Discussion List
REST API concat in OIC giving extra characterSummary: I am calling a REST API:'4' I have used the REST API Adapter…
Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP WebserviceSummary: Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP Webservice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Team, We would like to know how the Availa…
REST API Batch Processing To Create Multiple Records not workingSummary REST API Batch Processing To Create Multiple Records not workingContent HI Team, We have ingratiation between EBS(r12) to OEC, we have to do batch processing of …
Need steps to enable dependent LOVs Based on Table based LOV parameters in Custom ESS JobsSummary: Need steps to enable dependent LOVs Based on Table based LOV parameters in Custom ESS Jobs Content (required): We have made use of a static list of values and c…
HCM ADAPTER NOT SHOWING WORKER BUSINESS OBJECTSummary: I am adding an HCM Adapter to my integration.I am using 'Business(REST) Resources' and 'hcmRestApp' service but I cannot see "Worker" business object at all. I …
Unable to receive call back from Cloud: CASDK-0054: Unable to verify the request sent by the clientSummary Unable to receive call back from Cloud: Getting error CASDK-0054: Unable to verify the request sent by the client application.Content Hello All I am invoking ful…
Map html to REST including tagsSummary When trying to map attributes containing html formating the tags are just removed by OIC.Content We are trying to implement an integration between DB-AQ and a Or…
Unable to download . User does not have sufficient privileges UCMContent I've tried getting a file with the UCM web service: https://:/idcws/GenericSoapPort?WSDL this is my request: UCMFA00755994
Attaching PDFs to Multiple InvoicesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I am attempting to attach PDFs to multiple invoices (a one to one). The way things are se…
Oracle CPQ Quote Creation API/IntegrationSummary: CPQ Quote creation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, we need an API to create/Update Quotes in Oracle CPQ. currently using…
I got an error in the HCM Adapter while trying to select an ATOM feedThis error occurred "An error has been encountered in the processing of your selection. Please cancel this configuration session and restart your adapter configuration" …
Validating and manipulating Received JSON data inside the integrationHello everyone, I created an Integration that receives a JSON file when triggered, and it then sends the mapped data to another endpoint through a new REST API request. …
How to get the UniqId to pass it as a parameter in OICHow to get this UniqId and pass it to the URI e.g., we need the gradeUniqId to pass it to the following endpoint: /hcmRestApi/resources/{gradesUniqID}…
Post Contact error in OICError resolution for the issue occurring in OIC when making a POST request to the contacts API: "type" : "…
Request mor info , Reassign PCS version 3Summary: In oracle PCS version 3 , in case of taking action like request more info or reassign , how to get who will be the assign to take action or provide more info , …
Email notification should include all the error detailsSummary: We are implementing Oracle WMS stage interface REST api using OIC for entity "ib_shipment". Current behavior of the api is if we have 3 lines and all 3 lines ha…
How to use Oracle Wallet Manager in Oracle Fusion to add a user credential key to a credential mapHello, We’re trying to setup a new communication between Oracle Fusion Instance and a Boomi DEV SOAP service. Getting an error saying it wasn’t able to deliver through t…
How to create an account contact by API?Hi, I'm trying to create a contact and contact point using the REST API for contacts and attempting to link it with an account using AccountPartyId. To retrieve the acco…
ERP cloud Adapter gives error while selecting fscm REST API application(used Interface catalog URL)Summary ERP cloud Adapter gives error while selecting fscm REST API application(used Interface catalog URL)Content Dear Team, we are getting below error while configurin…
CASDK-0005 error with some business events using Oracle ERP Cloud AdapterContent Hi experts! I'm using trying to create and App Driven Orchestration Integration using Oracle ERP Cloud v.19.4.3 Adapter to Receive Business Events raised within …
How can I get column name for Attribute in AIF_TARGET_APPL_MEMBERS table.I need to extract Attribute details of entity dimension in a column while exporting data. I am able to extract details of Alias (or parent name using PARENT_NAME instead…
OTBI Report to VBCS Rest Endpoint **SOLVED**Summary Extracted OTBI Report - map to POST to store in VBCS Business ObjectContent Hello, I've successfully extracted the contents of an OTBI Report from our ERP Cloud …
How to add receipe integrationSummary: How to add OIC gen3 recipe integration in your design Integration tab. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 23D Version (include the v…
AP Invoice business events filter expressionSummary AP Invoice business events filter expressionContent Hi, We are trying to filter out ap invoices using the below filter expression while using receive business ev…
To fetch ess job output in csv formatSummary: To fetch ess job output in csv format Content (required): Hello everyone, I am building an integration to execute the "Trial Balance Report" Ess Job through OIC…
Is there any REST API or webservice for the QP_CUST_PRICING_PROFILES table?I need to automate the process of creating the customer pricing profile but I couldn't find in the documentation any REST or SOAP for that.
Reporte de inventario TOA - Oracle Field Service CloudSummary: Reporte de inventarios Oracle Fusión, Oracle Field Service Cloud Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Buenos días Nuestro cliente requ…
How to select or edit CSS Style sheet in oracle integration cloud 3 for PCS web formSummary: I need to add styles using CSS in PCS web form but i didn't find any place to edit it for CSS , please advise . Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
Unable to Send Files to Azure Blob Storage using Oracle Integration Cloud REST AdapterSummary: We are building integration to send files to Azure Blob Storage from Oracle Integration Cloud REST Adapter Content (required): We are building integration to se…
OIC- Map empty json sub-node set to csvHi, I have the requirement to map input json data to csv output. In the input data we have Courses and for each course, we have a liste of existing sessions planned for …