Total Compensation Statements
Discussion List
Arithmetic Calculation in Compensation Statement Template and Data ModelSummary: Arithmetic Calculation in Compensation Statement Template and Data Model Content (required): In the Custom Compensation Statement based on Custom Fields need to…
Fetch Element Entries in WFC Worksheet Columns.Summary: Hello All, I am trying to write a formula behind workforce compensation plan columns in order to fetch and display the values for element entries for certain in…
Defaulting variable pay percentage based on Depatment and Grade combinationHi Team, We have a requirement where,Different variable pay percentages based on the department and grade values. Scenario : Lets take we have 5 departments and 3 Grades…
Compensation Change Statements "If" ConditionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I am trying to create an IF condition, for the compensation change statement template, tha…
how to default element value using compensation default and overrridewhile changing salary of employee we want to give a default value for one component using fast formula conditions. But it's not working. we are attaching fast formula at…
Value **** for field AssignmentName exceeds the maximum length allowed - Total Comp Item FFSummary: If an employee has an assignment name longer than about 40 characters my Total Compensation Item Fast Formula throws and error. It works for people with Assignm…
Fetch Person EFF values in Workforce Compensation Columns.Summary: Hello All, I have a requirement where I need to fetch a person EFF value to display in the workforce compensation columns. Please suggest if anyone has a sample…
Workforce Compensation UI to Privilege Security Map Rel13 22DSummary: This is a spreadsheet that maps the UI to their associated function and data privileges. Content (required): To assist with security setup within Workforce Comp…
Total Compensation Statement opens to a blank page under About Me > My CompensationSummary: How can we get the Total Compensation Statement to appear under About Me > My Compensation > Total Compensation Statements? Content (required): When the employe…
Hiding the salary field in the header of the Total Compensation StatementCan you hide the salary field in the header of the Total Compensation Statement? I see where you can choose to have the Job or Position show in the Statement Header disp…
Need SQL Quary/get "Retention List" and "Tech Ladder" details of an employee compensation Work sheetSummary: Hi All, I need to get "Retention List" and "Tech Ladder" details of an employee in compensation Work sheet details in fusion HCM Appreciate your valuable input …
where are subtemplates that are being called in seeded "Total Compensation Statement Report"Summary: Seeded report "/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Total Compensation Statement/Total Compensation Statement Report" template is calling subtemplates …Prasad Uppuloori 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Compensation
Mass download of Compensation Change Statements for Terminated AssociatesSummary: For those that were terminated throughout the year and were formal eligible, we will need to mail the change statement at the end of the year. Is there a way to…
Fast formula is not returning value from value setSummary: Get value set is not returning any value in Total compensation formula. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I wrote one FF to fetch t…
total compensation statementSummary: Hello, Is it possible to customize the below request from client in the TCS 1- Colors on the graphs to align the brand of the client? if so, how can we edit the…
Total Reward Statement no longer shows in Employee Self Service after applying fix in Doc ID 2976938Summary: In Me \ My Compensation only the printable statement version is displaying after configuring the solution to get the printed statements working in Doc ID 297693…
Rounding numeric columns in the compensation statementSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, Is there a way to round the numeric columns in the compensation statement? For example, we…
TCS: Generate Printable Statement Process Not CompletingI began the Generate Printable Statements process yesterday (Monday, 3/18/2024) starting at 8:41 AM CST. I finally canceled it this morning (Tuesday, 3/19/2024) at 8:00 …
External Data not reflecting for all employeesSummary: Hi All, I have loaded data into worksheet using External data. After refresh, data is reflecting for some employees , it is not reflecting for some employees. W…
Total Compensation Statement - Excluding an Active EmployeeSummary: Our TCS statement period is 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023. I tried generating a statement for an employee that was active in that time period but terminated on 3/1/2024…
TCS not fetching percentages in the tablular formatHi , We need to customize the letters format/templates as per organization in Total compensation statments. This included the percentages. Attaching a sample format. Hel…
Display name instead of First name in Total Compensation Statement welcome messageCan we put display name instead of First name in welcome message of Total Compensation Statement. For us display name is derived by the below expression: ((NVL(Known_as,…
Total compensation statement - PDF : Customizing the layout of pdf statementsSummary: As we have been having multiple requests from the client on tweaking the dynamically generated pdf statements, we would like to know if there is any direction p…
Dependant Column in WorksheetSummary: We have a 2 user defined columns configured in worksheet and both are of List columns type. Based on the value manager chooses, the other column should be visib…
Can we apply 24A release patch, when Workforce compensation Merit Plan is open/in progress?We have scenairo were our Workforce Compensation Merit plan is open for managers planning in production environment. Question - Though 24A release notes does not have an…
Is it possible to import images into the Welcome Message in the Total Compensation Statement?Summary: As we configure the Welcome Message in our Total Compensation Statement, we'd like to import images that are hosted on CANTO. Is this possible? Content (please …
Not able to Create "Global Model"Content Hi Experts, We are not able to Global Model under Compensation. We are not able to select the Associated Plan & Component from the dropdown as they are blank whi…
Fast Formula to Get Matrix Manager Name or Performance Document Manager Name in Compensation WorkshContent We need to display Employee's Performance Document Manager(PDM) name in compensation worksheet. I have tried enabling seeded columns available in Plans Configure…
TRS Statement showing Currency conversion rate unavailableSummary: We are trying to create TRS statements. We are getting below error: The worker is in UK and all element values are in GBP. The online statement is set to use "W…
Is it possible to rename Acknowledged on label after acknowledging compensation change statements?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we need to rename the highlighted green label after acknowledging compensation cha…