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How to align organization goal in RedwoodSummary: Hi, Please suggest how to align with Organization goal in redwood. Please provide steps. Also i want to align with only this year organization goal not previous…Glorina Priyadarshini 19 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Glorina Priyadarshini Performance Management
Redwood Goals Success Criteria - TablesSummary: For performance goals in RUI, we use tables in the Success Criteria section for most goals and update the success criteria periodically to track progress. In Re…
Redwood - Target Outcome errorHello experts, During the creation of a goal, when I try to add a Target Outcome, the following error shows up. Do you have any idea why this is happening? Thank you in …
How to update goals DFF of an employee using REST API.Summary: HI Experts, How to update goals dff field values using rest api in fusion hcm. In Rest api documents also there is no URL. Please Suggest. Content (please ensur…
Not able to hide development plan in Performance DocumetSummary: Our requirement is that we need to hide the edit and add access of Development goals from Performance document page. When we tried to use the EL expsression to …
REST API for Fetching and Updating Performance Goal Flexfield AttributesSummary: We are looking for the REST API for getting the Performance Goal Flexfield Attributes (HRG_GOALS) attached to an employee and also to update these via the REST …Paidiparthi Ravindra 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Neelakanta-Oracle Performance Management
Query to Retrieve 'Assigned To' Manager's Personal Data in Transaction ConsoleSummary: I'm trying to fetch personal data (e.g., PERSON_NUMBER, EMAIL_ADDRESS) for the "Assigned To" field in the Transaction Console. However, the only relationship I …
I searched for goals in the Goal Center but found nothing. Can you help me understand why?Summary: I tried searching for goals in the Goal Center but couldn't find anything. Could you help me understand why this might be happening? As an HR admin, I’ve been t…
Redwood Hide dotted line reports option from manager while assigning a goal?Summary: Need to hide the dotted line and other reports under Assigned to when manager is creating a goal under team goal center. And not able to find any document what …
Performance Goals as LM: How to remove "Include Me"Summary: As Line manager, when going to Team Goals Center > Performance Goals, clicking on "Assign Goals" at the end of the page, a box appear "Include Me". Content (ple…
Hide/Remove Assign Goal Button under Manager Goals CenterSummary: Hide/Remove Assign Goal Button under My Team » Goals Center Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I would like to remove the option fro…
Include me flag in performance goals in team goals centerSummary: Hello, I would like to remove the 'Include me' flag when the manager navigate to My Team > Teams Goals Center > Assign Goal > 'Include Me' flag. We are using Re…
Hide the Switch Team button in Team Goals CenterHello When a manager navigates through My Team » Team Goals Center, they see the Switch Team button. We'd like to hide this. I've checked VBS but can't find an option to…
Custom Alert Composer Templates for Performance GoalsSummary: Hello Team, As part of requirements, we want to send email notification to a common mailbox along with existing email and worklist notification for "Worker Noti…
Context Value dependent on Goal CategoryHello everyone, I've been looking for a way if it's possible for a context value (created in the Worker Goal Descriptive Flexfield) to be dependent on the category LOV o…John-Christ Rahmeh 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Neelakanta-Oracle Performance Management
URL modification on Approval button on Email NotificationSummary: URL modification on Approval button on Email Notification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Greetings! We want to check if …
URL change on Approval Button in Email NotificationSummary: URL change on Approval Button in Email Notification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Greetings! Would like to check if any…
All-in-one-evaluation still having the submit button when document is sitting at share documentSummary: Manager has submitted the performance document and when we go into the All-in-one-evaluation the sections we can see them showing a complete. However the submit…
REDWOOD BUG: Manager cannot assign goal to employee.Summary: Dear Team, Our Clients' managers cannot assign goal to their employees in REDWOOD even with seeded role. The page are normal and once the manager click "Assign"…
Old shared goals are showing in Redwood goal centreSummary: In responsive UI, when an employee shared a goal with you, if you accepted it into your goal plan, it disappeared from the shared goals section of the page. In …
Defaulting parameter in Explore Goal PageSummary: We have a requirement of defaulting the View parameter to Library in Explore goal page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Replicati…
How to remove Organization Goals SectionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I cannot understand how to remove the Organization Goals section from the performance documen…
Redwood pages - Getting blank page in Goals and PerformanceSummary: Redwood pages - Getting blank page in Goals and Performance Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We are testing redwood pages in G…
Eligibility for goal plan allows employees to applyThe requirement is that only permanent employee should be able to submit the goal. Eligibility profile is created. I have attached an eligibility for the goal plan. Howe…
Redwood: Goals Center - Performance Goals - page just spinsSummary: We are currently testing Goals Center in Redwood (Me > Career and Performance > Goal Center) however, for our test employee in Performance, the page just spins.…Karlo Ritumalta 259 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Eileen Nicholson Performance Management
How can we Hide Share option in My GoalsSummary: How can we Hide 'Share' option in My Goals. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applic…
24D - Weight section check box is not editable when creating new performance section templateSummary: We are moving to Redwood Performance Management soon but I am unable to create a Performance Template Section with a weighted section for goals since we moved t…
HDL for loading the data into Check in TemplatesCan we use HDL for loading the data into Check in Templates? If so, can some one kindly send me the specific details or related document accordingly. Customer would like…
Line Manager and HR Specialist are unable to delete any competencies in the Perf DocThe performance document has been created for an employee. But for some reason we want the Line Manager and HR speacialist to be able to delete one of the competencies f…
Hide Goal Notes (Redwood)Summary: Hide the goal notes text box from the update goal details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is it possible to hide the 'How's your …