations for Checking the Inventory availability.Content We need to create an work order …User_2025-02-03-21-44-00-817 35 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by WIesztal_Thierry-Oracle Manufacturing
Mass Work Order Close issue with OSP(Outside processing) WOs and POsSummary Mass Work Order Close issue with OSP(Outside processing) WOs and POsContent Hi One of our customer by mistake ran Mass close work order schedule process,for some…
Mid point scheduling of Work OrdersSummary Mid point scheduling of Work Orders without impacting the start & end dates of prior operationsContent For an unconstrained planning scenario , is it possible to…
Discrete and Process Manufacturing Work AreasSummary Organisation can operate both Discrete and Process Manufacturing Work Areas in their set-up.Content I am particularly interested to know how far Process Manufact…
Supply Chain modules in Oracle EBS and Oracle CloudSummary Supply Chain modules in Oracle EBS and Oracle CloudContent In Oracle EBS (on-premise) we have the below modules as part of supply chain solution. * Oracle Engine…
Setups for VMI/Consigned inventory in Contract ManufacturingSummary Can we get list of setups to implement VMI/Consigned inventory in Contract Mfg?Content Hi, I would like to know what are the configuration steps to use VMI/Consi…Nidhi_Saxena 28 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Aravindan Sankaramurthy -Oracle Manufacturing
Work definition approval configuration documentSummary Work definition approval configuration documentContent Configured BPM for work definition approvals and enabled ERES for the organization. But approval and FYI n…
SCM – Manufacturing Cloud – Material Picking and Reservations for Manufacturing Work Orders, 10 MarcContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Manufacturing Cloud – Material Picking and Reservations for Manufacturing Work Orders session to have them answered during th…Kelly Cooper-Oracle 43 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Manufacturing