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Action/Reason not editable in page composer (structure)Summary When navigating the page using structure, the options for ACTION/REASON which are access through a button (propose salary) are not editableContent We are trying …Luke Harrison-258636 120 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Luke Harrison-258636 HCM Integrations
User-defined, Extract Parameter for runtime not being recognised in root DG filterSummary User-defined, Extract Parameter for runtime not being recognised in root DG filterContent Hello Colleagues: I created an Extract Parameter that is included in “d…
What is the User Entity name to get info of "Costing for a person" UISummary Need UE name to get costing info entered at "Costing for a person" UIContent Need UE name to get costing info entered at "Costing for a person" UI . Screenshot i…
Fast Formula to extract Manager ID (Person Number)Summary any ideas?Content Hello, In my extract I have assignment ID. How to calculate Manager ID (Person Number)? Currently we have this value set, but is not working. P…
How to create Custom flow for the submission of multiple extractSummary Custom Flow for Workstructure extract and Worker ExtractContent Hi All, Greetings!! In our organization we are using delivered extracts for Work structure and wo…
Upcoming webinar: Integrating and Extending SaaS using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)Content Next week, we'll be hosting a live webinar for Cloud Customer Connect members. Please let me know if you have any questions. Here are the details. Hope you can j…
How to print all rows of last data group ?Summary How to print all rows of last data group ? I have 3 DG and last 2 DGs are joined with first DG. The last DG have multiple rows in attributes. But when we are run…
what Roles are needed to provide HSDL section accessContent I am trying to provide HCM spreadsheet data loader access to my payroll team but I don't want to provide the entire HCM Integration Specialist role entirely to t…
Loading 'Update Input Values' using HDLSummary Loading 'Update Input Values' using HDLContent Hi All Until now we have been loading 'Update Input Values' using PBL. Going forward, we heard PBL will fade out a…
My Extract fetching duplicate records for some of the employees.Summary My Extract fetching duplicate records for some of the employees.Content Hi Experts My Extract fetching duplicate records for some of the employees. The User Enti…
How to do Bulk load in Remove Person Information taskSummary How to do Bulk load in Remove Person Information taskContent H, We are doing various testing in Remove Person Information Feature. We can either give person numb…
Unable to import HSDL templates in one instanceContent Hi All, In one of the test environment, I am unable to import any HSDL templates. I have all the master roles assigned but still unable to import any templates a…
HSDL element entry with costing Business Object does not support a rollbackContent Hi Team, In order to avoid any multi-entry count issues, oracle recommended that we start using element entry costing object to load element entries and not worr…
HSDL error while loading element entry "The entry value doesn't exist in the lookup table"Content I am trying to load an element entry using HSDL. Everything looks correct. There is a field status which is a lookup with 2 values 1.Orignal Entry 2.Updated Entr…
HSDL for 20C element entry costing Object.. not taking sequence number on its ownContent hi All, We have multiple entries for the same period which are split by entry sequence and it is working with PBL but now I am facing new issues with the HSDL op…
Alerts notifications not delivered to email and bell notificationSummary When work email is the same username, only one is deliveredContent Hello, I have built several resource alerts and noticed that notifications are not delivered t…
Is it possible to create a Changes Only Extract for Absence plansSummary Is it possible to create a Changes Only Extract for Absence plansContent Hi Experts, I am planning to create a CHANGES ONLY HCM Extract to get configuration deta…
Deep Link to EBS ESS FunctionSummary Deep Link to EBS ESS FunctionContent Hi Team, We have a requirement to provide a deeplink to one of the employee self service functions in EBS from HCM cloud. Is…
Atom Feeds : Setup and useSummary Atom Feeds : Setup and useContent Hi Experts, Is there a step-by-step document explaining Atome Feed configuration and use. I have gone through https://docs.orac…
Sending Alerts/Notifications to UsersSummary I would like to send an Alert/Notification to the user when a custom object is changed.Content Hello HCM Experts, I have a custom object. I want to notify a user…
Error while loading Balance feeds for elementsSummary I am trying to load different balance feeds for the same element but iam gettting an error which says pay value arent valid for input valueidContent Getting this…
Element Load Via HDLSummary Element Load Via HDL throwing errorContent Hi, I'm trying to load an Element via HDL and using Payroll Element Defination. Getting an error (Attached image and d…
Organization HSDL Template - Organization Extra Information DetailsSummary Organization HSDL Template - Organization Extra Information DetailsContent I am trying to develop a HSDL template to load organizations (create new, modify exist…
Will updating or correcting a Job Title (in order to keep the existing Job Code) have any adverse doContent Hello, We are setup as a coexist model with EBS being our source record and HCM Cloud for Talent Management & Workforce Compensation, so we have a daily HDL file…
Dynamic values in springbaord URLSummary Dynamic values in springbaord URLContent Hi All, In springboard i want to pass a dynamic url means to the url i need to append a user number who login the system…
HCM – Integrations Office Hours, 12 August 2020, 9 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Integrations Office Hours August 2020 session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a n…Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 38 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Soumyasri N HCM Integrations
BI Publisher SOAP error: FailedAuthentication : The security token cannot be authenticated.Summary Problem trying to run RunReport operation.Content Hi everyone, I'm testing an HCM Cloud report call using the BI publisher web service: https://[YourDomain]/xmlp…
BI Publisher SOAP error: FailedAuthentication : The security token cannot be authenticated.Summary Problem trying to run RunReport operation.Content Hi everyone, I'm testing an HCM Cloud report call using the BI publisher web service: https://[YourDomain]/xmlp…Cesar Tepetla Corte 12 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Cesar Tepetla Corte HCM Integrations
Table containing list of all citiesSummary Table containing list of all citiesContent Hi All, Is there a table similar to FND_TERRITORIES which contains list of all cities across world? If no, then how ca…
HSDL error while loading element entries "A logical end date is required".Content Hi, In our case, we have following way of entering element entires. we have weekly payroll and hence our element entries span from Sunday to Saturday. Element Na…