Work Request Management
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Work order operation creation error in PostmanSummary: Hi I am trying to create operation in existing work order using REST API. But getting 404 error in Postman. REST API - /fscmRestApi/resources/…
Send attachment/description to OSP PO from OSP WOSummary: Send attachment or description to OSP PO from OSP WO Content (required): Business has below requirement i) While creating OSP WD business want to add drawing (i…
How can automate the get time to complete steps during the manufacturing processSummary: How can get the exact time to complete any process during the different standard processes? How can automatize the time in the To Charge column when completing …
Report Material Transactions Issue across picking processSummary: Our manufacturing is in process This is our scenario WO created and picked material, and moved material from storage to Batching sub inventory. When starting wi…
Component shipment for sub contractingContent Hi, Client is purchasing a specific sub assembly from supplier technically its not a full purchase of sub assembly. Because to complete the manufacturing of sub …
The material sourcing process failed to create picking suggestions for lineSummary: From the work order can't create the sourcing material show this message
How define under item for production the their standard qty based on their componentsSummary: How to define under item for production their standard qty based on their components For example, our item 006020014_Fisnish_Good_Rev3 is the raw material for t…
Why can't select the structure name when try to create the work definitionSummary: Why can't select the structure name when try to create the work definition
How can stablish the rate of my persons resource using external systemsSummary: I need to know if I can and how to make, include the salaries of my employees who work throughout the manufacturing process using an external system that is not…
How can configurate the production of subproducts in MFGSummary: For example, we need to configure a manufacturing plant of meat that receive bulk meats and during the process make meat cuts some pieces divide into 2 or 3 dif…
What is the possible root cause for a work order having "The expenditure type doesn't exist." error?Summary: Expenditure type is existing in the system. Error encountered upon OSP operation since no purchase details were retrieved from PR but there is a PR quantity gen…
Looking for Functionality similar to EBS's Documents and Document categories attachmentsSummary Create a repository of TEXT attachments under an attachment category and have them available as attachments where ever necessary. Very useful for SOPsContent Cre…Mani.Rana-Oracle 38 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Aravindan Sankaramurthy -Oracle Manufacturing
Best Practice to maintain an Item with multiple UOMsSummary: Need to maintain a single Item in multiple UOMs. This item is used in a recipe. Need to know the best practice to cater the requirement with a smooth manufactur…Madhurya Pathirage 61 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Manufacturing
Update Item Attribute like length by contract manufacturer supplierSummary: We have a requirement, where once we define the item let us say the length during the item definition defined as 2 and the item data has been transferred to con…Sam Samaddar 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Manufacturing
Invoice Price Variance for OSP purchase order is generated work order account instead of IPV accountSummary: we are in the average costing method and when OSP requsitions and PO is triggered with a PO variance which is same as work order account (PO change account) ins…
Displaying Batch# instead of Work Order# for Process ManufacturingSummary: Content (required): Hello Friends Is there a way to display Batch# instead of work Order# for Process Manufacturing Work Method? Version (include the version yo…Ashish_Kumar 22 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Aravindan Sankaramurthy -Oracle Manufacturing
Generate Pre-assign Lot#Content Hello Friends, we are using 21B. I have a requirement to generate Pre-assign lot# more than one lot on a work order. Feature that I know in which it generate one…Ashish_Kumar 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Radhakrishnan Angappan-Oracle Manufacturing
Material and resource requirements are not adjusted after an operations rejects or scraps some outpuSummary Material and resource requirements should be adjusted for all future operations, if one operation rejects or scraps some outputContent Here's the scenario- 1. Wo…
Work Order creation through Webservice From An Paas FormSummary We need to create an work order through Webservice which should have validations for Checking the Inventory availability.Content We need to create an work order …User_2025-02-03-21-44-00-817 35 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by WIesztal_Thierry-Oracle Manufacturing
Discrete and Process Manufacturing Work AreasSummary Organisation can operate both Discrete and Process Manufacturing Work Areas in their set-up.Content I am particularly interested to know how far Process Manufact…
Supply Chain modules in Oracle EBS and Oracle CloudSummary Supply Chain modules in Oracle EBS and Oracle CloudContent In Oracle EBS (on-premise) we have the below modules as part of supply chain solution. * Oracle Engine…
Unable to Upload Attachments at Work definition operation using ErpObjectAttachmentServiceSummary We have tried using How To Upload Attachments To Maintenance And Manufacturing Entities Using Webservices? (Doc ID 2614068.1)Content Hi All, I see an issue while…
SCM – Manufacturing Cloud – Material Picking and Reservations for Manufacturing Work Orders, 10 MarcContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Manufacturing Cloud – Material Picking and Reservations for Manufacturing Work Orders session to have them answered during th…Kelly Cooper-Oracle 43 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Manufacturing
How to prevent closing of work order depends on the PR/PO stausSummary How to prevent closing of work order depends on the PR/PO stausContent Hi Everyone, We are implementing manufacturing process for one of our client and we are us…
how to avoid change order being created for outside processing work orders when completion and starSummary how to avoid change order being created for outside processing work orders when completion and start date are updatedContent Hi All, Planners are updating the St…
How to link existing SSP PR/PO with work ordersSummary How to link existing SSP PR/PO with work ordersContent Hi, We are implementing the manufacturing module for one of our customer in this we are using PO link with…
How to establish relation between OSP PO quantity and WO quantitySummary How to establish relation between OSP PO quantity and WO quantityContent Hi, Currently when we are creating the work order for quantity 1 it is creating a PO for…
OSP Error - Requested Delivery Date ErrorSummary OSP Error - Requested Delivery Date ErrorContent Hi Experts, We're seeing an error message within Supply Chain Execution -> Supply Orchestration -> Manage Supply…
Restrict Work Order Header DFFs by manufacturing plant(org)Summary Need separate Work Order statuses for manufacturing and maintenance work ordersContent We are executing both Manufacturing and Maintenance work orders(WO). We ar…User_2025-02-05-15-05-15-150 44 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Radhakrishnan Angappan-Oracle Manufacturing