Discussion List
Can we rearrange the sequence of the default value sets in Profile itemsSummary: We have a requirement that for some fields like Yes/No dropdown, the option should not appear alphabetically - No/Yes, but as Yes/No. Is there aby way to config…
Error Message on Talent Profile - stuck transactionSummary: Hi there, Somehow a transaction approval has become 'stuck' and we can't make any further actions on the Classic View Talent profile without receiving an ADF_FA…
Succession Plans - Error when adding a candidate to a Talent PoolSummary: We would like to avoid getting the error "Error response during RestAction" when adding a candidate to a talent pool Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
How to access person spotlight in redwood succession planning candidate page?Summary: Hello, In the Responsive UI, clicking on the succession plan candidate name will open the person spotlight page displaying all the information necessary to make…Jelle Kerstjens 144 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Giuseppe Casalino Career and Succession
Add multiple attachments in profile management.Hello experts, We are working on a business requirement to enhance the Profile Management module by improving the attachment functionality. Currently, there is a common …
MF_NUX - Inactivating Completed Career Development GoalsSummary Not able to mark a previously completed Career Development Goal as InactiveContent In the new responsive UI we are not able to change Active = "No" on completed …
Using AI Assist in the Overall Summary of the performance document populates “No Anytime Feedback”Summary: We do not use Anytime Feedback (only participant feedback) and when we use AI Assist in the Overall Summary of the performance document it populates “No Anytime…
Talent Review Meeting - holding areaSummary Default holding area to visibleContent Is it possible to change the Holding Area default to automatically display when entering meeting? I attempted to do so via…
Talent Profile: Verification Done by Third PartySummary: Hello, what is the meaning of the following flag "Verification Done by Third Party"? How it works? Any suggestions? Thank you Regards Alessandra Content (please…Alessandra T. 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Melanie Mahon-Oracle Career and Succession
Career and development goal library - Target outcomes not showing attributesSummary: We are unable to inactivate attributes from the section Target outcomes Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, when we go into My Cl…Giuseppe Casalino 113 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Vitória Albuquerque Career and Succession
talent pool - not able to use best-fit feature during cration of a talent poolContent (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, when I create a talent pool I can add only individual member, as you ca see below When I edit an alrea…
Need to hide the Add button for a specific section of the Talent Profile only for a roleSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I have an issue occurring when from profile content section access the Certificate…
Need Help on Structure EL ExpressionSummary: I need EL expression to hide Career Development tile from Me > Career and Performance but make it available from an custom Page Group created as Career Planning…
How to add fields in the "Item catalog" page in profiles using Redwood?Hi all, consulting the "What’s new" for Redwood Experience for Profile Management () I read that the page "Item catalog" doesn't support descriptive flexfields (DFF). Do…
Career development - when will redwood UI become mandatory?Summary: From ME > Career development, we are using the responsive UI, when will redwood UI become mandatory? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…Alessandro Nesi 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
Change Label in Skills and Qualifications in RUISummary: Change the Label of Fields under Sections in Skills and Qualifications. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): EL expression throwing er…Meenal.Bhosale-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Meenal.Bhosale-Oracle Career and Succession
talent review templates - can we customize analytic option?Summary: Hi all, we are creating a talent review template and we would like to know if the analytics option are editable. we would like to use other parameters to evalua…
Redwood: Learning Specialist cannot search employee's talent profilesHello, Logged as Learning Specialist, I hired a new employee and created the talent profile. I can see his talent profile (skills and qualifications Responsive page) whe…
Learning Specialist cannot search for a specific user on Talent ProfilesSummary: Hello, I created a new dummy user account but when searching for it as HR Specialist, I cannot view results. Does somebody have some suggestions? Thank you Ales…
Manager cannot view employee's talent profileSummary: I have added the roles to access skills and qualifications from MyTeam. The manager is able to search for their direct report, but once they enter the employee'…Alessandra T. 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Career and Succession
Privileges to access Talent Profiles quick actionsSummary: Hello everyone, what are the privileges associated to Talent Profiles quick actions below My Client Groups tag? Thank you Regards Alessandra Content (please ens…
Certification on Skills and Qualifications: Make URL mandatorySummary: Hello, is it possible to set the URL as mandatory in Redwood UI? is it needed Visual Builder? Does anybody have some suggestions on how to do it? Thank you Rega…
Make attachment as required for Certification sectionSummary: Hello, for our customer it is very important to make the attachments section of certifications as "required" but when inserting the condition in the JSON code i…
Button to open a report in a different browser pageSummary: Hi experts, We are configuring a button in the "Public Information" page in order to redirect the user to a Talent report. We created a button using the followi…
add button linked to report in spotlightSummary: Hi, We would like to configure two buttons linked to a downloadable CV report in Person Spotlight> Public info as shown below: Kindly, could you help us underst…
Criteria for succession plan best-fit?Summary: Hi, when finding the bast candidates for a Succession Plan, we would need to leave as "Criteria" only "competencies" and remove all the others: Licences, Degree…Silvia Stangarone 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ilaria Petrosino Career and Succession
How to enable "Recommended careers based on profile data"Hi, can you explain to me how to enable the "Recommended careers based on profile data" section on "Explore careers" in "Career development" page? I have already enable …
Cannot upload person profile by HDL for new hireSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we need to massively upload person profile area for new hire. I'm using the follow…
Edit text notification on icon bellHi to all, we have to customize notifications related to career development page. I'm referring to the notifications that manager and employee received when manager or H…
Customize the Rating Source in Talent Ratings pageSummary: Customize the Rating Source in Talent Ratings page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we would like to create a custo…