Inventory Cloud
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Users want an automated schedule Process Print Min-Max and Process Supply Chain OrchestrationSummary: Users want an automated schedule Process Print Min-Max Planning Report and Process Supply Chain Orchestration Interface to be run when the Available quantity is…
Process in Oracle to move backordered lines back to Awaiting fulfilmentSummary: Kindly help if there is Schedule Process in Oracle to move backordered lines back to Awaiting fulfilment when stock is available on a later date? Content (requi…Gupta, Suparna 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Inventory Management
Refernce Documents on setting up Shipping ParamterSummary: Content (required): Does anyone have a structured documentation on Setting up Shipping parameters for an Organization. Thanks in advance!! Version (include the …Sumit_99 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Inventory Management
How to Make RCV_TRANSACTIONS DFF mandatory During Inspection or Put AwaySummary: How we can make RCV_TRANSACTIONS DFF mandatory During Inspection or Put Away Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Cod…Krishanu Banerjee 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arunkumar S-Oracle Inventory Management
Serial Number generation at receipt: message errorSummary: This error is shown in Put Away phase: You cannot generate the serial number because the starting serial number is not defined, incorrectly defined, or currentl…Giuseppe Galluzzo 57 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arunkumar S-Oracle Inventory Management
Short ship or Zero Ship notificationSummary: Even if there exists inventory in system, there could actually be short shipping or zero shipping in reality - because of physical discrepancy or damage - need …
Not able to user few serial numbers for any sales order transactionsSummary: Business not able to use few serial numbers for any inventory and shipping transactions. when we verified from manage reservations and picks tasks , but not abl…
How do you assign existing items to additional Inventory Organizations massively?Summary: I need to assign massively all the existing items to a new additional inventory Orgs. Content (required): Inventory Management Version (include the version you …
VMI and Consigned inventory working togetherSummary: One of my customer uses VMI (relationship with Contract Manufacturers) as well as consigned agreement with them. Have you implemented this kind of functionality…Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 54 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MattJ-Oracle Inventory Management
On Hand Balances Report /QuerySummary: My client needs a report that provides information for their on hand inventory. I ran the OTBI report, but I cannot see the item revision. Does anyone know how …
Details around RECONCILE INVENTORY BALANCES WITH A THIRD-PARTY LOGISTICS PROVIDER released in 18CSummary: We would like to ensure we are using this functionality to its fullest extent, there is very little detail in the 18C documentation. Within 23A I found the cont…
Functionality of Transfer Order Description fieldSummary: For Transfer Order, there is a description field which is seen under Manage Transfer Orders. But this field is not updateable irrespective of whether you are lo…
Provide visibility to dealer inventory (i.e. orders shipped to dealers)Summary: Provide visibility to dealer inventory (i.e. orders shipped to dealers) Content (required): 1) Have you achieve this requirement by modeling dealers as sub-inve…
Configuration for Customizing Shipment sequencing and generationSummary: Is there any configuration to set shipment starting sequence number for Transfer order shipments ? Eg. I need Shipment numbers to start from 700000. Reference :…John.Kurian 61 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Peddiraju Peddineni-Oracle Inventory Management
How To Provide Specific Role To User To ''Create Subinventory transfer'' task onlySummary: Hi, I created the custom role with the following privilige ''INV_CREATE_INVENTORY_TRANSACTION_SUBINVENTORY_TRANSFER_PRIV '' and also added user access to invent…
Movement Request Approval ProcessSummary Movement Request Approval ProcessContent Hello, is it possible in 20B to configure approval process on the Movement Request? Thanks
What is the Purpose of the functional assigned in CatalogsSummary: What is the impact if I create a catalog and not assigned it to the Functional area I want to add all inventory items under this catalog and manage the Inventor…
How 3PL Shipment request works for PTO itemsSummary: How 3PL Shipment request works for PTO items Content (required): I would like to understand how PTO items are sent to 3PL via shipment request integration. I un…
Upgrate version(revision) serial items in inventorySummary: Content (required): Hi What is the quickest and most efficient method for upgrading the versions of serial units in inventory in the cloud environment? BR Gena …
How can i enable an attachment at transfer orderSummary: How can i enable an attachment at transfer order Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snip…MANISH KUMAR-145787 82 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Navindu Amarasinghe Inventory Management
Not able to find the Copy Inventory Organization task in Cloud 22DSummary: Hello, I need your help, I am unable to find the Copy Inventory Organization task in the search task of Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management (Als…
Manually Schedule Cycle Count Items UploadSummary: Manual Cycle Count Schedules Content (required): We have a requirement where the users do not want the system to automatically schedule cycle count based on a f…
limitations / Restrictions of manually creating / deleting reservations for sales ordersSummary: Content (required): Hi, What are the limitations / Restrictions of manually creating / deleting reservations for sales orders. I have noted some reservations ar…
Copy of 'Print Movement Request Pick Slip Report' does not show parameters screenSummary: I have created a copy of 'Print Movement Request Pick Slip Report' process in order to make required the parameters 'From Movement Request' and 'To Movement Req…
Can you purchase a grouping of items?Summary: We have a customer that has a requirement to be able to purchase goods from a supplier as part of a bundle. e.g Buy a bundle that have a desktop, Keyboard and M…
Automatic notification to all involved parties: Requester, Approver, Buyer and supplierSummary: Can we able to send email/ workflow automatic notification to all involved parties: Requester, Approver, Buyer and supplier once receive the items in to Organiz…arunkumar pemmanaboiyana-Oracle 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by arunkumar pemmanaboiyana-Oracle Inventory Management
How To Create Accept and Reject Receipt Transactions using API in 23a?Summary: How To Create 4-way Receipt Transactions using API in 23a? Business scenario: While creating PO Receipt automation flow using REST APIs. How to receive multiple…Uma Seethala-Oracle 123 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Inventory Management
Update Lot expiration Dateis there any way to update bulk Lot expiration Date for some itemsSandeep Nihalani 53 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Kelsey Von Tish-Oracle Inventory Management
Is it possible to transfer Lot to Lot despite lot merger.Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):Pushpinder Manglesh 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Integration with 3rd Party Manufacturing SystemsSummary: We have a phased approach to bring in 3rd party manufacturing into Oracle Cloud. In phase 1 we will have Oracle Inventory but not manufacturing. Do we have any …