Position Management
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Limitation in viewing "changed attribute" in view history of positionsWe are facing an issue where the HR Admin users are not able to view the changed attribute of the DFF on the position under View History. The record says No attributes c…
Historical data for HCM SalaryExtractPVO, GlobalPersonPVO, PositionPVOSummary: We need to extract historical Salary data, person data and position data. The above mentioned pvo's have filter for end date to extract only active records. Con…
Change national identifier and birth placeHi all. for integration reasons I need the pending worker to be able to independently modify his own national identifier and his own birth place. I add this privileges t…
Need help in deciding Position Type. Shared or PooledHi Experts, We are currently using Position Managment and used Single Incumbent option for all positions till date. Now, we want multiple employees to share a single pos…
How HCM Position Hierarchy synchronization worksSummary: Hello, We need your input to understand how HCM Position Hierarchy synchronization works. The customer needs to enable HCM Position Hierarchy synchonization, th…Laura Souvignet 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Laura Souvignet Human Capital Management
Position : Use Eligible for Enhanced Shift Rate optionHi Experts, We are using Position management with Single Incumbent option. We have requirement that certain positions (for Non-Exempt employees) would be paid $8 extra p…
Parent Position should not be filled automatically in New Position pageHello Team, We are using Position synchronization. When HR trying to create new Position, Parent Position is defaulted to login user position. Here customer requirement …
How can we add action Duplicate Position under My Team to allow quick duplication of a postion?Summary: Hi We have a requirement wherein Line Managers should be able to duplicate a position by navigating to My Team > View By-Position > Select a position (The three…
Position Sync overriding the assignment statusSummary: We have one person with 2 assignment records. One active (Non Primary) and the other one is suspended marked as primary. There had been some changes on the posi…
Query to get assignment category in Positions pageSummary: I am building a BIP report for the active positions in Fusion. I need to fetch the actual Assignment Category found in Positions page: In hr_all_positions_f tab…Patricia Azucena 47 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Patricia Azucena Human Capital Management
List Of Seeded Action Which Should Not Be End DatedSummary: List Of Seeded Action Which Should Not Be End Dated (Doc ID 2410844.1) https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/SearchDocDisplay?_adf.ctrl-state=2dsoktrmp_53&_afr…
Redwood: Core HR and ORCSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, We are currently implementing core hr and orc at the same time and as the redwood…
How to Configuration Position Budget in Global Human Resource?Summary: We have a requirement to setup position budgets. There are some steps we have followed and configured them in the system. Set the ORA_PER_POSITION_BUDGETING_ENA…
Position HSDL Does Not Trigger Expected Processes Based on UserSummary: We have a use case where we need to disable the Flatten HCM Position Hierarchy process from trigger post Position HSDLs. We added the Initiate Business Object P…Paola Garces 52 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Marius Voicu-Oracle HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL)
Position Synchronization not updating the Assignments after loading the assignment data using HDLSummary: Position Synchronization not updating on the Assignment page after loading the assignment data using HDL Content (required): while trying to perform the Global …
Why does My Team Activity Center show inactive employees?Summary: Redwood My team activity center shows inactive positions. Detailed Description: My Team Activity Center > View Positions Using this view, I see former employees…
Allow People to Report to each other while using Parent Position HierarchyWe have a small group of very senior individuals who do not report to anyone, hence lacking true line managers. However, for business and audit purposes, their approvals…
Hide Edit Button Approval NotificationCase: Request a new Position need to be approved by Line Manager +1. Though, he is not supposed to make any changes. This could be prevented by hiding the Edit Button on…
Position Synchronization - Practice Exam Question ClarificationSummary: Hello, I am seeking clarification on the answers to a multiple-choice practice exam question for the Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Implementation Professi…
Data disappearing on Request New Position in Requisition Details RegionSummary: After a Manager Requests a New Position, enters Requisition Details and submits for approval, the workflow shows all data. The first approver Claims the Request…
Difference in 'Request a new position' and 'Positions' quick actions.Summary: Hello Experts, I'm curious about the distinction between the 'Request a new position' and 'Positions' quick actions from an HR perspective. Both seem capable of…
Redwood: Request a New Position - Parent Position is not editableSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, I was trying to create a new position and link a parent position to it, but it se…
Position Type: Shared / Pooled full explanation and impacts?Summary Technically, both Shared and Pooled types allow to hire more than one person. Is there any impact somewhere?Content Hello Experts, I'd like to have a full unders…
Default Position Name in Request new positionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Dears , We have a requirement to default value of Name in Request new position page to be "Employ…Beshoy Hakim-Oracle 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Position Management using Position Synchronization (processing and reporting questions)Summary: Good morning, Our company just implemented Oracle Fusion. We are new to Position Management and are using position synchronization. I'm hoping to get some help …Kristen Clark 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ute Bursian-Oracle Human Capital Management
'Request a new position' - Restrict Jobs, Departments and locations -Summary: We have a requirement where the manager should see only the departments and jobs which are specific to that location. I have created a new BU 'XYZ BU' and mappe…
Restriction of Add/ Change Assignment actions if the dates would run beyond the worker's visa dates.Summary: If Visa expiration date 01.01.2025 then any changes taking place after 01.01.2025 in add assignment and change assignment actions should not take place Content …
Is Requisition Template an available field on Positions within Redwood enabled pages?Summary: Hello everyone! Is Requisition Template an available field on Positions within Redwood enabled pages? Or how can we use job requisition templates if we start ou…
How to avoid Position Changes popup message in Responsive UI upon Position changeSummary: Need to avoid editing of fields in Position synchronization popup message upon changing the Position. Please let us know if we have any way to avoid the same to…puja suryanarayana 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Redwood: Position Sync not Enforced Via Hire an EmployeeSummary: Requirement is to not allow override for Department or Job as part of the sync. This is achieved in RUI via selecting both Job and Department at the enterprise …