Talent Profile
Discussion List
How to add Description in Skill and Qualifications sectionSummary: Hi, I tried to fill "Description" area of each Skill and Qualifications sections. E.g. Languages section, as you can see below, shows something written in "Sect…Silvia Stangarone 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Career and Succession
Approvals for Talent rating , succession plan , talent review meeting submissionSummary: Hello All, In Talent Management, we could not find provision to configure approvals for Talent rating , succession plan OR talent review meeting submission. Onl…
OTBI Subject Area for Item Details in Item Catalog > Content ItemSummary: I am creating an OTBI report to show the data on Profiles > Item Catalog > Template: Licenses and Certifications > Item Catalog Name: Qualifications and I canno…Carlo Reyes-59977 132 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Career and Succession
Development Goal Learning featureHello, I did all steps for appearing Development Goal Learning but not appear 1- WLF_LEARN_SELFSERVICE_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED is enabled 2-Enable Development Goal Details Dr…
Seeking feedback from users of the Enhanced Talent Profiles ‘Search Model Profiles’ navigationSummary To improve and unify the Enhanced Talent Profiles experience, we are looking at removing the Search Model Profiles navigation.Content Specific navigation we are …
Competencies Rating not displaying in Skills and Qualification section with review in Complete statuSummary Supervisor rating not displaying on Employee's talent profile even after the review is "Complete" statusContent Competencies are supposed to display in the emplo…
Redwood - Licenses and Certifications Section - Renewal Required does not show list of values?Summary: Redwood - Licenses and Certifications Section - Renewal Required does not show list of values? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Re…Mansur Khalil 21 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Thembi Siquqo-Oracle Career and Succession
While creating Talent review meeting do we have limitation of number of reviewers/participant as 500Summary: While creating Talent review meeting do we have limitation of number of reviewers/participant as 500 maximum. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
HDL to load a custom section of Skills and Qualification containing DFFSummary: Hi, We need to load a custom section of Skills and Qualifications containing DFF and default values. we have used the below .dat: METADATA|ProfileItem|ProfileCo…Silvia Stangarone 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sangeetha Jayapalan Career and Succession
Make content sections in Skills and Qualification visible only if the records are populatedSummary: Hi experts, We currently have 31 content sections in the Skills and Qualification page and the client would like to hide dynamically the sections which are not …
Where can an Employee see his own position profile or LM see his direct's position profile?Summary: If I am an employee currently attached to a position. There's a position profile (model profile) created for my position. What's the navigation to see my positi…
Skills is not visible under MeSummary: In employee self service skills is not visible Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if app…Sumathi Sivaraj-Oracle 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Krishnaveni.B -Oracle Career and Succession
Removing Profile Strength from Skills and QualificationsContent Hi all, We noticed the new Profile Strength indicator within the employee Talent Profile and are hoping to remove this section. I didn't see this represented in …User_2025-02-05-10-25-34-039 104 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by AdityaSaini Career and Succession
Which table stores talent review meeting historic data?Summary: We need table name that stores the historic data when employees are moved from one box to another. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…Kshitiz Sinha 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priyanka Jain-Support-Oracle Career and Succession
Is it possible to limit the characters in the Career Statement in the Talent Profile?Is there a way we can limit the number of characters someone can enter in the Career Statement in the Talent Profile? IF we do this, what happens to existing Career Stat…
Talent profile not visible to HRSummary: Talent profile not visible to HR Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, when an HR is trying to access TALENT PROFILE for employ…
Parameter #{bindings.PersonId.inputValue} in Skills and Qualifications pageSummary Parameter #{bindings.PersonId.inputValue} in Skills and Qualifications pageContent Hello, I need to use the # {bindings.Person Id.input Value} parameter on the S…
Deeplink for Redwood Talent ProfileSummary: We need a Deep link to the Talent Profile for Redwood pages for Me ,My team .Has someone found this or Anyone has an idea where we can get the deeplink for Redw…
Talent profile not getting display on career development pageWe have custom Talent Profile Career Power copied from Career Preferences not getting display on Career Development Page Following steps are completed. 1.Have added Cont…bhatt Jatin-Oracle 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by bhatt Jatin-Oracle Career and Succession
Make State field mandatory based on CountrySummary: We need to make 'State/Province' field mandatory if the country is US or Canada in 'Skills and Qualifications > Certifications'. Could you provide the EL code f…
Employees access to edit Skills and QualificationsHi All, We have created a custom Employee role to give access to Employees to their Skills and Qualifications, Skills Center and Connections page only. But wee see that …
Competencies are not uploaded after uploading Talent Profile HDL including competencies?Summary: Content (required): Competencies are not uploaded after uploading Talent Profile HDL including competencies? Position Profile is uploaded successfully without u…
Loading Additional License and Certifications using HDLSummary: Hello, I need to load additional licenses and certifications into HCM. The existing list is limited and we want to expand this. I want to use HDL to facilitate …
Can Position Profiles be loaded through an HDL loaderSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Profile CLOB Additional FieldsSummary: We have a requirement to capture text which is greater than 1000 characters, we have enabled DFF attributes but DFF has length of 240 characters. This requireme…
Can we add a field on development goals to indiciate if the person is part of succession plan?Is there an ability to add an identifier to Development Goals to indicate whether the individual whose development goal is being viewed is part of a succession plan. The…Tanya.Chopra 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
Person Spotlight page is not displaying data in TEST PODSummary: On My Client Groups>Person Spotlight page is not displaying any list of employees with our without searching, expectation is page should display list of Employe…Kavya Veluri-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anca Putanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Remove "Add to Succession plan" from line manager RoleContent Hi, I need to remove only "Add to Succession plan" link from line manager role without page customization.Kindly help. To reproduce: 1. Created an abstract role …
Unable to see "Previous Employment" in skills and qualification pageSummary: Under Skills and Qualifications there was specific place where we could add all previous Work Experience. But now it is gone. Content (please ensure you mask an…
DFF based on Seeded field in Talent ProfileSummary: We have a requirement in talent preference content section Work requirements .Where I have to enable the DFF if the Seeded field value of Willing to relocate is…