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Record Identifier in HDL ExtractSummary Is there a way to identify the type of record extracted under Changes OnlyContent We are running the incremental extract (changes only). This will include all NE…
HCM Integration Office Hours Introduction - HCM Extract Design Best Practices: July 11, 2018, 10:00Content Submit your questions for the HCM Extract Design Best Practice session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new comment …Rachel Martorelli-Oracle 56 views 6 comments 6 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle HCM Integrations
HCM Integration Office Hours Introduction - HCM Extract Design Best PracticesSummary The HCM Integration Office Hours Introduction will focus on HCM Extract Design Best Practices.Content Date and Time:July 11, 2018 1:00pm - 2:00pmMeeting Location…Rachel Martorelli-Oracle 60 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by MuraliPalanisamy HCM Integrations
PER_EXT_SEC_PERSO_UE is returning duplicatesContent Hi All, We have an interface where we are using PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE as Root data block as well as we are also using threading on this data block. We have used …
Extract Getting Into Error due the DBI 'Time in Current Job'Content Hello Everyone, Hope everyone is doing great! My requirement is to pull out the Job and Department Change Date Using HCM Extract. I have an extract based on the …
Extract Absence Setup Data using Web ServicesSummary Extract Absence Setup Data using Web ServicesContent Hi Friends I was looking to Extract all Absence Setup data using the Web Services. Could you please help me …
do we have any documentation or detials to migrate peoplesoft finance data to oracle fusion financeSummary do we have any documentation or details to migrate peoplesoft finance data to oracle fusion financeContent Team, Please share documentation or details to migrate…Elamaruthu Pounraj 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marc Dalmulder-Oracle HCM Integrations
Need Information on few HCM Extract Attribute fields!Content Hello All, Hope you all are doing great! I am working with HCM Extract and wondering if someone can provide few field's information related to HCM Extract Attrib…
PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_UE not picking up Contingent Worker DetailsContent Hello All, We have an HCM Extract based on PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_UE and it is not picking up all the contingent worker's details. Only one continent worker's det…
HCM Data Loader - How to Guide?Summary Is HCM Data Loader too complex for a non technical HR rep to use?Content I would like to change the user name and email address for several of our employees. I u…User_2025-01-23-23-30-32-519 447 views 8 comments 6 points Most recent by Mansur Khalil HCM Integrations
WaiveDataProtectFlag on HDL workerSummary Does anyone know what this field is used for or where I could find out more information?Content Interested in finding more info about the WaiveDataProtectFlag an…
Converting a Person Contact to an Employee using HDLSummary Converting a Person Contact to an Employee using HDLContent Hi I was trying to convert a person contact to an employee. Since there is a person record already ex…
Manage HCM Extracts - How to handle any changes for HCM extract logic in production?Summary Manage HCM Extracts - How to handle any changes for HCM extract logic in production?Content Hi Friends I would like to know what are best practices to manage any…
In coexistance model; want to run bulk conversion file agianSummary Our incremental integration has become out of sync. Would like to run a full data publish from source system to get back on track. Any one run into any issues do…
Fusion - Taleo Integration Fields not mappingContent Hi,We are doing integration Taleo - Fusion and when we consult in taleo the workers with the role Contingent Worker does not have role, what we do in this case?W…Mirtha Antequera Borges 29 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mirtha Antequera Borges HCM Integrations
How is mapping the roles of Taleo Learn in FUSION?Content Hi, In the integration of FUSION and TALEO, how are user roles mapped to Taleo Learn from FUSION? Thanks. Mirtha.Mirtha Antequera Borges 29 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mirtha Antequera Borges HCM Integrations
Is SmartOrg required to integrate FUSION with Taleo Learn?Content Hi, We have: FUSION Core HCM FUSION Performance / Goal Management Taleo Learn How to integrate FUSION and Taleo Learn without Smartorg? Is there any guide docume…Mirtha Antequera Borges 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] HCM Integrations
Need to generate custom control log file and error log file in HCM Extract along with default log fiContent Hello All, We need to generate custom control log file and error log file in HCM Extract along with default log file. Please let us know how to achieve this? For…
Feasibility of executing one outbound interface based on another outbound interface executionSummary Feasibility of executing one outbound interface based on another outbound interface executionContent Problem Summary --------------------------------------------…