Discussion List
How to write an Absence Entry Validation formula based on EFFSummary: Content (required): Hi Experts, We have a requirement to validate an absence based on Person's Assignment EFF data. Is there any DBI or IV which fetches the val…
Is it possible to modify Absence Email Notification Header?Summary: Content (required): We have a requirement where we need to change the subject line of the email notification when a request gets triggered to approve/withdraw/u…
Add acknowledgement step to timecard submissionSummary: Is it possible to add an acknowledgment statement to the employee timecard? We would like the employee to click an acknowledgement of hours between click 'Next'…User_2025-01-25-04-10-57-283 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vijaybabu Workforce Management
Annual BonusSummary: Best strategy for implementing Annual Bonus Content (required): I need suggestion that in Oracle HCM Cloud (Fusion) product, we need to setup Annual Bonus for t…
Balance is showing incorrectlySummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have a work schedule of 7.5 hours per day and an employee is has 25 days of leave that become 187.5 in the system, but it's sh…
How to update 60 hours to all the employeeSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have multiple employees who are having 50+ hours or 55+ something, but we want to make it 60 to all the employees using HDL. I…
The absence duration must be greater than zero. (ANC-3405003)Summary: Content (required): Hi Expert, When we are trying to add the sick leave for an employee and the employee is also having sufficient balance and it is throwing an…
Display custom text when user selects an absence typeSummary: Display custom text when user selects an absence type Content: We need to display the list of documents to attach to an absence request. The list is dependent o…
Validate absence entries against Intranet SSO logins using either Time and Labour or Helpdesk moduleSummary: The organisation is trying to identify and reduce leave liability and we're wondering if a combination of HCM modules can be used to achieve this. We currently …
Is it possible to define a role based validation formula?Summary: Content (required): Hi Experts, We have 2 roles for Absence Administration purpose, say Role 1 and Role 2. We have a requirement to make attachment mandatory fo…
Employee Submitted Absence in Days Does Not Appear in Time CardContent Hello All, I will appreciate your support on the issue below: Employee applied on 2 annual leaves: - First one is on 30.05 (“AUIB Annual Leave T&L” is the absenc…
Scheduler Profile/Team Schedule is blankSummary: Hi experts, When looking at the Team Schedule as a T&L admin, no employees are visible/options to select or even search. When looking at the Time Management til…
How to do restriction on absence once a week?Summary: One-time absence request restriction per calendar week. How do we do it with existing functions? Content (required): We want to impose a restriction so that abs…
Allow negative balance in the first month in Fast formulaSummary: Hello We have a scenario where employees are allowed to take up to negative 5 leaves for an absence Plan (Sick Leave ) (tested successful) And they are not allo…
Alert for Publish Schedule > Ability to Notify the Line Manager of EmployeeSummary: Alert for Publish Schedule > Ability to Notify the Line Manager of Employee Content (required): Hello All, For the alert ‘HTS Schedule Publication’, is it possi…
Can we get Project Name or project Number as a parameter for timecard approvals in BPM WorkflowSummary: Requirement is, For one particular project need to have auto approval. Hence looking for Project name or project number as parameter to hardcode the value in BP…
Can I use Transfer Balance feature instead of Rollover?Summary: Content (required): Hi Experts, We have a requirement to define Absence Rollover rule such that, if an employee has 9 days of plan balance at the end of the pla…
Error with IsNull functionSummary: Content (required): We have a requirement to set Vesting Period based on Person's Probation Period. If a person doesn't have any Probation Period, then there sh…
Unable to run accruals using Calculate Accruals and Balances jobSummary: Content (required): Hi Experts, I'm unable to search for a new hired person in Calculate Accruals and Balances job. The accruals are not getting calculated for …
How to stop accrual of a front loaded plan when employee goes on Leave of AbsenceSummary: Content (required): Hi Experts, We have a requirement to stop accrual of a front loaded plan when employee goes on Leave of Absence. I understand this would be …Pooja S-Oracle 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sahil Mahajan-Oracle Workforce Management
How to Remove 'Request Info' button from BIP enabled approval Email NotficationContent Hi All, Kindly advise How to Remove 'Request Info' button from BIP enabled approval Email Notfication? Regards, Arvind
How to add extra reasons for Adjustments?Summary: How to add extra reasons for Adjustments? Content (required): How to add extra reasons for Adjustments? Version (include the version you are using, if applicabl…
Compensatory Plan show Balance 0Summary Compensatory Plan show Balance 0Content Hello Experts, I have a question, Why the Compensatory plan balance show 0 hours?, Because the employee have available co…
Unable to Add Time Attribute in Time Entry Layout ComponentSummary: Unable to Add Time Attribute in Time Entry Layout Component Content (required): We don't use Fusion Payroll so instead of using Payroll Time Type, I was trying …
No of working days in work schedule how to fetch in fast formulaSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, No of working days in work schedule how to fetch in fast formula. Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Cod…
Absence approval should be different for HR Specialist and Site Time Keeper in Oracle Fusion AbsenceSummary: Absence approval should be different for HR Specialist and Site Time Keeper in Oracle Fusion Absence Content (required): I have a requirement where the absence …User_2025-02-10-12-02-07-770 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-10-12-02-07-770 Workforce Management
Navigation/Path to check Shift DiffSummary: Please suggest the Navigation/Path to check the details of Shift Differential Content (required): Wanted to check if there is any FF defined for Shift Diff Rate…User_2025-02-11-12-58-24-333 41 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-11-12-58-24-333 Workforce Management
How to Make Sure People in Different Time Zone Report Correct Start and Stop TimeSummary: How to make sure people in different time zone report correct start and stop time Content (required): When we create work schedule we don't define which time zo…
Defined color name is UDT not coming in the reportSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have defined some colour names in the UDT and when we are running the report then it comes without the colour name. Please see…
Calendar Event as exception not working in work scheduleSummary Work schedule gets executed but attached calendar event is not getting executedContent Hi All I have created a work schedule and attached the Org hierarchy calen…