Discussion List
Compound Chart Layout Printable PDF - Unwanted White Space Between ColumnsSummary Printing Compound Layout of three columns of charts to PDF, experiencing expanded white space.Content There is my first post. I hope this is an easy fix. I have …
Combining graphs with different X axis datesContent I am trying to create a graph in OBI that will show the week on the x axis, and trend both the first fully approved date count, and the cancelled date count over…
Cannot get IS NULL to work with OR and GREATER THANSummary Cannot get IS NULL to work with OR when trying to create a formula that is NULL or GREATER THAN a certain number.Content Hi! I am trying to create a formula for …
How to set format for a date UDF?Summary How to set format for a date UDF?Content We are unable the customize a date UDF via the column properties of an OBI report. Is there a trick to this?
Application Historical Tracking Date and corresponding Application Historical CSW StepSummary Application Historical Tracking Date and corresponding Application Historical CSW StepContent This is an easy one but my brain is fried with the upcoming holiday…
Folder Security UI is super slowSummary Folder Security UI is super slowContent Hi, Folder Security is a good feature provided by Oracle under Oracle Administration. However the UI is super slow and 15…
Create a variable to count offer accepts where start date is > current dateContent Hello, I am creating a table that counts by location the various stages of the candidate life cycle. One of those counts is on offer accepts where the start date…
Help on logical formula in OBISummary Help on logical formula in OBIContent Hi, I have a report where I use "Case When" to populate result in two columns based on two different conditions. Now I have…
OBI Capability - Search & Replace TextContent One of my business partners heard that this was a possibility. I’m wondering if you know or can find out if there is a way to “search and replace” content in a r…
Referred Candidates - Completed Submission vs IncompleteSummary We are trying to isolate referred candidates that have that have not finished the job submission process for the job on which they were referred.Content Hello- A…
Column size export to ExcelSummary My column size in Column B H and J are way too large when I exportContent Hi all~ No matter what report I run, when I export the report columns B H and J (so far…
First Req. History Transaction date (when posted externallly)Content MIN(CASE WHEN "Requisition Posting"."Posting Source" = 'Career Section - EXTERNAL' THEN EVALUATE('TO_CHAR(%1,%2)' AS CHARACTER,"Requisition Tracking History"."Re…
Active Candidates ReportSummary We would like to know the number of active candidates we have in certain steps.Content Because of some poor reference model build when our Taleo system was imple…Kristen Sauder-15425 58 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by JF Carpentier-23261 Taleo Enterprise
Filter or dashboard prompt issueContent Hi, I wonder if anyone can provide answer to this. I created a req report which includes names of recruiter. I applied a prompted filter on Recruiter as I planne…
Recruiter Active Requisition Totals Month to MonthSummary Active Reqs by Recruiter Month to MonthContent Can someone help me build a report? I am wanting to show a total of how many requisitions a recruiter has open at …
Display values in separate columnsSummary Display values in separate columnsContent Is there a way to display the Evaluation Evaluator Name field is separate columns if there are more than one? I have tr…
Candidate Q&A per a specific Requisition ID - Grid Type Report LayoutSummary Candiates in column on far left vertical column, Questions across top and answers populated within report as a grid type layoutContent This report will use the C…
How to get the nationality of a candidate or the language spoken by the candidate?Summary How to get the nationality of a candidate or the language spoken by the candidate?Content Hi All, One of my team members wanted to access all Dutch speaking cand…
Specific Posting Source as Yes/No Field on ReportsSummary I would like to make a yes/no field to say if a requisition is posted to our external career site.Content I would like to make a yes/no field to say if a requisi…Kristen Sauder-15425 36 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kristen Sauder-15425 Taleo Enterprise
Attachments on Candidate ProfileContent How do I get detail of attachments that are on the candidate profile in OBI? I am looking for candidate name and attachment name ideally. Thanks!
Report FormatSummary I am trying to stack the results of an analysis into two rows instead of one long row. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Report to identify duplicated reqsContent I've been asked to run a report to see how many reqs have been duplicated since September 1, 2016. I know this shows in history, but what field can I pull that w…Michelle Graham-29105 42 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
BO formular to OBISummary Me trying to breakdown a BO code...Content Round( (Truncate(DaysBetween([Min Post Date - All Reqs];CurrentDate()) / 7 ; 0) * 5) + ToNumber(Substr("12345551234445…
HTML TagsSummary Include HTML Tags in OBI ReportContent I am trying to build an OBI report that would include the HTML tags with the description and qualifications for our posted…
Pull Analysis with Current Status as of a certain time/dateContent Hello, I have a graph set up in OBI where I need to re-pull it as of last Friday 10/28 as of noon. I already have a filter on it for Req Creation date less than …
Req Created-Today (exclude the weekends)-No of days on hold(exclude the weekends)Summary Req Created-Today (exclude the weekends)-No of days on hold(exclude the weekends)Content This is the hardest one I am trying to do. Calculating the difference be…
Latest Candidate Work HistorySummary Obtaininng latest work history on candidate applicationContent I'm creating a report to display a candidate's work experience for recruiting coordinators to ensu…
Calculate differences in dates to exclude weekendsSummary Is this possible?Content How can I calculate difference in work days? I want the weekends to be excluded. Thank you
Reporting on Req StatusSummary How to pullContent Hi, I have always easily reported on Req Status at my former workplace but now I came across something weird. The Req status 'Open' below /> /…
Agents & Dashboards (with a drill)Summary scheduling an agent for a dashboard with a drillContent Is it possible to create an agent for a dashboard with a drill? Where would I indicate how to define the …Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 80 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Caroline Gladwin-Oracle Taleo Enterprise