Discussion List
Lines are getting errored out in Shipment Lines.Summary: Lines are getting errored out in Shipment Lines as MESSAGE_NAME "WSH_OI_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE" and Error Message "The value provided for the attribute Packing Unit …
Creating an inventory org en-mass/in bulk from departmentsSummary: Is there a way to upload inventory orgs created from department by using the option "Create New Using the Existing"? Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Manage Run Control can't be found in the setupsDear all I am implementing for the first time the SCM inventory and based on my parameters note there's a setup called "Manage run Control" i tried to search alone in th…
Adding a column similar to the DFF to a table in the UISummary: The review completed transaction user interface allows us to export every column to an Excel file. The customer asks that the review completed transaction user …Tharushi Sathsarani 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Inventory Management
400 Bad Request from REST API inventoryStagedTransactions get all transactionsSummary: Method: GET API: /fscmRestApi/resources/ Content (required): Referring to specification…
We need view only custom role for inventory manager for all tasks in inventory area.Summary: Hi Team, We have a requirement that we need a custom role for view access to all tasks, which are triggers from the inventory manager role. By giving the Invent…
unable to perform the confirm pick of the Movement requestSummary unable to perform the confirm pick of the Movement requestContent Dear, I am unable to find the movement request in the confirm pick screen after completion of t…
How to create inventory organization with visual builder?Summary: Hi, we try to create a inventory org with a rest api in visual builder but the organization_id is a required field, how we make a request before? Thanks, Best R…
How to do ship confirm in manage shipment lines through custom role.Summary: Hi Team, We have a custom role for manage shipment lines in that we do the from ship confirm through 1. create pick wave; 2. confirm pick slip; 3. ship confirm.…
How to display secondary quantity BEFORE primary quantity in Create Interorganization Transfers?Summary: Hello, As shown in the screenshot below how can I open Secondary Qty field so that Secondary Qty can be entered before Primary Qty? Currently, I can only add Se…
Do we have an API to get the error message from RCV_INTERFACE_ERRORS table while creating ASNSummary: Need to fetch the error message from interface table while creating ASN
item description translation changes all languages instead of one - PIMSummary: Hello, When I change item's language using Fusion in Turkish all languages get changed. However, if I use Fusion in English and change item's description to Tur…
Min-Max Planning to create Transfer Order for Available Quantity instead of Requested Quantity.Summary: Is there any possibility for a creating a transfer order from Source Organization for creating a transfer order for available supply in inventory if there is no…
SCM – WMS Integrations to Cloud SCM: Current Capabilities and Product RoadmapIn case you missed it, please listen to Mike Lizio discuss a very popular topic - WMS integrations to Oracle Cloud SCM- both current capabilities and roadmap. Link is be…
Load Lot Flexfields using FBDIHi, We're trying to load the lot informations using the FBDI Inventory Transaction Import, there are some flexfields that are created in the 'INV_LOT_NUMBERS'. We are wo…
How to enable Cost Propagation in the destination org in transfers?Summary: Hello, How can I enable Cost Propagation in transfers between different orgs within the same BU? Also, I want destination organization's receipt cost to be upda…
Unable to populate 'ExternalSystemTransactionReference' while creating Inv Transaction from SOAPSummary: Hello, We are creating the Inventory Transactions from SOAP web-service by calling Transaction Manager SOAP API (Endpoint URL specified below). We are unable to… 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Inventory Management
Min-Max Planning Manual guideSummary Min-Max Planning Manual guideContent Step by step manual guide attached for how to perform the Min-Max Planning Thanks, FoudsElSayed Fouda.-Oracle 135 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Dharma_Reddy Inventory Management
The sales order line status is not getting updated to shipped, Incase of multiple shipments from WMSSummary: The sales order line status is not getting updated to shipped, Incase of multiple shipments for the same item from WMS We have a business case where the items o…
Is there a way to put away Receipt Lines via API?Summary: Is there a way to put away Receipt Lines other than manually in Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Execution Inventory Management? Content (please ensure you mask…
How to assign existing shipping method to newly created organization?We have created a new organization and when we are trying to assign existing shipping method system throws below error. Not allowed to change the account name.Please con…
Unable to configure Inventory Business event configuration for Outbound receipt advice eventSummary: We are trying to configure Inventory business event config for Outbound receipt advice to send RMA orders from Fusion to WMS. But we are receiving the error bel…
We need a custom role to access the Manage trade operations in receipt accounting area.Summary: Hi Team, We have a requirement that the user only have view access to manage trade operations. We created a custom role and assigned it to the user so that we w…
How to translate Inventory Transation Sources and Types?Summary: Hello, From what I found online, this is not possible from UI, but if it is - how can Inventory Transaction Sources and Types be translated in Oracle Fusion? If…
How does the system calculate the 'adjustment value' used in cycle countSummary: I want to know how the system calculate the adjustment value used to adjust onhand qty in cycle count Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Transfer Order Created through SCO are stuck in "In Logistics" Status even after it is ReceivedSummary: Transfer Order Created through SCO are stuck in "In Logistics" Status even after it is Received. How to solve the issue or prevent this in future? Content (plea…
Receipt Shipment REST APISummary: Hi I am using "Create Return Transaction event" business event and in his response, I am not getting shipment number. So, I am looking for REST API which will g…
We need a custom role to access the manage inbound shipments, Create shipping Tracking, Create ASBN.Summary: Hi Team, Here, we have a requirement that the user only have access to Manage Inbound Shipments, Create Shipping Tracking, Create ASBN, Upload ASN or ASBN Tasks…
Is it possible to change lot query in Manage Lot screen?Summary: Hello, Currently, lot search screen only comes as "Between" as shown in the screenshot below. Is it possible to change this? For example, we would like to add s…
Can users add value sets without getting access to manage value set screen?Summary: Hello, There is a request from the customer where they want to be able to add new value sets to EFFs. At the same time, this EFF is LOV and should not be a text…