Discussion List
Multiple Goal plan possible ?Summary Multiple Goal plan possible ?Content Hi All, I have general query. our organization has more than 50 department and each department has 20 plus workers. So my qu…
How to create a performance template with goals's overqualification?Summary the client needs to measure a goal when is exceeded on the requirements.Content let's say that we have a sales group where the manager set a goal of 20 pair of s…
What features of Goals in Performance Mgmt can be used, if Goal mgmt is not licensedSummary What features of Goals in Performance Mgmt can be used, if Goal mgmt is not licensedContent What features of Goals in Performance Mgmt can be used, if Goal mgmt …Ritwick Chatterjee 64 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Andrew Gillibrand-Oracle Performance Management
Performance Management - Evaluation cannot be performed concurrentlySummary November Quarterly PatchContent Following enhancement came with the November Quarterly Patch. I tried to validate this but did not find any difference. Has anyon…
Participant Feedback Task Is Causing An ADF Error - After Nov PatchContent We have included a Participant Feedback Section in our Performance document template. When a user clicks on the button to Begin the feedback process. It causes a…
Is using goal plans necessary?Summary Don't want to use goal plans, just goals.Content All, I am wondering whether the HCM system (Goal Management) requires to use a goal plan for each employee? When…Inge Marinus 97 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Ayesha Thilakarathna-51043 Performance Management
Can we bulk load performance ratings against employees using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader in R12 ?Summary Can we bulk load performance ratings against employees using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader in R12 ?Content e.g. by using the Talent Profile business object ? If so…Ruzwan Akram 57 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Janaki Ramana Reddy Vayyala (Inactive) Performance Management
RTF Text Box IssuesSummary Have issues changing text formatting in RTF comment boxes.Content Does anybody else experience a lot of issues when attempting to edit the formatting of text usi…Ryan Murphy-19374 40 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ryan Murphy-19374 Performance Management
Implementing a Performance ScorecardSummary Need assistance with how to create Production related scorecardContent I am looking into how to create KPIs around Quality (email and phone reviews) and Producti…
Assigned Goals % CompletionContent Morning all, I've searched the forum but couldn't see an answer: If a manager assigns a goal to 5 employees, do they all still count as separate goals to the ind…
Extra goal is showing in performance DocumentSummary Extra goal is showing in performance DocumentContent Dear All, I created performance template and added only 3 goals but when I am login as an employee I see 7 g…
Audit on performance documents or participant feedbacksSummary Fusion - Audit on performance documents or participant feedback or Goal addition/deletionContent Would like to know whether we have any audit on Fusion Performan…Janaki Ramana Reddy Vayyala 109 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Sood HCM Performance Management
Goal and Performance Template is not syncingContent Hi I created Performance Goal plan and Performance template. Performance template goals I created, those are coming under Goal plan but, Goals which are under Go…
enabling a goal field only for a specific goal planSummary is there a way to show a Goal field only on a specific Goal Plan?Content In 2016 we simplified our goal setting process and hid many fields on the Goal Details p…
Performance Goal JournalSummary Other employees able to add comment to your goalContent Anyone here implemented or did Oracle even considered other employees able to search or view employee goa…
GOals not reflected in PMS PageContent Hi, Goals created not reflected in PMS.I have tried steps:Actions button->update goal & competency.still not showingkrishiveth 24 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Performance Management
Do not want certain category of goals to be pulled through in a performance documentSummary Do not want certain category of goals to be pulled through in a performance documentContent We have a category of goals for Probation and Performance Improvement…
Goals added to Performance Document as an optionSummary I don't want the goals to be pre-populated on the form but an option to be addedContent I see that there is an Action box where we can pull in goals as opposed t…Denise Jo Crangle 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Denise Jo Crangle Performance Management
Print Workers Performance GoalsContent Hi, Just wanted to see if there is a delivered print functionality available to print performance goals as an HR like we have one to print performance documents …
Not able to add organization owner while Creating organization Goal under manager goal taskContent Dear All I am facing straneg issue in Oracle Fusion Goal management. While creating goal plan I am not able to find any person to add as organization owner. Did …
Organization Owner aligning 'own' goal to Org GoalContent Hello, I do not believe it is possible for an org owner to create an Organization Goal and then create a Goal for him/herself and try to align to that Org Goal. …
System triggers error when users click on edit talent rating in team talent cardSummary System triggers error when users click on edit talent rating in team talent cardContent System triggers error when users click on edit talent rating in team tale…Ritwick Chatterjee 22 views 18 comments 1 point Most recent by Ritwick Chatterjee Performance Management
Can any Supervisor apart from Line Manager start the Review process?Summary Apart from Line Manager other Supervisor need to start the Performance Review ProcessContent Hello Members, We have a specific requirement where we need to confi…Shaibal Bhattacharjee-54763 47 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Shaibal Bhattacharjee-54763 Performance Management
Approve and Reject Links in Goal notificationSummary Approve and Reject Links in Goal notificationContent Good morning, Just wanted to see if anyone has noticed this issue. Now the goal approval - or FYI notificati…
HRG_GOAL DFF with display type as checkbox is appears to be unchecked even though the field is checkSummary HRG_GOAL DFF with display type as checkbox is appears to be unchecked even though the field is checked.Content I have enabled a DFF in HRG_GOAL with display type…Ritwick Chatterjee 49 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Performance Management
R12 Goal IssueSummary Managers can't see direct reports goalsContent Hi All, We just upgraded to R12 and found an issue where managers can't view their direct reports goals. We have d…
Include Reassign Option While Approving Performance DocumentSummary Include Reassign Option While Approving Performance DocumentContent We have turned on the approval process for the performance document and wanted to see if ther…
Directory and Goals for Direct ReportsSummary Directory shows the correct heirarchy but Goals does not show the same list of workersContent In both R11 (Production) and R12 (Test) we are seeing a weird behav…
Standalone Performance and GloalsSummary PM/GM without Core HRContent Hi, Just curious if we can run PM/GM on Fusion standalone without the Fusion Core HR module? Thanks, SindhuSindhu Viswanathan 35 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Michael Smith-2253 Performance Management
Align an Org Goal to another Org Goal using HDLSummary How can you align an org goal to one other org goalContent We have company wide goals defined to an org owner (CEO) and then have Department level goals assigned…Santhosh Ramesh-54758 38 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Performance Management