Discussion List
Redwood-Is there a way to default the filter chips values on Explore Goal LibrarySummary: Our company is only using the Development Goal Library, can we default the filter chips values system wide to default to certain filter chip values? We are roll…
Customer submitted the evaluation with out adding the valuesSummary: Hi All, The customer submitted the evaluation without adding the values and star ratings. Now, the customer wants to restart the tasks to provide the ratings an…
VBS Adding / Editing goals label on Goals Summary pageSummary: I am trying to add a new label to distinguish at first glance if they are principal goals or not. Using VBS I haven't been able to get any dynamic information o…
How to add a DFF to the Performance Goal library page in redwood?I have created DFF's as Global Segment under HRA_GOALS and these 2 goals are visible for the employees when the add goal to their goal plan (me
Employee and Manager are unable to copy Goals.Summary: Employee and Manager are unable to copy Goals. However, HR and admin are able to copy the goal. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): W…
Goal - Type field not visible under goal basic info scetionContent Hi, Employee when trying to add goal using goal library, type field not appearing under basic info section. Checked the design studio, type field is set as visib…
"Manage development Goal by HR" does not allow to add development Goal in a Talent PoolWe added the role hierarchy “Manage Development Goal by HR” to a custom role and it does not allow adding a development goal in a Talent Pool (where the user is an owner…
How can I search for a worker by Person Number on Performance Goals page?Summary: How can I search for a worker by Person Number on My Client Group > Goals > Performance Goals page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Goal shared within organization is cascading through local managersHello Everyone! One of our managers shared a goal within his organization. The expectation was that it would have been only shared with employees who are within the orga…
Team goals center manager cannot view employeeSummary: When the manager tries to assign or consult the goals of his team from “My Team -> Team Goals Center” the application keeps searching and never shows the data o…
Redwood: How to hide Subtype Field (Details Section) in Goal Plan creation page.Summary: Hi, We are experiencing an issue with hiding the Subtype Field located in the Goal Plan Details Section when creating a Goal Plan using the Redwood Page. Has an…
Goal weight is not visible even after enabling in Visual BuilderSummary: The goal weight field is not showing even after it is enabled in Visual Builder. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include…
24A Redwood - Duplicate Performance GoalsSummary: Showing Duplicate Performance Goals Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): My Client Groups - Goals - Performance Goals. While searching…
What privilege is needed to allow workers to delete goalsSummary: What privilege in Employee Abstract role is corresponding to the ability of the worker to show three dots when seeing the goal and delete the goal? Content (ple…Katarina Bartova-Oracle 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by InaNotra-Oracle Performance Management
Conditional Approval for Goals during Performance evaluationSummary: We have a requirement where the customer wants conditional approval for the Goals added by the Employee: Case1: Client assigns the Goal Plan > Employee adds Goa…
Redwood: Employee does not have an option to create tasks and measure while creating goalsSummary: Redwood: Employee does not have an option to create tasks and measure while creating goals in Redwood UX where as the same is available in RUI to add Tasks and …Vinod Kumar Ummadisetti 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Karlo Ritumalta Performance Management
Can I get 'Actual Value' field appear in Performance Document?Summary: The goals page has a field called 'Actual Value' which is not visible when navigating to performance document > Show goals info (under goals section). Can anyon…
How to remove Organization Goals SectionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I cannot understand how to remove the Organization Goals section from the performance documen…
Restricting Text Box to accept only text and no HTML or soSummary: Restricting Text Box to accept only text and no HTML or so Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! There is an ask to…
HSDL | Default value is not working for "Goal Type" and "Goal Version Type"Hi team, I'm writing you because I'm meeting an unexpected behavior in HSDL design. The aim is load "Actual Value" for a Measure by using HSDL tool. Trying to enter "Per…
Redwood: Hiding Context Value Field and DFF in Goal PagesSummary: Performance and Development Goal pages are showing Context Value field and Flex DFF fields. When attempting to hide theses fields using VBS, there is no option …
Goal Setting RemindersSummary: Goal Setting Reminders Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we have configured an approval workflow for the goal settin…
Error with talent review: attribute value duplicateDears, we have an error that appears when using Talent Review. The error appears when we try to save or open the table of Talent Review. The error that appears is: "Attr…
Clarification needed for ORA_HRA_SYNCHRONIZED_GOALSSummary: We enabled Redwood Goals and Performance and the Performance template had the checkbox ticked for using sync goals. We tested goals were syncing in our test env…
Allow assignees to edit goal definition not workingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, When the manager add a goal in the goal plan of its employee, although the manage uncheck the…
Employee Count Utilizing AI Asset for Performance Evaluation and Goal SettingWhat is the total number of employees currently using the AI asset for their performance evaluation, goal setting, and feedback processes? Additionally, can this data be…
Transfer goals from inactive assignment to active assignment after rehireSummary Goal transfer between the assignmentsContent Hi Team, We have a terminated some employees and rehired them in new legal entities. But those employees are already…
Redwood: Not able to see all the departments in Library goalsSummary: Hi Experts, While creating Library Goals i am not able to find all the departments. I ran this process name: Scheduled job to create index definition and perfor…
Query to get Current Task of Performance DocumentSummary: Oracle provided one of the Doc KB52096 with script details and observed that this query also getting multiple statuses instead of current task status. Used belo…
Move Goals from Inactive Assignment to Active Assignment for Same Goal PlanSummary Move Goals from Inactive Assignment to Active Assignment for Same Goal PlanContent When the employee trying to move goals in the goal plan the 'Move' button is i…