Discussion List
Fluid submission How can we have the display columns self arranged or deleted?Summary Fluid submission How can we have the display columns self arranged or deleted?Content Hello , In Fluid under ‘submission’ tab ,below the action bar ,the columns …
Fluid how can we search candidate and have the change step or status right away?Summary Fluid how can we search candidate and have the change step or status right away?Content Hello, In fluid, when searching for a candidates, and clicking on him, we…
Fluid requisition How can we change the default filter to ‘open’?Summary Fluid requisition How can we change the default filter to ‘open’?Content Hello , In fluid new version 20B.3 that we have now ,when going to tab ‘requisition’-> r…
Can we enforce location based user groups when searching for internal candidates?Summary Allowing users to search for internal candidates retrieves all internal candidates regardless of user groups.Content We have recently updated our security model …
Fluid Recruiting - Find a Submission - Quick FilterSummary Fluid Recruiting - Find a Submission - Quick FilterContent How does the Find a Submission work in the Quick Filter? I am not able to make to work? Version 20B.2
20B: Configuring the Quick Search feature.Summary Our team would like to enable the Quick Search feature for our recruiters but only allow them to search for internal candidates on the requisitions they have acc…
Fluid Recruiting - change candidate search criteria required inputSummary Is there a way to change what is required when searching for a candidate in Fluid Recruiting?Content When I search for a candidate in Fluid Recruiting Taleo is r…
Ability to customize list view when looking at submission listSummary In Legacy Recruiting, when in a list of submissions in a req, you can choose a customized view by clicking on this buttonContent You were then able to create a p…
Fluid Recruiting Search CriteriaSummary Don't want Place of Residence field to be required in searchesContent Hello, I'm not able to use the Search feature on Fluid Recruiting nor can I save a Search Q…
New Search functionality 20A and forwardSummary Search is now based off of requisition rather than open search of candidate database, which causes a large issue for duplicate candidate records.Content We have …
Fluid - Find Candidates - How to make Place of Residence non mandatory?Summary Place of Residence non mandatoryContent Hi, Can someone tell me how can I make the field "Place of Residence" non mandatory in Find Candidates feature in Fluid? …
TEE Recruiting CSW Issue in 19DContent Hi, Has anyone experiencing a CSW issue in TEE recruiting? We are currently on 19D, but not sure if upgrading our zone will be able to fix it. I have created an …
TSS Geolocation search radius filter disablementSummary Are there options to either include jobs >100 miles or disable the filter?Content We thought that we had turned off the radius filter that I am attaching in a sc…Cheryl Burwell 37 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Fabrice de Carne Carnavalet Taleo Enterprise
Search Results from Multiple Career Sections in One PlaceSummary Is it possible to search on a single web page, but display results from all career sectionsContent Our organization would like to have the ability to display a s…Ilona Currie 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabrice de Carne Carnavalet Taleo Enterprise
How to remove from career job search advance search filters?Summary How to remove from career job search advance search filters?Content Hello, We would like to know in career portal - > job search - > advanced search how do we re…
Any way to expand state list on Faceted Search?Content Is there any way to have this State list on our career site using faceted search always be expanded? HM in the states not appearing are feeling slighted. Thanks!
How can I make a field non mandatory in Advanced search?Content Hi, Can someone tell me how can I make the attached field non mandatory in Advanced search? "Place of residence" Regards, Nivya
How to add a quick filter in Candidate section under requisition by list formats ?Summary How to add a quick filter in Candidate section under requisition by list formats ?Content Hello, When entering the candidate section ,we added to the candidate q…
How can we filter candidate by the comment field in Change Step or Status screen?Summary How can we filter candidate by the comment field in Change Step or Status screen?Content Hello , We would like when clicking on the 'Candidate' section in recrui…
Report on search terms used?Content Hey all, I'm wondering if it's possible to run any sort of report on the search terms our applicants are using when keyword searching on our TSS site. I haven't …User_2025-02-04-09-58-06-372 36 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Sanket Jayade Taleo Enterprise
candidate advance search -is it possible to filter by custom UDF field ?Summary candidate advance search -is it possible to filter by custom UDF field ?Content Hello, Is it possible to add a filter to the candidate advance search - based on …
Download Resumes in BulkSummary Download Resumes in Bulk as a recruiterContent Hi guys, Is there a way to download resumes in bulk from Taleo? Currently our recruiters seem to only download the…
Talemetry CRMSummary Is anyone using Talemetry with Taleo?Content Hi, Is anyone integrated Talemetry CRM with Taleo using either passport or custom TCC? Like to get input on, how you…
Candidate Pool Moves Over When duplicating RequisitionsSummary The candidate pool looks like it is moving over when we duplicate requisitions but it isn't.Content Today I tried to copy a requisition and when I did, the candi…User_2025-01-25-04-18-57-780 39 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Stacey Hassin Taleo Enterprise
Create Custom URL for Multiple Orgs/Locations/FunctionsSummary Create Custom URL for Multiple Orgs/Locations/FunctionsContent Hello Recruit Users! I found a previous thread on same topic, but it dates back to 2014. Has anyon…User_2025-01-30-00-46-46-858 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ilona Currie Taleo Enterprise
Is it possible to display under candidates only in selection process candidates ?Summary Is it possible to display under candidates only in selection process candidates ?Content Hello, Is it possible that when reaching the 'Candidate' tab, the candid…Revital Mefano 54 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Taleo Enterprise
Fluid RecruitingContent I need to know more about the Fluid recruiting product. As per Oracle documents it's HTML recruiting solution works on the Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud Platfo…User_2025-01-28-21-18-43-496 73 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Rahul Thomas Taleo Enterprise
Google for JobsSummary Location Information for the jobContent Hello all, Google for jobs went live last year. One of the required data elements is location information of the job. Inc…
Remove/add approvers from requsition approval is still enabled after the permission is removed fromSummary Remove/add approvers from requsition approval is still enabled after the permission is removed from user typeContent Hello, We have a recruiter ( configuration p…
A report to get generated on daily basis containing details of IJPContent Hi Everyone, I am working on this requirement can someone help me to achieve this one. A report to get generated on daily basis containing details of IJP opened …