Discussion List
Does Sequence matter if the Performer is different in a Checklist task?Summary: Does the Sequence matter if the Performer is different in a Checklist task? Content (required): If I were to create a Journey with two tasks - one for the Emplo…
Mandatory fields be removed in all Document RecordsSummary: Hi Team, Other than the Date issued, can all other mandatory fields be removed/deactivated in all document records except, 1. Covid Vaccine, 2. Disciplinary Act…
How to take a back up for perticular module before Cloning refresh?Summary: How to take a back up for perticular module before Cloning refresh? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 21D Code Sni…
Needs to make Preferred First name mandatory for all country's in Person name styles?Summary: Needs to make Preferred First name mandatory for all country's in Person name styles? Content (required): Needs to make Preferred First name mandatory for all c…
After P2T Reports and Analytics not working?Summary: Hi Team, Yesterday P2T was happened in my organization , After that we have masked the user accounts and emails through HDL. After some if we try to enter in to…
How to personalize Name Label in Document of records for document types respectivelySummary: Dear Team,? we have 7 document types in our document of Records. I want to change the "Name" label of each document type respectively. For Document Type -> Peop…User_2025-02-12-14-48-07-866 68 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ravinder Namsani-Oracle Human Capital Management
DFF Help Needed: Need Ethnicity Indicator DFF if the employee selects more than one ethnicityContent With 20B, and how Two or More Races is no longer applicable, and employees can now select multiple races, we have an issue with a whole bunch of broken statistic…
We want to hide personal email under Organization Chart?Summary: We want to hide personal email under Organization Chart? Content (required): We want to hide personal email under Organization Chart? Version (include the versi…
I want to do data Mask for user name and Work email id in test environment?Summary: I want to do data Mask for user name and Work email id in test environment? Content (required): Hi Team, I want to do data Mask for user name and Work email id …
Position Load through HSDLWhile loading the positions using spreadsheet loader, "Full Time or Part Time" and "Regular or Temporary" field values are getting defaulted to "Full Time" and "Regular"…
Configuration for making the effective date of Payment Method to 1st of each monthSummary: If an employee is adding a new Payment Method or changing/editing the existing Payment Method the effective date should be 1st of each month. Please suggest if …User_2025-02-11-12-58-24-333 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Saurabh.Sinha-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to check the list of notifications receivers?Summary: Could you please advice how we can check to whom the notifications was sent after Add Pending Worker transaction? Our customer doesn’t have approvals after Add …
Is it possible to remove non binary from the gender dropdown in only some pages?Summary: Content (required):Hello everyone, Is it possible to remove non binary from the gender dropdown so that non binary will still be available while hire an employe…Satyabrata Nanda 21 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Satyabrata Nanda Human Capital Management
How to create a Distribution list in Oracle HCMSummary: How to create a Distribution list in Oracle HCM Content (required): Hi, we would like to have the possibility to create in Oracle HCM some Distribution lists; t…Alberto Barile 62 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Kathan Bhatt-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to hide contract info in Add Non-worker transaction?Summary: Is it possible to hide contract info section in Add non-worker transaction without impacting other pages like hire an employee, add contingent worker and etc? I…Christian Suarez 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Christian Suarez Human Capital Management
how to embed assignment info in directory area under MY PUBLIC INFO?Hi, Customer wants to embed some details here in the below area of directory on that shows list of all employees in the hierarchy with assignment status like on long lea…
No error message coming on Family and emergency contact page after changing start dateSummary: Issue in new feature in 22A for family and emergency contact info page. Content (required): Hi Everyone, We are facing an issen on Family and emergency contact …User_2025-02-10-16-22-11-164 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is there a way to automatically future date a termination for new hires?Summary: Hi everyone, I'm exploring any configuration capabilities to automatically future date a termination for Contingent Workers upon being hired into the system. My…
Can we personalize Bank Details in Personal Payment MethodsSummary: We are looking to default Bank Name in * Bank field and change "Bank Branch" name. I checked in page composer and not able to edit this. Is there any possibilit…Pragya Upadhyay 2 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran-Venugopal-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Can we provide a warning while employee adds his/her contact like 'if your Contact is already listedSummary We have a requirement to provide a warning message if employee add duplicate contacts in his/her contacts page.Content When employee logs into self service My Pe…Karishma Dhapola 51 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Sreenivasa Subramaniam Human Capital Management
Capturing Personal Payment Methods wtihout Licensing Payroll ModuleSummary: Hi community, Has anyone had success with capturing personal payment methods in Oracle HCM without licensing the payroll module? A personal payment method canno…
What is called "Auto Recovery" phase in Approvals and when it will get Completed?Summary: I submitted one Rehire Process and in Transaction console, it is present in "In Progress" Phase for 10-15 min and later on it moved to "Auto Recovery" phase. Wh…User_2025-02-12-14-48-07-866 56 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by J D Human Capital Management
Manager cannot see direct Reports under My Team> PerformanceSummary: Hi Team, When a manager searches for direct reports (one particular employee) under My Team> Performance, he does not display. However, when manager searches fo…
Location LOV on Employment Info Quick action not workingSummary: Content (required): After 22A update consumption, Location LOV is not returning any result in Employment info quick action. But we can see the LOV in Position p…
How to update the department name of an employee using HDLSummary: How to update the department name of an employee using HDL Content (required): Hi Expert, I have a requirement to update the department name of an existing empl…
Edit Questionnaire for specific Quick ActionsSummary: I am trying to add custom text on the questionnaire page for the Change Assignment quick action. Under Show Component for the custom text, I used the EL, {bindi…
How to customize Notification Message of getting after Approval in HCM CloudSummary: Hi Team, How to customize Notification Message of getting after Approval in HCM Cloud. I want to add Manager name in that message and also want to add one more …User_2025-02-12-14-48-07-866 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kathan Bhatt-Oracle Human Capital Management
Integration of 3rd party intranet with HRHDSummary: Will it be possible to integrate the company's third party communication tool such as their intranet/chat box with the classical version HR Help Desk module in …Rajaraman Subramanian-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Abhishek Sood HCM Human Capital Management
How to freeze/unfreeze employee employment record in Fusion HCM from Person ManagementSummary: Our requirement is to How to freeze/unfreeze employee employment record in Fusion HCM from Person Management > Manage Employment screen and Work Relationship pa…
How to pass a parameter to a BI Analytics report from a UI pageI have a requirement to show FLSA_STATUS of the Job value selected in "Create Job Requisition" page. I am able to add a report to the page through page customization (sa…Santhosh Gangishetty 42 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Human Capital Management