Discussion List
query for all assignments made by an initiativeSummary: We are hoping to build a report that will let us determine all assignments made in an initiative. I am not sure where to start. Content (please ensure you mask …
Score not appearing in user transcriptSummary: We've had LearnCenter for quite a while now, but recently when a user completes a particular LP, the score is not appearing in the user's transcript. Instead, i…
Is there any way for us to view who made assignments?Summary: I have the "educator" role admin rights for our LMS. Is there a way for us to learn who made an assignment to one of our team members? Our organization also has…
Find out "who" made an assignmentSummary 2 people were assigned up to 89 items on 4/28 with 5/4 due; 7 days after I get past due emailContent Need to know who made the assignment. * Both users were assi…
Trouble with AssignmentsSummary Trouble with AssignmentsContent I'm incredibly new to assignments and while I've read (and re-read) the Help topics all day, I can't seem to figure some things o…
Assignments - not respecting HTML markup in the description field anymore - when viewing via the oldSummary Anyone put html markup into their assignments and seeing a similar issue?Content When you pull it up in the gradebook the HTML markup is being respected and the …
TBE Learn- Assigning Learning PlansContent We have a number of learning plans that we have to assign to each new hire upon their start date. At this time, the only way to do it is to assign to each indivi…Mallory bernard 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-22-23-34-618 Taleo Learn
Dynamic Group Learn Plan due dateSummary How to change the Learn plan due date to N/A on a dynamic groupContent We have a Dynamic Group where all the new hire's will get assign with a Learn Plan due as …
Dynamic Group ErrorSummary Error in assigning the learn planContent Team, When a LP is assigned to a Dynamic Group, accidentally it got assigned to few employees who are not supposed to be…
Showing assignee email idSummary when adding an employee to an enrollment it is showing assignee email id instead of general email id like training@company.comContent Team, Any one has any sugge…
Assignments plain text boxSummary Is there a way to enter text in the Assignment Objective box so it wraps properly when it displays on the end user side?Content I'm creating an assignment in Lea…
Optional Assignments in Learning PlansSummary Optional Assignments in Learning plans showing OverdueContent We have multiple learning plans that are assigned to our supervisors throughout the year. The learn…
Learn Plan due dateSummary The learn planing due date is showing the past due dateContent Team, We have created a learn plan with due date 10/1 initially and changed it to the option "By D…
BI Reports Do not pull certain mappingsSummary Learn BI Reporting does not show all the mappings for certain ItemsContent I have a Dynamic Group mapped to a single Job Profiles.When I created and ran a simple…
Lauch a course via an icon or image?Summary Does anyone know if it is possible to link a course launch to an icon or image and how I would go about this?User_2025-01-23-20-24-44-923 53 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-22-18-42-859 Taleo Learn
Found Bug with Sub/nested Learning PlansSummary When using common sub learning plans under other learning plans there is a bugContent Okay, This one has been bugging me for a very long time. We have people put…
Notification by EnrollmentSummary Notification by Enrollment not skill or AssignmentContent As per the attached screen shot for the notifications, there are two item mapping types for this which …User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 39 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 Taleo Learn
Recurring AssignnmentsSummary Can Assignments Recur?Content I have an internal customer that wants to use Skills to represent a Certification that renews every 2 years. He initially wanted it…
Re-Training with Learning PlansSummary A user needs to retake 1 course in a learning plan that they've previously completedContent Hello, I have a user who has completed some of a learning plan, but n…
Employee fees reimbursementSummary Employee fees reimbursementContent If the users went for external training and bring back invoices for their expenses, 1) Can these invoices be linked on Taleo t…User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 36 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 Taleo Learn
Force a course to open in a new windowSummary Is there a way to force a course in the system to open in a new window?Content I have the new course player enabled and running into issues with the older course…
OHUG 2018 - Lets make plans to Share your learning center experiences and issues with othersSummary Lets use the free time wisely - Lets do some informal Formal sharingContent Hi everyone. Since there seems to be some gaps between the OHUG Learn Sessions and th…
Ability to allow Users to self register for some ILT Enrollments and not for othersSummary Is there a way to allow Users to self register for some ILT Enrollments and not for othersContent We have product training that we provide for external people wh…
Vote it up: Add a signature field to the instructors to allow it to be printed on the certificateSummary Add a signature field to the instructors to allow it to be printed on the certificateContent There is a need in some regions, countries and companies to have the…
Skillsoft AICC CoursesSummary We have compliance courses that have to be taken every two years which are purchased from a vendorContent We currently build Assignments for the course. This has…User_2025-01-23-22-12-11-388 50 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-23-22-12-11-388 Taleo Learn
Assignment Deep LinksSummary Assignment Deep Links Not working in various formatsContent Folks: Hi. I did a search and found two posts from almost two years ago on assignment deep links and …User_2025-01-23-20-10-20-068 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-20-10-20-068 Taleo Learn
Job Aids for LearnSummary Does anyone have job aids they are willing to share?Content I am looking for supervisor and user job aids. Supervisor: * view employee assignments/learning plans…User_2025-01-25-01-40-29-999 91 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Connie Castillo-Winkler Taleo Learn
OHUG 2018 - Lets make plans to Share your learning center experiences and issues with othersSummary OHUG 2018 - Share your learning center experiences and issues with others & have Live Usability feedback sessions with OracleContent We should find a location an…
Oracle HCM Users Group (OHUG) 2018 Conference – It’s all about the Products!Summary OHUG 2018 – Register today to save $600!Content OHUG 2018 – It’s all about the Oracle HCM Products! The annual conference is back in amazing Las Vegas this year,…User_2025-01-23-20-08-09-184 36 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-23-26-09-084 Taleo Learn
Is there a way to change the due date of a Learning Plan?Summary Learning Plan set to be due 30 days after assigned, but should actually be 14.Content Is there a way to change the time span/due date of a learning plan?