Discussion List
OIC Outbound IP - Sufficient & Secure for whitelisting in OCI?Summary: Is OIC Outbound IP sufficient and secure for whitelisting in security rule for access within private subnet? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
Getting 406 error while calling oracle pcs rest api for retriving attachment as streamSummary: Hi Everyone, Getting 406 error while calling oracle pcs rest api for retriving attachment as stream(response type is stream) Error: Not Acceptable.The 406 Not A…
Impact of huge Business Events volume in Oracle ERP Cloud and OICSummary: Impact of huge Business Events volume in Oracle ERP Cloud and OIC Content (required): We are planning on building multiple event based real time OIC integration…
Is there any REST API that could capture the Fusion authentications through SSO?Summary: We want to track the number of authentications in the cloud fusion hcm that's going through SSO, we don't have the Chooser login enabled. There is a doc id - Fu…
Oracle Object Storage Subfolder listing using REST APII have bucket (Dev-Buck01) which is hosting three folder and sub folders Dev-Buck01/GL/Jan24/ Dev-Buck01/GL/Feb24/ Dev-Buck01/AP/Jan24/ I want to download files from GL/…
Unable to see DFF within OIC flow as an Input SourceUsing SOAP service CustomerAccountService operation findCustomerAccount to retrieve DFF value. It is returned in the response payload but not accessible within OIC as an…
How to do application/x-www-form-urlencoded request in OIC rest adapterSummary How to do application/x-www-form-urlencoded request in OIC rest adapterContent Hi all, In POSTMAN, I can able to get a response using Body as x-www-form-urlencod…
Archive files in OICSummary: What are the different ways to archive and secure the working files into a history/archive file server and retain it for an extended period in OIC. Moreover, wh…
UKG Pro WFM (Dimensions) Timecard File Import into OracleSummary: Has anyone done a Timecard Import from UKG Pro WFM (Dimensions) to Oracle HCM/Payroll and how did you go about handling processing of the data? We are currently…
Rest and ERP Adapter Connection not able to refresh access token after refresh token expiry timeSummary: We have configured the client and resource app in IDCS which and trust is established between fusion application and IDCS. Now we are using OAuth Authorization …
OIC Inconsistency in Extending Data TypesSummary OIC Inconsistency in Extending Data TypesContent Hello! We have an app-driven integration that invokes a "Publish to OIC" integration, and a Subscribe integratio…
Is it possible to show a custom task notification on the bell button in SaaS?Summary: Hello, We are creating a custom task with Oracle Process (OPA). We want to display this task notification on the bell button in SaaS and get a response (APPROVA…
Upgrade strategy/experience OIC Gen-2 to Gen-3Summary: I am curious what your upgrade strategy/experience is from OIC Gen-2 to Gen-3. Content (required): We are use OIC Gen-2 to build our integrations in, we have ma…
InvalidSecurity error when uploading file to UCMSummary: In an OIC integration i am creating a json file using the Stage File action, and then i'm trying to upload that file to UCM Webcenter using an Oracle HCM Cloud …
Accessing package body for seeded packages in FUSIONSummary: Currently, unable to view PACKAGE BODY in ALL_SOURCE table for seeded packages. I understand we cannot change the source, but it would be really helpful to have…
Integration Error: Error in listing files in the remote directoryContent Hello! We encounter the following error when making FTP call (List Files operation) in one of our orchestrations. Anyone familiar or has encountered this issue b…
OIC gen3 : scheduler issue "The corresponding integration has been deleted"Hi, I got issue on stop scheduler integration. I don't want to execute the scheduler as of now, that's why I stop the scheduler integration. But in instance page, its go…
Unable to use soap connection with private endpoint in application integrationSummary: We are making an integration from PeopleSoft to Oracle HCM Cloud for the Job Family object, and we want to have an application integration that gets triggered w…
Unable to Set File Permissions in SFTP via OIC FTP AdapterSummary: Hi, I have been using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) to send files to a Bank's SFTP server via the FTP adapter. The bank has informed us that the files we are u…
Facing issue with email notification activitySummary: getting below error/warning Sending email notification failed due to:Notification could not be sent to the provided contactID Content (please ensure you mask an…
Application integration with private endpoint REST connectionSummary: Hi, We want to make a real-time integration between PeopleSoft and Oracle HCM Cloud, and to do this we wanted to create an application integration. But the prob…
How to pass BLOB type data to write stage activity in integrationSummary: Hi Everyone, How to pass BLOB type data coming from ATP database to write stage activity in integration i am using for loop to handle multiple rows of blob type…
OCI Events ServiceSummary What support exists for OICSContent Hello, I am interested in seeing what kind of integration exists currently for OIC and OCI events, and whether there are futu…
How to add headers when I configure a rest adapterSummary: How to add headers when I configure a rest adapter Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, I'm trying to create a rest adapte…
Stage File Read : Schema ValidationSummary Fails to validate the payload as per file schemaContent Hi All, I have designed an integration flow where I am using stage file read in segments action to read f…
Create Google Workspace Account using OICSummary: Hi everyone , we have a requirements for our client regarding creating and getting Google workspace accounts using OIC , we already create the client credential…
OIC solution to handle duplicate events? OCI Events Service sometimes sends duplicate events to OICSummary: In this case, OIC is the subscriber and OCI Events Service is the publisher of the messages. Sometimes OCI Events Service sends duplicate events and that is not…
Generate and compare checksum in OICSummary: We have requirement to compare checksum value received from source application for input file with checksum value generated by OIC. We are using below function …
Oracle ERP Cloud - Application ComposerSummary: 1- I want to create custom page using application composer and i have a field like Business Unit how to get data and put it in a list 2- I have other fields the…
How can i pass multiple attachments to email notification that are coming from Oracle ATP databaseSummary: want to send multiple attachment in email notification , i have already done stage write operation in for each loop, but i am confused where should i store mult…