Discussion List
Submit expense report on behalf of other employees that employee not have oracle accessHi we have this scenario of expense report and payment. A lot of employee not have access to oracle fusion only one person have access. I can to set up this only one per…
Mask 'from' mail ID from expense reimbursement mailHi Team, We have a requirement for a Mask 'from' mail ID from expense reimbursement mail id. Issue -When payment is made against employee expense, mail notification goes…
Expense reports created by integration user shows error messageHello, We are trying to import expense report from another system into Oracle cloud and it will be done using the integration user account. However, we get the following…
Audit of expense report based on expense templateHi All, We have configured a rule in the task "Manage Expense Report Audit Rules by Expense Templates and Types" for a certain expense template. This rule is also commit…
file open pop-up hangs in ChromeSummary: I have one user (that I know of) who is unable to "Click to add attachment" from the Expense detail page. The Open File box pops-up but hangs with "Working on i…
When does the Expense Report status get flipped to Paid ?Summary: We have an increasing number of Expense Reports that are showing as a status of Unpaid; but when checking on the Payables side the invoice(s) are in fact paid. …Schneider.Mark 31 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
Cost Center CVR Violations are not Always ErroringSummary: We are testing the ability for users to update the Company and Cost Center on Expense Items. We have multiple Cross Validation Rules in effect and most of the t…
How do the Synonyms for Expense Type default?Summary: When a new Expense Type is created and Automatically Submit Expense Reports is run, the Expense Type becomes visible in Manage Auto Submission and Matching Opti…
How to activate Manage Expense Report Audit Ruleswe need check the audit rules for employee expenses, 80%-20%, are in place for the volunteer expense submissions. However, we checked the Manage Expense Report Audit Rul…
Travel Authorization attached to an Expense report is not visible to the approvers or auditorsSummary: Our client has a requirement that the Travel Authorization that is attached to the Expense Report should be available for the Approvers and Auditors to view it.…
Expense tolerance limit issueSummary: we have created an expense report with Header-1000 and line level-1200 and can save and submit the report Our requirements are as follows: 1. if line level is e…
Can we drill down on DFFSummary: We are creating a DFF to capture a particular additional information on our expense report. The client wants to be able to drill down on this DFF for reporting …
The AP invoices are not validating via scheduled process(validate payables invoices ESS job).Summary: The AP invoices are not validating via scheduled process(validate payables invoices ESS job). Retail invoices from integration-next those will import to oracle-…
Cash Advance and Authorization Policies can't be updated due to "too many matching records"Summary: After utilizing a third-party tool (ConfigSnapShot) to configure our instance in bulk, the Cash Advance and Authorization Policies can't be updated due to "too …
Ability to use Fusion Expenses on a mobile browser?Summary: Hi, Is there any set up to allow the use of Fusion Expenses on a mobile browser and not a desktop browser? I have completed the below set up from SR with Doc ID…
the "create item expense" page opens to a blank white screenSummary: Dear all, I am facing an issue in expenses application : on the expenses screen when I click on "create item", the create item expense page opens to a blank whi…
Can ‘Paid’ expense reports clear off the ‘Review Rejected Expense Reports and Cash Advances’ Search?When users use the 'Review Rejected Expense Reports and Cash Advances' Search via the 'Auditing' workspace and clear the 'Age in Days' the search will pull in records th…
What is the impact of redwood design on Expense UISummary: We wanted to understand how redwood design is going to impact expense UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
24A Manage Delegation Issue?Historically, we've been able to add delegations through the Manage Delegation screens for both active and inactive employees without issue. While working to help a depa…
Update sender email address for email notificationsSummary: Update sender email address for email notifications Content (required): We have email notifications enabled so users are getting email notifications for transac…
Can 'Split Allocation' Expense Itemization default to Template Account Information?Summary: When users try to 'Split Allocation' -> 'By Account' the Account Strings do not display the template used within the Expense Report's default account string as …
Bug 29635007 : EXPENSE REPORT-WITHHOLDING TAXSummary: Bug 29635007 : EXPENSE REPORT-WITHHOLDING TAX Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need the Withholding Tax Application Functionali…
How can Show the Tax Classification Code on the mobile appSummary: How can Show the Tax Classification Code on the mobile app? Need to user from the mobile app can to select the tax code for expenses as a UI how can to show the…
Clear Mileage Recent ListSummary: Is there a way for users to clear their "Recently Used" list in the mileage search for address? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I…
How can apply witholding taxe in ExpensesSummary: How can apply witholding taxe in Expenses item ? Any have idea how can?
Unable to select Payment Method in Mobile Application in 23DSummary: Unable to see Payment Method in Mobile Application in 23D Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are us…
Error "The value Document unique remittance identifier is required" while creating expense reportSummary: Error "The value Document unique remittance identifier is required" while creating expense report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
In Expense Module, names flipping to incorrect employees. Why?Not only are we having the issue with the names flipping it is also causing funds to be deposited to incorrect employees. And I need to add that now I have this happenin…
Expenses Account Distribution defaults to another value after SubmissionSummary: Expenses Account Distribution defaults to another value after Submission. The initial account combination gets overwritten - please advise how we can avoid this…
Expense Report Submitter is not able to see the comments entered by assignee while Requesting infoSummary: We are currently facing an issue in the Expense Report approval process. The submitter of the expense report is not able to see the comments entered by the Appr…Surya Teja Atkuri-Oracle 41 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Surya Teja Atkuri-Oracle Expenses