Manage Options
Discussion List
Tax Rate Codes are not selectable in the Upfront Tax section of the Expense Payment Template.I cannot select a Tax Rate Code in the Upfront Tax section of the Expense Payment Template. The Tax Rate Code is pre-set in "Manage Tax Rates and Tax Recovery Rates". Wh…
Why doesn't the "Upfront Tax" section appear in the Expense Payment Template in Lease Accounting?Why doesn't the "Upfront Tax" section appear in the Expense Payment Template in Lease Accounting? I have enabled the "Consumption Tax Management for Expense Lease" in th…
Item Master LOV blank in Manage System OptionsSummary: Hi, We are configuring Lease Accounting within our Dev environment, and are unable to select the Item Master configured in the Item Master for Expense Leases op…
In System Options, what is the expected behaviour if Calculation Calendar is left blank?Summary: In System Options, what is the expected behaviour if Calculation Calendar is left blank? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In Syste…Janelle Azimullah-Oracle 7 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Janelle Azimullah-Oracle Lease Accounting
How do we handle the sub leasing scenarios in Oracle Cloud lease accounting moduleOur client is having subleasing scenarios where they sublease their leases during the lease life cycle. Oracle doesn't provide a standard solution for this till now. How…
How to update Primary Accounting Standard form ASC842 to IFRS16Summary: How to update Primary Accounting Standard form ASC842 to IFRS16 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you …
Need the Lease Accounting Configuration workbook & Test ScriptSummary: We will implement lease accounting , Therefore i need configuration workbook ,Test script .TCM ..ETC. Content (required): Version (include the version you are u…
can have a clarification on option typesSummary: can have a clarification on option types? and what will be changed or impact if select below option type? ◦ Allowance ◦ Bargain Purchase ◦ Construction Warranty…DL003 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Lease Option FunctionalityWe created an expense lease from 1 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2023. Recorded an Option for expansion of lease with the start date of 1 Jan 2024 and end date of 31 Dec 2025. When …
Purchase of Property through PO and linking it to a Lease?Summary: Hi, Our customer is currently having practice where they raise a Purchase Order to purchase properties and they will budget for the ROU account which is the PO …
What is lease invoice numbering nomenclature?Summary: We need to understand lease numbering nomenclature of how it is automatically processing the number, and any way we can change it? Content (please ensure you ma…
Please guide on the functionality of different different Option Types Available in Lease Accounting.Summary: Please guide on the functionality of different different Option Types Available in Lease Accounting. Option Types : Allowance Construction Warranty Expansion Ho…Muhammad Zarlash 46 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Payables Integration is disabled with Yes value in System Option of Lease AccountingSummary: System Option in Lease accounting is not allowing to change the value to no for Payables Integration System Option. Do we need any role to edit this back to val…
Expected Performance of Option Added During Lease Contract CreationSummary: What's the standard performance for options added during the initial creation phase of the lease contract? Should it directly update the lease amortization sche…Chris Tong 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Does Option Start Date have to be more than the Lease termination dateSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Sridhar Margan 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
is it possible to change option start date and option end date after lease activation?Summary: is it possible to change option start date and option end date after lease activation? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (i…DL003 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
pls help clarify on event lease liability reclassificationSummary: pls help clarify on event lease liability reclassification. Their nature account segment are the same. attached result is generated from create accounting execu…DL003 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Impact of having Different calendars for Lease accounting (Periodic) and General Ledger (4/4/5)Summary: Impact of having Different calendars for Lease accounting and General Ledger Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What will be the imp…
Could you pls kindly help provide definition subtype of lease amendment?Summary: Could you pls kindly help provide definition subtype of lease amendment? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
DFF from Lease Accounting to PayablesSummary: Would like to check can DFF at Lease Accounting module can be interfaced to payable module dff? Content (required): Would like to check can DFF at Lease Account…
Cannot select "assemble lease liability and tax recording" for "option type" at payment template.Summary: Cannot select "assemble lease liability and tax recording" when selecting "option" for "option type" at payment template. Content (please ensure you mask any co…
Configuration Import/Export IssuesSummary: CSV import and export functionality and rapid implementation sheet both not working. Content (required): Having a lot of issues with the CSV export/import - loo…
How can I enter Down payment, Initial cost and an Incentive in Lease expense contract?Need to create lease expense contract with Down payment, Initial cost and Incentive.
after renewal, the discount rate changed in original lease contract, how to handle this case?Summary: after renewal, the discount rate changed in original lease contract, how to handle this case? As once lease activation, the discount rate cannot be changed. Con…
Lease accounting for business units with 3 ledgersSummary: My customer requires 3 ledgers local GAAP, US GAAP and IFRS. Each having its own CoA due to the accounting requirements (i.e. the natural account segment value …
Lease Residual Option Exercise Accounting EntriesSummary: Lease Residual Option Exercise Accounting Entries. We are using a lease residual option with a negative amount for the proceeds of sale of assets, but when we e…
how to set Job Level based rules for Lease Approvals(FinLeaseApprovals)Summary: how to set Job Level based rules for Lease Approvals(FinLeaseApprovals) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): are we able to set Job Le…Shogo Ito-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
The Short-term/Long-term accounts to be added for a Lease Payment Template setupSummary: Please confirm the list of accounts that should be on the payment template. The notes below were reviewed and none gave specific account types to place. We need…
If the Right of Use check box is enabled, you must also enable the liability check box (FUN-720679)Summary: Requirement to add dilapidation provision to finance leases which is ROU applicable but not Liable Content (required): A UK business unit has a requirement to a…Senthil Mohanraj 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Janelle Azimullah-Oracle Lease Accounting
Edit Capabilities in Lease Accounting Manage System Options ScreenSummary: If I configured ASC846 under Manage System Options, do I have an option to later edit this configuration to add IFRS16? Content (required): We are adding leases…Sheila Alabrudzinski 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sheila Alabrudzinski Lease Accounting