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Attribute's display label not fully visibleWe have a custom attribute that was created within application composer. The display label contains text of approximately 105 characters. However when the help desk page…
NextGen HRHD Multiple BU ImplementationSummary: Restricting the Helpdesk service request access based on BU Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Client wants to restrict the…
Possibility of label name changes on Next Gen Employee SR Creation PageSummary: Hi, Customer has a requirement to change the labels on Redwood SR Creation Page. For ex. Subject on SR Creation Page should be should be changed to 'Briefly, wh…SrikarVishnubhotla 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Help Desk
Default Coverage QuestionSummary: What are the values shown in the Default Level Value in Default Coverage? Is it possible to use other values like Grade or Location? Content (please ensure you …Pernel Dela Pena 62 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Help Desk
Redwood- HR Helpdesk - Multiple Business UnitsSummary: Hi Experts In HR Helpdesk v23D is it possible to have HRHD categories for multiple business units. I seem to only be able to see the catgories of the default bu…
Help desk emails does not show imagesWhen we include an image in an help desk message and send the message (after selecting email channel), an email is sent to the user. However the image is not shown in th…
how to create a link for the new Service request creation in a specific category ?Summary: Hello, We have a use case where the user should be navigated to the service request creation page with a specific category auto-populated. I believe this is pos…
Service Request ButtonSummary: Probably a silly question with a simple answer, but can anyone tell me what this button is for?: Thanks! Cody Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Agents unable to see help desk request in queue when they are added to queue using import managementWe have a requirement to add agents to queues and the count is high. I used the import functionality as described in and the agents were added to the queues without any …
Categories drop down is showing only for default BUSummary: Multiple Business Units have been enabled by setting the HZ_ENABLE_MULTIPLE_BU_CRM, and configured the list of categories for each BU. Also default BU has been …
What are the use cases of initiating Journeys from Helpesk - Release note from 24B.Please share the use cases of the journeys initiated from the HR Helpdesk page by admins.
Missing Custom Fields on Redwood PagesSummary: I have followed all the steps mentioned in the below document, we have scheduled Job#1 'HR Help Desk Metadata Migration to Redwood Help Desk' this is scheduled …
HR Help Desk list search by urlSummary: Is there a way to submit a field criteria through URL to search the help desk list view? Redwood help desk v2. We have affected party person number saved as a c…
Groovy error for status update notification setupHi I am trying to use the below scripts for status change notification but getting '\n error. I have no clue on how to resolve it since I am non-techie. any help would r…
How to enable email notifications for a Service request status change?Summary: hi, I have a problem with email notification, I can't activate email notification on SR status change, while email notification works for a message exchange. Ho…
Groovy script for notification when SR is ORA_SVC_CLOSEDSummary: Hello, I need to send a notification when an SR move from status Resolved to Closed, I try to write a groovy with bot triggers Before update and Before insert a…
Internal help desk customizationHi, Can anyone please advise if its even possible to customize Internal help desk via VB studio? We have a requirement to hide a few fields on "Create internal SR" page …
Redwood: Embedding files into articles or creating link to an article attachmentSummary: Hi, Would it be possible to add an embedded file (as PDF or PPTX …) within the content of an Article in Knowledge Base or to create inside the article a direct …
Object Workflows not sending emailsSummary: We have created an object workflow, that triggers on creation without any condition, to send an email notification. Email notification is not received. We can s…
Cannot see all the internal categories in Redwood Help deskwe have defined lot of internal categories for help desk. However, for some reason we can only see internal categories till letter "C", PFA screen print which only displ…
Updated comments are not saved in edit Goal-Redwood pagesSummary: Manager clicks on ‘Edit Info’ on the goal approval and edits the goal, the updated comments are not saved in Redwood pages How can we analyzeg the above issue? …
While doing a Transfer, the 'Assign To' field is not showing full list of Agents of the queue.Summary: We have noticed that the list of agents is only showing around 25 records. We need to understand if this is expected behavior or a bug. Additionally, we would l…Abhishek Raj 18 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Help Desk
How to transfer the cloud customer connect account from one business/company email ID to anotherSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! I am currently having a cloud customer connect account registered with my current company Email ID, if suppose I am moving out of this com…
Primary point of contact returning pending workersSummary: We recently enabled the Redwood NextGen helpdesk. When we search for an Employee name in the primary point of contact field, their pending worker records are di…
Notifications, alerts or reminders on Internal ConversationsSummary: Our client requires service requests to be managed in a tier type system: Tier 1 = Agent (not necessarily a HR employee) Tier 2 = SME e.g. payroll/finance emplo…
Redwood - HR Helpdesk - Queue Access when resource is removed from the QueueSummary: Hi All I have encountered a small issue. An agent is removed from a queue ie Learning and Developement and they can still see the requests assigned to the queue…
NextGen HR Helpdesk: Multiple Schedule for a Queue and Milestone calculationSummary: Hi All, I am looking for a suggestion on implementing multiple schedules for a Queue. We have multiple queues like Payroll, Planning etc. different queues have …
Rearrange order of CategoriesClient would like to have a category at the top since it is is the most used category. Is it possible to rearrange the order of categories?Pernel Dela Pena 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Help Desk
Disabling suggested knowledge in Redwood HelpdeskSummary: We would like to disable suggested knowledge articles when viewing the details page of a submitted HR Help Desk request in redwood. We have found that more ofte…
How to hide availability icon?On the helpdesk list page, I see an icon which I would like to disable. Is there a way to hide this please? I believe this is for showing availability (not exactly sure)…