Sales Planning
Discussion List
how to add custom fields to Available Fields box in Configure Mass Update Fields regionSummary: I want to add custom fields to the Available Fields box in Configure Mass Update Fields region for a custom subject, how can I do that ? Content (please ensure …
How to transfer contacts from one user to another user using mass transfer?I am trying to transfer the contacts of one user to another using Mass transfer but couldn't find the contact object in mass transfer. How to transfer the contacts using…
Periodic refresh adaptive searchSummary: Can we run refresh of adaptive search with an account not having the Application Implementation Role. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Is it possible to call the standard attachment form FNDATTCH from SALES ORDER to PURCHASE ORDER ?Oracle EBS R12 The requirement is to view the attachments in PO and JOB which are attached in SO. In view attachments in PO, only long text is visible not any other file…
Redwood-Entire list is not fitting in the subView layouts in 100% zoom percentage of browser window.Summary: Hi team, We are facing difficulty to see entire list of records in subview layout objects with 100%zoom percentage of browser. Could you please help us to fit e…
Redwood:-How to change header name in the Edit page of Asset objectSummary: In the details page of Asset object ,Product name(Federal Bank Product) is coming in the Header name . So we want to change the header name from Product name to…
What is the functionality of Manage Pipeline (MOO_MANAGE_PIPELINE_PRIV) privilege ?Summary: As per 24D release we have found the privilege Manage pipeline, could you please help us identify the below questions related to that ? We tried to find the Ora…
How can we set Salesperson's Proxy preferences ?We want such function that, when one of the employee is on leave for 10 days as an example , then automatically the lead or opportunity which he was working will assigne…
How to remove "create Appointment" action from Workspace from Activity object.Hi Team, I want to remove "Create Appointment" action from workspace. Can you please me to achieve this requirement. Below is the screenshot of the same.
In Redwood,facing issues with OrchestrationSummary: In redwood sales, While testing the orchestration, under the Success Criteria , unable to select any option in "Next step to Success" or "Next step to Failure" …
Adding Multiple Filters to Visualization Graph in Redwood Sales DashboardI want to add multiple filters to the visualization graph in the Redwood Sales Dashboard. Currently, we are only able to add one filter to the report. Please suggest how…Vijay Kumar Kotagoda 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle Sales
how to check geographiesLOV data in fusion using geographiesLOV APISummary: Hi We're trying to get data using API : /crmRestApi/resources/ Response is count 0 { "items": [], "count": 0, "hasMore": false, "limit…
Opportunity page Lost/ Win field issueSummary: Hi, The issue described below. The status is wrongly updating. Kindly share the working solution for this. @madugulagopi Content (please ensure you mask any con…RamkumarKadhiravan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ravindra Sirigiri-Support-Oracle Sales
Personalized Field is not workingSummary: Hi All, kindly help on below requirement. We are not able to configure the Personalized Name in My Client group —> Sales—> Opportunities. we can see the changes…RamkumarKadhiravan 31 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Madhuri Cheruku-Support-Oracle Sales
In search can we restrict the account"Can we restrict the search to a specific account?"
how to remove record sets lov on account in oracle sales cloud based upon role.Summary: Is it possible to remove sets of LOVs depending on roles using any functionality? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…
Ability to create smart action from opportunity to custom quote object that will create new quoteSummary: A new custom object 'Quote' is created and requirement is to create a new quote from Opportunity. To achieve this, a new smart action is created and passed rela…
SOAP Web Service to update IB AssetSummary: SOAP Web Service to update IB Asset Content (required): We want to update an Asset Product and its Description in IB. What would be the SOAP Web service for thi…
CDMSummary: We want to merge the duplicate contacts in Fusion Sales. However, we have an ERP system where these contacts have associated orders. If we merge the contacts in…
In the Enable Sales Intelligence feature the data for leads is showing differentIn the Enable Sales Intelligence feature under setup and maintenance, the data for leads contact recommendation and lead validation recommendation is showing different f…
Users are getting the error "The value of the attribute team member isn't valid"Users are getting the error "The value of the attribute team member isn't valid" while creating Accounts in the Oracle Fusion CX Sales Cloud Service application. Please …
Sales Module to Redwood SalesGood day, We are looking into the differences between Sales and Redwood Sales to relay this to our end users. We have enabled Redwood sales in our lower instance however…
How to disable/ remove delete action from CX activity calendarHow to disable/ remove delete action from CX activity calendar
TrainingSummary: What are some of the recommended training partners in Canada or online self learning sites for Oracle Sales? Training for someone new to Oracle Sales
Sales Products Setup, does it require Inventory Management setup or it is only PIMSummary: Implementing Sales Cloud and it requires Product hierarchy setup. Do we need Inventory Management setup, as we have multiple Orgs and we do not use the Oracle f…
Wanted to check is there a limit on number of rows we can add to a custom object??Summary: Wanted to check is there a limit on number of rows we can add to a custom object?? We have close to 1.5 Lakhs records ,with 3 columns which we want to store in …
Requesting more information on the AI Lead ScoreSummary: I'm currently working on enabling the Lead (Artificial intelligence) score in the EXOT environment. I have been able to follow the steps and set up the lead sco…
How to Number Records in landing page list ?Summary: would it be possible to add row numbers in front + number of total items that have come out of the search/number of opportunities on a certain landing page ? Co…
Reports from external data sources such as analytics cloud to be support to appear in InfoletsSummary Reports from external data sources such as analytics cloud to be support to appear in InfoletsContent The CX Sales Development team indicates that reports appear…