Supply Chain Orchestration
Discussion List
Subinventory and locator dataSummary: Hi I need Subinventory and Respective locator information. Any rest API? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
When 'Integration Status' will be changed in Manage Shipment Lines?Summary: Hi, I have to interface SO lines to external WMS system . I have placed an Sales Order and processed it, now i can see these order lines in Manage Shipment Line…
Asset capitalization using project driven supply chain - How does it work?Hi All, Our client is using project driven supply chain. where we are moving the inventory items from common sub-inventory to project sub-inventory. When we do that, the…Manpreetkaur371999 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
How to get hash key for rest api inputSummary: Hi As per documentation for input need hash key of the attributes OrganizationId and SecondaryInventoryName . How i will het hash key values. /fscmRestApi/resou…
Ad-hoc Transfer Order request option disabled.How to create Ad-hoc transfer orders if on-hand is not available in destination org. Currently the option is disabled. As per the documentation even if item is not selec…
Grouping Purchase Requisitions by Supplier or Category in Min-Max PlanningWhen running the Print Min-Max Planning Report in Min-Max Planning, I want to group purchase requisitions either by supplier or by catalog/category. However, it's unclea…
REST API to get Manage Inter-Organization Parameter detailsSummary: We have a business requirement to get the source & destination organization details defined in the Manage Inter-organization Parameter page. Do we have a REST A…Neha_Raj 73 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Uma Ravi- GCS India-Oracle Inventory Management
how to update values in Manage Value set task in BulkSummary: values uploaded in a value set through manage values, how to edit those rows in bulk Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…
Alternate privilege for 'Monitor Inventory Work Area'Summary: Is there any Alternate privilege for 'Monitor Inventory Work Area' to access inventory task in inventory management. Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Manufacturing at supplierSummary: We have the below requirement wherein we need to procure a raw material (Item A) from a supplier (SUP1) and send it to another supplier (SUP2) who will use that…
is there any rest api available to inactive or deactive the LOT Numbers in Oracle Fusion?Summary: is there any rest api available to inactive or deactive the LOT Numbers in Oracle Fusion? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version…
Rest API to update Grade on Lot and serial control itemSummary: Customer looking to update Grade on Lot for Lot serial control item using REST API. Below API working only when item is Lot controlled. But it is failing when i…Ravi06-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aditi Srivastav-Oracle Inventory Management
Transfer orders are created without POET information due to parallel runs of ESS JobSummary: Currently we have business case of transfer orders getting created through two different interfaces, because of this there are chances of parallel run of ESS Jo…
How to create custom alerts in Oracle Fusion as like in EBSSummary: Requirement is whenever transactions created on put away screen then Alerts should trigger. Is there any feature that can use in Oracle fusion. As per my analys…PadmanabhamP 81 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for Sales
How to migrate Orders which are shipped & paused for billing to a new BU (shipped in old BU)Summary: How to migrate Orders which are shipped & paused for billing (shipped in old BU) to a new BU Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Dear…
Receipt Traveler ReportSummary Receipt Traveler Report is not getting submittedContent We are integrating with RFSMART for Receiving. Though Manage Receiving Parameters has "Print receipt trav…User_2025-02-10-18-21-36-111 48 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by ArtiomSpinu Inventory Management
Can we control the "Allow Routing Override" parameter only for a certain type of orders?Summary: In "Manage Receiving Parameters" there is a flag called "Allow Routing Override". The requirement is to allow this parameter only for a certain type of orders (…Akshay R K 15 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alina Tola–Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Can a Movement request pick slip be sorted by locator?Summary: We use a Pick Slip Grouping rule to create our pick slips grouped by subinventory but would like them then sorted by locator within the picking slip. Is there a…
OF-Not able to edit or check 'Notify external systems' in Edit status rule set-Orchestration processSummary: Oracle Fusion SCM-Not able to select 'Notify external system' column fields in Edit status rules path: Set and maintenance—>Task Search—>Manage orchestration de…
How to ship transfer order through OM based on requisition typeContent : Hello Community, I am looking for a way to ship through OM requisitions from our internal customer based on the type of requisition, depending if the demand if…
How to print a Packing Slip for all transfer orders shipped together to same destination ?Summary: Based on the ‘Shipment Creation Criteria’ Shipping Parameter, each transfer order gets its own Shipment Number. How can we group them all together and generate …
Oracle Documentation missing Order Management Subject AreaSummary: Troubleshooting an issue when building a custom analysis in OTBI. When I navigate to the Subject Areas for Transactional Business Intelligence in SCM (link belo…Becca Edwards 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Close Movement Request in Inventory Management using APIWe have a movement request created in Inventory Management in fusion from Replenishment Planning Engine, which is in "Preapproved" Status. How can we close the movement …Suyog Dhongade 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aditi Srivastav-Oracle Inventory Management
transfer order line shipped and in shipment the line status is Pending inventory processing.Summary: how I cancel transfer order line with status shipped, put stuck in pending transaction because item doesn't have on hand quantity. Content (please ensure you ma…
How system is calculating the MIN - MAX quantities at Item based on the Profile PolicySummary: Hello Experts, I would like to understand how system will calculate the minimum and maximum quantities at the item level based on the business input MIN - MAX P…Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BalaR-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to do Mass update for Items attribute "Conversions" under Unit of measure Attribute GroupSummary: I am trying to update the items standard attribute "conversion" value as "Both" under Unit of measure Attribute Group (Main Page under overview) in fusion. Ther…
Manage Inventory Transactions is not picking the child job i.e Create Inventory TransactionsManage Inventory Transactions is not picking the child job i.e Create Inventory Transactions
Why when generating a movement request from the work order does it go directly to closed status?Summary: Hi team! When generate Movement request from work order, some lines are automatically set to closed. And in one line the subinventories and locators of the work…Jessica Encarnacion -Oracle 53 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jessica Encarnacion -Oracle Inventory Management
How to make Supply details mandatory while creating a Manual Transfer OrderSummary We want to make the destination sub inventory and source sub inventory while creating the manual transfer order under Supply details pop up. Content (please ensu…
Modify the Work Orders assigned to the Sales Orders in Back 2 Back MakeWe are having Back to Back Make flow where Work Orders are created for the Back to Back Item in Sales Order. How to assign Work Order to a different Sales Orders? Lets s…