Discussion List
Running AgentSummary Agents are not successful. Status is "Running Agent"Content I have several agents that have not run. Their status in OBI is "Running Agent". When tried to modify…
Report on Reqs/Candidates by Career SIteContent We need to create a new careers site to "hire" all of the employees we are acquiring in an acquisition. I am going to create a careers site for them to gather th…Michelle Graham-29105 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
BI PublisherSummary Anyone using BI Publisher for Word/Excel formatted docs?Content We have two reports that were created in BI Publisher by a contractor who assisted us in transiti…Andrew Trimberger-17300 291 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Andrew Trimberger-17300 Taleo Enterprise
"Submission Tracking History"."Transaction Details" and "Submission Tracking History"."Transaction ESummary Help with finding candidates who did not get the standard rejection correspondenceContent I have been tasked with reporting on the number of applicants who were …
Previous Employer Value from OBI ReportingSummary Need to know which field to include in a report to get the previous employer value of an applicantContent Hi, I am currently working on creating a report in OBI …
Add Job Description Within a Template in CriteriaContent I'm in need of a report to determine which templates in TEE do not have a job description to identify which ones need to be added. The req description field will…Michelle Graham-29105 53 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsSummary Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsContent Hi there, I have created a report (attached) and I added Historical Step/Status Comments. However, I got the repo…
OBIA reporting toolSummary OBIA reporting toolContent Learned about OBIA at OHUG and was curious if anyone is using this tool. I tried to look up some information on OBIA but its a bit too…
Calculating Percent Difference between two columnsSummary Calculating Percent Difference between two columnsContent Hello - Does anyone know the best way to calculate the percent difference between two columns? We are t…Valerie Reyna Villarreal 55 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santosh Tekumalla-14206 Taleo Enterprise
Latest - offer accepted dateSummary Required formula for populating latest - offer accepted dateContent Hi there, I have created a report that contains all hired candidates details. I have populate…
Scheduling/Delivering a DashboardSummary Best way to deliver a dashboard to an employeeContent Hi - Is there a way to have a dashboard scheduled or delivered to an employee once a week? We want to make …
Problems with Conditional FormattingContent Is anyone else having issues with conditional formatting? Currently, I have a conditional format set up on columns so if the value is less than 0, then the cell …
Scheduled Reports Not RunningSummary Scheduled Reports have stopped running after about 5 monthsContent I have had some reports scheduled since April and for the last two weeks they have not been ru…
Limit Prompt Column Values to Active Values OnlySummary Is there a way to limit prompt comlmn values to only inclue active values (exclude inactive values)?Content We have a Large Selection list (UDF) which contains a…
Show month in values even if no results for columnSummary Show month in values even if no results for columnContent Hi I would like to show the month in a pivot table even if the column has no values, and I cannot figur…Michele Bizjak-Yenulonis 30 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Michele Bizjak-Yenulonis Taleo Enterprise
Retain Prompt ValuesSummary Looking to retain prompt values from run to runContent Does anyone know if it is possible for the selected prompted values to be retained by user so that they do…
Candidate step/status report on ALL requisitions appliedSummary Looking for a simple way to showcase the candidates step/status on all job applications they applied toContent Hello, I am looking for assistance on building a r…
Custom formula used more than onceSummary Custom formula used more than onceContent Hello is there a way to save a custom formula in OBI that is used more than once on multiple analyses - like we can do …
Formula Help - Pulling data since beginning of yearSummary Writing formula to display results that only coincide with current yearContent Hello, I am creating a report that should only pull the candidates that have been …Sarah Volckmann-10978 57 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sarah Volckmann-10978 Taleo Enterprise
Requisitions Posted OngoingSummary How to report on requisitions that are posted "ongoing"Content I need to pull a list of all of our requisitions posted without specific end dates - so posted as …Rachel Castellanos-20133 45 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Manoj Cheruvathoor-26586 Taleo Enterprise
Reporting on Profile Sources/ Source TypesSummary OBI Assistance- Profile Source FieldsContent Hello, I am trying to splice out my "Profile Source" field in OBI into two separate columns. Current report: Candida…
Return only the most recent General Profile- OBISummary Looking for a formula to return the most recently created profileContent Hello, I am having issues reporting on General Profiles. I am using all candidate fields…
Where can I find the 'Abstract' field in OBISummary The abstract field is a standard Taleo field yet i am unable to find it anywhwere in the Recruiting Subject areaContent In configuration it is found at Configura…
Taleo Metrics - Need Clarification/FeedbackSummary Taleo. Metrics. Requesting Clarification/FeedbackContent Hello Oracle Customer Connect Community, Please share any knowledge that you may have regarding Taleo Me…
Customer and Project detailsSummary Customer and Project detailsContent Hi there, I am creating another report including hired details. I am trying to find customer id, customer name, project id an…
OBI Exporting to Excel 2007Summary How to remove the merged row at the end of the excel detail sheetContent Hi, I'm noticing when we export a table (details) from OBI in Excel 2007, there is a bla…
Transition Report issueContent I am trying to write a report to mimic what you see in the transition pages in terms of the steps and status of the steps. But every combination I put into the t…Michele Bizjak-Yenulonis 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michele Bizjak-Yenulonis Taleo Enterprise
Reporting on Candidate Q & A FieldsSummary Wanting to show only one specific question description, but show all others as blankContent We have some custom Candidate questions/answers that include a Referr…Michelle Graham-29105 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santosh Tekumalla-14206 Taleo Enterprise
How to edit reports when the "Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed input records" error comSummary I converted a BO report to BI and can run but not edit itContent I need to edit the columns in a report that I cannot get to due to the number of records pulling…Michelle Graham-29105 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
Pull a report with the configured locations and the tiers/levels aboveSummary Does anyone know how to pull a report of all the locations in Taleo with the levels/tiers above included?