Discussion List
Succession Plan - Job List of valuesHello, In the Succession Plan functionality, when we click in the job field, it is being displayed the multiple jobs we have, regardless the job data set. However, our i…
DFF data not being displayed in Succession Plan Redwood UISummary: We have an issue with the DFF data not being displayed in the Succession Plan (Plan Info) Redwood UI. Navigation: My Client Groups --> Succession Plans --> Succ…Gyan Borah 128 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Kiran Pasikanti-Oracle Career and Succession
New Succession Plan page: When adding a candidate it wipes the value in the department fieldSummary: When a user is creating a new Succession Plan (My Client Groups » Succession Plans » Add) and enter the following details for the Succession plan info; Name of …
Accessing "Add Using Best Fit" in Succession Planning from Talent ReviewHi team, I’m currently working with the Talent Review module and noticed that during a Talent Review meeting, I can add a Succession Plan. I was wondering if it’s possib…
Custom HR role not displaying results in "Add Using Best-Fit" (Succession Plan)Hi Team, my custom HR role is unable to view the results of the "Add Using Best-Fit" functionality within the Succession Plan. When I access a Succession Plan, click on …
Restrict Custom Role for Succession Planning to Line Managers OnlySummary: Hi Oracle Community, We are trying to grant Line Managers access to create Succession Plans in Oracle Fusion. Since the seeded roles did not meet our requiremen…
Succession Plans - Error when adding a candidate to a Talent PoolSummary: We would like to avoid getting the error "Error response during RestAction" when adding a candidate to a talent pool Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Succession Plans - Candidate information window not showing?Summary: We would like to know why we can't see the plans summary of a candidate in a succession plan Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, …Giuseppe Casalino 17 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Revathi Tippabhotla-3965 Career and Succession
How does the Willingness to Relocate field get populated on Succession PlansSummary: I have followed the instructions to make the fields: "Risk of Loss", "Impact of Loss" and "Willingness to Relocate" fields visible for Candidate details on Succ…
Redwood: Can you configure the flag in View Succession Organization Chart?Summary: Redwood: Currently when you click on the View Succession Organization Chart and search for a person the employees appear with a red flag beside their name if 1 …
Restrict Custom Role for Succession Planning to Line Managers OnlySummary: Hi Oracle Community, We are trying to grant Line Managers access to create Succession Plans in Oracle Fusion. Since the seeded roles did not meet our requiremen…
creation succession plan - how to filter position fieldSummary: Hi all, when we create a succession plan (plan type: Position) in the position field we can select from a drop down menu all the position. We created position w…Alessandro Nesi 19 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Brooke Jackson-Oracle Career and Succession
Job Dropdown not working while creating Job succession planSummary: Hi experts, Our HR Admin is unable to create a Job succession plan as the Job dropdown isn't working. The job being entered exists; after typing 3 letters, the …
Redwood-25ASuccession Management- Why all the drop down values are not having consistent experienceSuccession Management Redwood Experience - Updates to List of Values As per the release notes not all the details are appearing consistentlyNamrata Sonavane - JP Morgan Chase & Co 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Namrata Sonavane - JP Morgan Chase & Co Career and Succession
Can we use best fit analysis to add memebers to talent pools or succession plan by Using PositionSummary: Can we use best fit analysis to add memebers to talent pools or succession plans by using of position profiles. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…Prakash patnaik 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Revathi Tippabhotla-3965 Career and Succession
Redwood Performance and Succession-Duplicate Tile and action buttons are visibleSummary: I am currently working on enabling Redwood pages for Succession Plans and Performance and having some issues. After enabling pages i can see duplicate Successio…
Redwood is not showing direct reports on the different talent management pagesSummary: We enable the redwood theme for talent management pages, but unfortunately on all the different pages when is appicable the direct reports are not displayed for…Angel Fabian Villalobos-Oracle 457 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by K Patil-Oracle Career and Succession
Redwood Succession Plan DFF behaviourHello, We are testing the Succession Plan functionality within Redwood interface, and we have a few DFFs for this. The issue is that once we fill the DFFs with any value…Filipe Mendes 82 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Kiran Pasikanti-Oracle Career and Succession
How to hide External Candidates section in Succession Plans?Summary: How to hide External Candidates section in Succession Plan Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Everyone, I have a requirement t…Ahmed Abdelraheem 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Neelakanta-Oracle Career and Succession
25A Succession Management Automatically Remove Candidates Whose Employment Was TerminatedSummary: We are attempting to enable the Automatically Remove Candidates Whose Employment Was Terminated feature from 25A. The notes indicate you must enable a Profile O…
How to access person spotlight in redwood succession planning candidate page?Summary: Hello, In the Responsive UI, clicking on the succession plan candidate name will open the person spotlight page displaying all the information necessary to make…Jelle Kerstjens 142 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Giuseppe Casalino Career and Succession
Line Managers unable to edit performance and potential scores in Talent ReviewSummary: Line Managers that are "reviewers" in Talent Review are unable to edit the performance and potential scores when preparing review content. There is the ability …
Redwood: The 'Add to Succession Plan' feature is displaying a blank 'Select Plan' list of valuesSummary: Hi All, The manager is attempting to add candidates to the succession plan using 'Add to Succession Planning', but the 'Select Plan' dropdown is blank. Your inp…
Succession Planning: Back Button loop when clicking on Person Spotlight page via Succession Org ChrtSummary: We have found that when a user takes the following navigation, they will get into a endless back button loop. Causing them to have to go back to the homepage to…
Add new Succession Plan - How to customize position attributeSummary: We would like to customize the Position attribute into the New Succession Plan page to make it more user friendly to use Content (please ensure you mask any con…Giuseppe Casalino 7 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Brooke Jackson-Oracle Career and Succession
Succession Organization ChartSummary: Hi Experts, Do we have option to add/modify the fields in succession org chart with latest release 22D and or upcoming 23A? Also, can you please share some insi…
Talent Pool members find by analysis not retrieve any employeeSummary: Talent Pool members find by analysis not retrieve any employee Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we would like to re…
Suggestion Strength Value are not showing as expected While adding Suggested CandidatesHi Team, We are trying to create a new succession plan using Job Plan Type. So, While we are about to add Suggested Candidates, Suggestion Strength is not showing the co…Indhu Gomathi Nayagam 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by InaNotra-Oracle Career and Succession
Adding new field grade to Succession Plan of type PositionSummary: Hello, Can we add additional fields on Succession Plan Info page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are implementing Succession …
Not able to view Suggested Candidates in the Sucession Plan even after enabling Job Model ProfilesHi Team, While creating a new succession plan using Job Plan Type and while we try to add a candidate using Suggested Candidates, We could not able to see the default su…Indhu Gomathi Nayagam 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by InaNotra-Oracle Career and Succession