Credit Management
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credit reviews opens up blank pageSummary: credit reviews opens up blank page oracle cloud Content (required): When Credit Reviews app is clicked. It opens up a blank page. The Credit Manager role is alr…
How do you copy DFFs from AR Invoice to a Credit Memo ?Summary: How do you copy DFFs from AR Invoice to a Credit Memo ? Content (required): AR Invoice have DFFs on header and line. If a Credit memo is created for the invoice…Prakash_Khanchandani 294 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MLawrence Receivables & Collections
Can a credit memo attached to a Rec Invoice be changed to on account CM or attach to a diff invoice?Summary: Can a credit memo attached to a Receivables Invoice be changed to an On account credit memo or be attached to a different Receivables invoice? We have a scenari…
RECORD CUSTOMER WISE PROVISIONS (BAD DEBTS) in ORACLE FUSIONSummary RECORD CUSTOMER WISE PROVISIONS (BAD DEBTS) in ORACLE FUSIONContent My business user wants to maintain the Customer wise Bad debts in Oracle receivables Applicat…User_2025-02-05-09-23-20-020 135 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Brian T. Wolfe-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Default Revenue account for Credit Memo lines not defaulting correctlyContent Hi Would like to kindly seek help as when we are creating a credit memo, the default revenue account combination is not exactly defaulting as some of its segment…User_2025-02-11-12-30-38-982 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-00-10-05-674 Receivables & Collections
New 21B feature: custom email bodyContent Hi, We would like to take advantage of the 21B new feature for customizing the email body of the reminders. I have setup a custom email body (HTML format) in Man…
Credit Transaction - Possible to Auto Populate DFF's from Invoice?Content Hello, we have a use case where we need to create a credit memo for a commercial invoice. We use Credit Transaction to search for the invoice and auto create a c…Marlowe Matoba 38 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Karan Dass-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Account Reference InformationSummary Provide account reference to customers requesting on accounts looking to add businessContent We have customers on a regular basis coming to us asking for referen…User_J9K1Y 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-00-10-05-674 Receivables & Collections
Oracle tables for when a payment schedule has been changed from the defaultSummary Trying to write sql to find any payment schedules for receivables invoices that have been altered from the initial default valuesContent Hi, I have some experien…User_2025-02-10-15-12-48-631 26 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Karan Dass-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How calculate Customer opening Balance and Closing BalanceSummary How calculate Customer opening Balance and Closing Balance for Customer transaction ReportContent Hi Guru, As i am new to AR , wanted to understand , how to calc…Rohit Soni-259808 190 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Manwesh Jain-30070 Receivables & Collections
Reverse 'Create Automatic Billing Adjustments'Summary Reverse 'Create Automatic Billing Adjustments'Content User ran the process "Create Automatic Billing Adjustments" by mistake and leave the transaction type blank…
Need API to update Credit Data Point Value in Case Folder in Oracle Fusion 20DSummary Need API to update Credit Data Point Value in Case Folder in Oracle Fusion 20DContent Hi All, Need an API (REST or SOAP) to update credit data point value in Cas…Gurpreet Singh-252058 65 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Saritha15-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Switch RolesContent How to switch roles in the same Area in the last release , it was working fine in the previous release but now it's confused ?! for example: I'm opening Billing …
How to clear dummy records in AR_CUST_CREDIT_AUTHORIZATION created by AR Credit Check WebserviceContent We were testing the Receivables Credit Check Webservice. (financials/receivables/creditManagement/creditChecking/creditCheckingService) We noticed this has inser…Balachander G-Oracle 43 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Oana Ciuca-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Enabling Customer Payments using Credit Cards on Oracle Bill Managment (20C or 20d)Summary Requirement to enable Oracle Bill Management to allow customer to make payments for their AR invoices using Credit Cards or Bank AccountsContent Hello, We urgent…
Does Issuing a refund for a credit memo for a previous invoice that has been fully paid required theSummary Does Issuing a refund for a credit memo for a previous invoice that has been fully paid required the original receipt to be unapplied?Content Scenario, Sales ord…User_2025-02-11-01-16-13-559 51 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-01-16-13-559 Receivables & Collections
How to send credit memo against a line on previous invoiceSummary Unable to specify previous line number for credit memo to apply againstContent I am sending credit memo against a previous invoice(AR TXN) , The payload given be…Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro 32 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Leonardo Lucas de Oliveira-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to create credit memo for each line on referenced invoice using SOAP web serviceSummary Not able to specify previous invoice line number(s) for credit memo to apply againstContent I'm trying to create a credit memo using SOAP webservice against a pr…Mutasem Sallam-177829 97 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Leonardo Lucas de Oliveira-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Import Autoinvoice ends with an error while trying to process credit memo from subscription managemeSummary Import Autoinvoice ends with an error while trying to process credit memo from subscription managementContent Hello All, We are getting the below error while run…Surya Muralidharan-185000 39 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Baskar.Chakravarthi Receivables & Collections
Best practice to record the details for LG & LC in FusionSummary LG’s ( Letter of Guaranty ) or LC’s (Letter of credit ) or Promissory NoteContent Most of our credit customers are secured against LG’s ( Letter of Guaranty ) or…
Collections or Advanced CollectionsSummary Is there an Advanced Collections in Oracle Cloud?Content We are trying to enable Collections feature for the business users. While researching on the topic the O…Sridevi Srikanth 238 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Sridevi Srikanth Receivables & Collections
Credit Review Calculation (Open Authorization Value?)Summary What type of orders go into Open Authorisation? How is this calculated?Content Hi, Below is the Available Credit calculation profile credit limit (customer profi…
Credit Profile Class on newly created CustomerSummary How to choose a Profile Class when entering/creating a new customerContent When creating a new customer in cloud the customer is created with 'DEFAULT' credit pr…User_2025-02-07-02-13-00-415 52 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Naveen Gowda Receivables & Collections