Block Storage
Discussion List
Can block and boot volumes be resized online?Summary Student Guide says only offline resizing of block and boot volumes is possible, documentation says online resizing can be done.Content Can you expand block and b…
Application consistent Block Volume BackupsContent According to the documentation when taking a block volume backup you should make sure that the data is consistent by syncing the file system, maybe unmount it an…User_2025-02-08-04-23-49-420 15 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-04-23-49-420 OCI - General
Custom Images and ISCSI attached Block VolumesSummary What are the possible consequences of creating custom image without detaching the ISCSI Block VolumesContent What are the possible consequences of creating custo…
Why is the minimum boot volume size so large (50GB)?Content Most linux images will be perfectly happy with 10GB or even 5GB of boot volume. If I don't intend to install lots of packages, and don't need so much space on th…User_2025-02-05-22-13-25-887 337 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Michael Taylor-139403 OCI - General
When will there be an option to move an asset to a different AD?Content Backup and restore is a pain. There should be an option to move assets and those assets directly connected.
Why is cost information so elusive?Content Yes, I can see historic cost accounting under "Account Management" -> "Cost Analysis", but that's all in the past. Why isn't there clear cost information present…User_2025-02-05-22-13-25-887 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-22-13-25-887 OCI - General
When will we be able to dynamically add space to BVs?Content Shutting down systems to add space to the attached storage? Please tell me the ability to grow BVs dynamically is coming soon.
Me ayudan a configurar un MV totalmente GratuitaSummary Quiero configuirar una maquina virtual totalmente gratis, que no me cobre nada despues de la pruebaContent Hola, mi nombre Edison Diaz Primero solamente se habla…User_2025-02-07-18-21-46-765 8 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Richard Jacobs OCI - General
Reserved IP and DiskSummary Info about reserved IP and diskContent Hi does reserved IP address come under free tier? Can I use them with "always free" instance? Also, can I use the "high-pe…User_2025-02-06-22-20-17-383 24 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Adrian Birzu-Oracle OCI - General
Terminated boot volume still consuming resourcesSummary I've backed up a boot volume and terminated the boot volume but it won't let me restore itContent When I try to restore it I get an error saying You have reached…
CLI List Computes Attached VolumesSummary Where do you find the connection between BVs and Computes?Content The Web Interfaces shows the relationship between the attached BVs and Computes. Where to I get…
summarizeMetricsData - Too many requests with in a short period of timeContent We do have roughly 300 virtual machines & we have written scripts to collect the metrics using…
Instance Pool fails to create when based on Instance Config. that includes Block Vol. attachmentSummary Instance Pool fails to create when based on Instance Config. that includes Block Vol. attachmentContent Hello group. I've encountered an error that has me puzzle…
How to monitor backups in OCISummary We are using OCI defined policies to backup block and boot volumes but we don't have anything to monitor these backups. Suppose if any backup is failed then how …
My instance can't be running.What should I do to solve it.Summary My instance can't be running.What should I do to solve it.Content After I click the start button, only this instance will stop automatically. I tried a lot of …
What does GB_MS mean?Content Under accountmanagament we can download a "usage report". This is a compressed CSV file with the hourly usage of a resource. With STORAGE_SIZE we encounter the u…
How to get Disk Utilization metric for the block volumes?Content We want to know how much space is free/utilized for disks. Currently, It seems there are only 4 metrics (throughput & IOPS) available for a Block Volume. Is ther…
What are the most popular Oracle cloud infrastructure services used by customers?Content I guess compute will be the one mostly used. Apart from compute, what are the other cloud infrastructure services used by customers mostly?
OCI Load Balancer vs OTDSummary Question : Load Balancer in OCI vs OTDContent Hi All, I understand from docs as OCI has dedicated LB for each region/VCN/AD (either region level or ADSubnet leve…User_2025-02-04-11-35-24-771 63 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by subhash.agarwalla OCI - General
unable to create instance Out of host capacity.Content hello I unable create instance display error Out of host capacity. how to solve above issueVikrantsinh jhala 85 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-13-16-25-165 OCI - General
Suspend a Cloud tenantSummary Suspend a Cloud tenantContent We have an existing Cloud tenancy what we should suspend for a while. We have a "pre-paid subscription" what is running out from cr…
OCI Monitoring to monitoring Linux file system usageSummary Monitoring Linux file system usage using OCI Monitoring serviceContent Hi, I would like to monitoring Linux filesystem usage (free space, percentage used) using …
IaaS – Utilizing the OCI Data Source in Grafana, 31 July 2019, 8 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the IaaS – Utilizing the OCI Data Source in Grafana session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting…
Using TF to attach block volumes over a loopSummary I can use Terraform to create a set of identical compute instances but am struggling to attach a block volume to eachContent I have used Terraform's count meta-p…
How to get free space available metric for a block volume in Oracle cloud infrastructure?Summary I need the free space available metric for the block volume. How to calculate it or fetch it using SDK or REST API.Content GetVolume REST API Response Attributes…
How to fetch all the compute metrics in one REST API call?Content I need to fetch all the compute metrics (CPUUtilization, MemoryUtilization, ....) in one rest api call. Currently, in documentation we can fetch only one metric …
What is the practical use of Compartments in OCISummary Wanted to understand what is the practical use of compartments in OCIContent Going through OCI lessons I understood that compartments in OCI are a way to logical…
How to transfer Block Volume between regions on OCISummary How to transfer Block Volume between regions on OCIContent Hello Gurus, I would like to transfer block volume on OCI from one region to another, and it appears O…
Cloud usage as Gold PartnerSummary How Gold Partners can use Oracle Cloud Services ?Content Hi! We are Oracle Gold Parner and we have Oracle Cloud account also. Can we use Oracle Services same way…
Unable to connect to windows instance with Remote Desktop ConnectionSummary Hi, I am attempting to setup an instance and connect to it through windows remote desktop connection.Content Hi, I am attempting to setup an instance and connect…