Discussion List
Stage Write Activity Fails to write fileSummary: I'm writing a xml file using stage file activity based on xsd schema and i'm getting an error If I remove this line from xsd schema then error comes on the next…
How many parallel requests can be served by OIC Rest API exposed integrationSummary: Parallel requests served by OIC Rest API exposed integration Content (required): How many parallel requests can be served by OIC Rest API exposed integration. A…
Make a copy of the files from one directory to another directory within the same SFTP through OICSummary: Make a copy of the files from one directory to another directory within the same SFTP server through oracle integration cloud. Please let me know the process to…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Biman Dey Sarkar-Oracle Integration
Can we Upgrade OIC Gen3 License from Standard to Enterprise EditionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Using Dynamic Payloads for SOA Cloud ESS Job SetContent We use ESS as part of our SOA Cloud implementation. We have a case where we need to pass dynamic values for one of the field for an ESS Job that is part of a Job…
Is it possible to download csv files from OneDrive on OIC Integration?Summary: OneDrive + OIC Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a requirement where I must download CSV files from an integration, is this …
OIC: Manage response payload having empty key-nameHi All, I'm trying to integrate data from an API call. The reguresponse payload looks like: "response": { "goals": { "for": { "minute": { "0-15": { "total": null, "perce…
How to invoke ODI scenario from EPM cloud?Hello Experts, We are looking for invoking ODI scenario from PBCS rule. In on premise version of planning there is an option of calling "@ODIInvokeScenario" function, bu…
GitHub for Code RepositorySummary: Hi Team, We were looking out for an GitHub implementation for all Oracle code like BIP, OIC, SQL etc., Can some one please provide more details around this? Con…
How do I activate the highlight flexfields option in the Settings and Actions menu?I have an account, and this option doesn't appear where it should be. I need to access it.
OIC Gen3 Outbound IP address (Ingress or Egress)We are planning to upgrade the OIC instance to Gen3. We can see form the Oracle documentation that the OIC Gen3 instance will have new IP addresses. The Outbound IP from…
OIC Gen2 Lookup REST API - All of a Sudden "Unauthorized 401" Error*****Summary: We have been using the 'Export a Lookup' REST API below without any issue - so we have been executing this API for a long time (which is also in our SIT & …
Refresh token expirationWe are planning to start an integration with Oracle HCM using the authorization code grant type. Our intention is to renew the access token using the refresh token once …
Do we have any callback webservice for "Custom ESS job set" completion?Hi , We have a "custom ESS job set" in fusion, which we can submit through the ESS Webservice provided by fusion through SubmitRequest operation. But do we have any orac…
time comparisonSummary: How can I compare two times in an OIC 3 flow. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want to receive an access token, make a variable …
403 forbidden error while invoking /fscmRestApi/resources/ APISummary 403 forbidden error while invoking /fscmRestApi/resources/ APIContent Hi, I am trying to invoke SCM rest receipt API /fscmRes…
OIC: Skipping Scope executionSummary: OIC: Skipping Scope execution Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Could anybody provide any information if it is possible to …
WLS-JMS & OIC Kafka QueueSummary: WLS-JMS & OIC Kafka Queue Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We are looking out for the documentation between WLS-JMS and O…
REST API concat in OIC giving extra characterSummary: I am calling a REST API:'4' I have used the REST API Adapter…
Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP WebserviceSummary: Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP Webservice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Team, We would like to know how the Availa…
REST API Batch Processing To Create Multiple Records not workingSummary REST API Batch Processing To Create Multiple Records not workingContent HI Team, We have ingratiation between EBS(r12) to OEC, we have to do batch processing of …
Need steps to enable dependent LOVs Based on Table based LOV parameters in Custom ESS JobsSummary: Need steps to enable dependent LOVs Based on Table based LOV parameters in Custom ESS Jobs Content (required): We have made use of a static list of values and c…
HCM ADAPTER NOT SHOWING WORKER BUSINESS OBJECTSummary: I am adding an HCM Adapter to my integration.I am using 'Business(REST) Resources' and 'hcmRestApp' service but I cannot see "Worker" business object at all. I …
Unable to receive call back from Cloud: CASDK-0054: Unable to verify the request sent by the clientSummary Unable to receive call back from Cloud: Getting error CASDK-0054: Unable to verify the request sent by the client application.Content Hello All I am invoking ful…
Map html to REST including tagsSummary When trying to map attributes containing html formating the tags are just removed by OIC.Content We are trying to implement an integration between DB-AQ and a Or…
Unable to download . User does not have sufficient privileges UCMContent I've tried getting a file with the UCM web service: https://:/idcws/GenericSoapPort?WSDL this is my request: UCMFA00755994
Attaching PDFs to Multiple InvoicesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I am attempting to attach PDFs to multiple invoices (a one to one). The way things are se…
Oracle CPQ Quote Creation API/IntegrationSummary: CPQ Quote creation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, we need an API to create/Update Quotes in Oracle CPQ. currently using…
I got an error in the HCM Adapter while trying to select an ATOM feedThis error occurred "An error has been encountered in the processing of your selection. Please cancel this configuration session and restart your adapter configuration" …
Validating and manipulating Received JSON data inside the integrationHello everyone, I created an Integration that receives a JSON file when triggered, and it then sends the mapped data to another endpoint through a new REST API request. …