Discussion List
Did you miss a Help Desk event on Cloud Customer Connect in 2023?The Help Desk Team wants to thank each and every one of you that attended our Cloud Customer Connect events in 2023! And if you missed one our webcasts this year, here’s…
For how long a service request remain in the system?Summary: Hi. I did not set up the sheduled process that delete the Service request after tot. days. Here my question, for how long I will have access to a service reques…
How long can a help desk service request remain in the system?Summary: hello, if I do not set the ORA_SVC_DELETE_CLOSED_SR_ENABLED profile option that allows the automatic deletion of a SR that has been closed for at least the numb…
HRHD - Groovy Script for Add Contact in Help Desk TicketSummary: HRHD - Groovy Script for Add Contact in Help Desk Ticket Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, If anyone has worked on groovy s…
Assistance for Classic to Next Gen HR helpdeskSummary: We have Classic HR helpdesk enabled from Service offering ,However for Next Gen we have to enable it from HR Helpdesk offerening. Can anyone please confirm once…
New Help Desk Request Created Number should come on top of the screen, and in a different color..Summary: New Help Desk Request Created Number should come on top/ mid of the screen, slightly bigger font size, and in a different color. Currently its appearing at the …
1Assignment Rule based on Department in Case ManagementSummary: We would like to auto assign the cases to the Queues based on the combination of Department and Category. However, we could not find the Department object to in…
Change a dynamic Page Name in Help Desk - Agent and Employee viewSummary: Can anyone let me know how to change the Name of a Dynamic Page in Redwood. I'm interested in changing the - Help Desk - name - New Help Desk Request and the Al…
Possibility for leaving feedback to the help desk?Summary: Hy, Is there an opportunity for a user using the HR Help Desk module to leave feedback to the service, after a SR is closed/resolved? Thanks Best regards Gianfr…
Job title is blank when adding the Contacts to the Help Desk SRsSummary: When new contacts are added the Job title field seems to blank. Which field is this referring to and how can we fix this so the title shows? Content (please ens…
Has anyone used askQuestion rest API to find Knowledge base articles impersonating an employee?Summary: I would like to understand how to use the askQuestion api method to get KB articles impersonating an specific user Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Mass migrate or upload assignment rulesHello, We are in the process of migrating from classic Helpdesk to Redwood Helpdesk. We have hundreds of assignment rules currently and I was just wondering if there is …
Insights into Extending Oracle Cloud Apps with Oracle Visual Builder and StudioI recently authored a blog detailing how Oracle Visual Builder can be a catalyst for innovation in your Oracle Cloud Apps. In the blog, I've shared insights into the cap…
Redwood Helpdesk - Can you Add Fields to landing summary page?Are you able add fields to the landing summary page? We are able to so this on the responsive helpdesk so why can this not be accomplished in Redwood
Redwood Helpdesk - colours for separating messages internal/emailWe are moving to the redwood helpdesk and we have noticed that there isn't an option to colour code the different message types that we have in responsive Is there are w…
Conversation replies in case managementSummary: We've configured Redwood HR Helpdesk with an Action to Case Management. Email channels for HRHD are active, working as expected. However, when sending email fro…
Seeking Guidance on Enabling Email Communication in Next Gen Help DeskDear Oracle Community, I recently implemented the Next Gen Help Desk and am now looking to enable Email Outbound and Inbound channels. However, I've encountered some cha…
Nested tab workspace in redwoodSummary: Does the nested workspace still accessible or can be enabled in RedWood? If yes, how and where can we access or enable it? Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Show BU/Company Name of EmployeeSummary: Is the Business Unit or Company Name of the employee able to be shown in the SR? We are using Redwood Help Desk. Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
What does profile option ORA_SVC_CASE_DEFAULT_STRIPE_CD do?We enabled Case Management but when we click on the Cases Tile under Helpdesk or Service, blank screen appears. Does it have anything to do with ORA_SVC_CASE_DEFAULT_STR…
Is it possible to retrieve service requests that have been closed for a long time ?Summary: Hi, is it possible to recover a sr opened for example 3/4 years ago? Or after a maximum number of time sr's are automatically deleted by the system? Thanks Gian…
Remove underscore from notification trigger nameSummary: I've created notification triggers under HR Help Desk Request on the Message Child Object to be triggered when the agent/customer responses (sends message) on t…
How can we implement Multiple BU in helpdeskSummary: I tried implementing using the below doc How Business Units for Service Are Set Up ( but unable to implement it. Please suggest how can we do it or a…
Can we add 'Tags' as a column to display on the Redwood Help Desk UI landing page.Summary: As you might aware, Oracle has delivered Tags Functionality to classify Helpdesk requests in 24A. We have a requirement to display Tag as a column on the Redwoo…
Next Gen Help Desk - Custom Field Not Visible in Visual Builder Studio PreviewSummary: I have added a custom field via Visual Builder Studio. I can see the custom field on the page designer view but it does not show up when running preview. Is the…
Email template, Notification Triggers - Client BrandingSummary: Hi all, Is there a way to incorporate a clients branding items on Outbound emails from the HR Help Desk e.g. email footers. I haven't been able to find any docu…
How come it appears tab "others" with respective features?Summary: Hello, it has been brought to our attention by the client that for help desk profiles the tab "others" appears which previously did not appear Can you tell me w…
Need to add additional fields while raising SRHi, I am trying to add DFFs on "New help desk Request" screen. We have redwood enabled for Help desk and need to know the steps to capture additional info while raising …
Not able to copy the detailed description message post 24A upgradeSummary: In NextGen Redwood Helpdesk, the service created after the 24A upgrade was not able to copy the detailed description message. Content (please ensure you mask an…
Visual Builder Studio Landing page blank post to 24A upgradeSummary: When we've clicked on "Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio", getting returned a BLANK page. This issue is happening post to 24A upgrade. Content (please ensure y…