Third Party
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Information regarding Adobe Sign Integration with OracleWe are Opting for Adobe Sign Integration, we need your help with the information as below: 1. What are the Prerequisite for Adobe Sign Integration with Oracle Cloud HCM.…BHAVANA SINGH 30 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Massimo D.-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Benefits Carrier Extracts - Blue Cross Blue Shield Vendor ExtractSummary Benefits Carrier Extracts - Blue Cross Blue Shield Vendor ExtractContent Hi All If you have created an HCM Extract for the Benefits extract for Blue Cross Blue S…
Does anyone have done the custom integration with background vendorsWe are doing BGV with 3rd party background vendors, candidates are doing BGV form filling and upload of required docs in HCM as well as background vendors website, so we…Venkateswarlu Kothapuli 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Chinmayee.Vishnubhatla Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Does Transformation FF Support PGP encrypted Files ??Summary: we are trying to understand if we can consume the Encrypted files to process through Transformation FF
Benefits Integration Partners ListSummary: Does Oracle HCM have built in or pre-defined integrations with 3rd party Benefits platforms? Our provider might be compatible with one of the provided connector…
Info required on FetchExtractOutput Web serviceSummary Need more information about FetchExtractOutput webservice.Content Hi All, We are currently exploring the FetchExtractOutput webservice , which is available for C…
SUI Tax code and Worked State code not populating on the seeded ADP Workforce now ExtractSummary: The Seeded Extract populates the SUI tax code with "No Value" and null value for Worked State code. I have created the Tax withholding Calculation card for the …Balaji Badrinarayanan 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Balaji Badrinarayanan Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Integration with Third Party Document Management SystemSummary Integration with Third Party Document Management SystemContent What is the best way to integrate Oracle HCM Cloud with Third Party Document Management System suc…
Line Manager not getting assigned when Pending Worker is created through REST APIHi All We have enabled the position hierarchy and when a pending worker is created through REST API, Line Manager is not getting allocated immediately until the process …
Does an ATP network glitch prevent records from being loaded to SaaS?Interfaces: Connection between Kronos(UKG) and Fusion (Time and Labor) Summary: There were 10 time files loaded for 15th PP. 1 file got processed completely without any …
Integration of Adobe signeer with Fusion HCM BIP reportWe have developed the following action plan to generate a contract letter in PDF format using BIP Reports, which will be provided to employees or pending workers through…harichandank44 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
Integrating HCM Cloud Absence Management with ADP PayrollSummary Integrating HCM Cloud Absence Management with ADP PayrollContent Hi Experts We are planning to implement Absence Management in HCM Cloud. We do have payroll runn…
How to connect for Microsoft Active Directory in integration without using azure adaptorHow to send information from Oracle HCM to Microsoft Active Directory in integration without using azure active directory adaptor and how can I configure that Api's in i…Sowmya Mallikarjuna 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Anjali Chugh-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Want to Integrate HCMCloud with Dayforce(Ceridian)???Summary Want to Integrate HCMCloud with DayforceContent Hi Friends Please reach out to me if any of you are looking to implement an outbound integration from HCM Cloud t…
Using IDCS to automatically create/termindate user accounts in ADSummary Is it possible to leverage IDCS Enterprise to automatically create/remove user accounts in AD when a user is hired/terminated in Oracle HCM?Content Is it possibl…
HCM Extract Delivery: SFTP Dynamic DirectorySummary Setting SFTP directory path dynamicallyContent We have a custom payroll extract, we would like to set the directory based on parameter. Is it possible to set dir…
HCM Cloud to EBS Payroll IntegrationSummary HCM Cloud to EBS Payroll IntegrationContent Hi Need assistance/more info regarding the integration between Cloud HCM and EBS payroll. Would like to hear from any…
Use Oracle Global Payroll Interface V2 and Oracle Integration Cloud to Integrate with Third Party PaSummary Implementation Guide of an ExampleContent For the customers who use Oracle HCM Cloud as the human resource management system and use the third party Payroll as t…
Create direct depositSummary Create direct deposit report to third party banksContent Hi All, I am looking to send create direct deposit deposit file that gets generated as part of payroll r…User_2025-01-30-18-22-06-612 43 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Hardik_User2023 HCM Integrations
How to get absence accrual balance in HCM ExtractSummary Need to get absence accrual balance in HCM extract, cannot find any UEsContent Hi, We need to send absence accrual balances to third party, for which we plan to …
Expose a customer BI publisher report using REST APISummary: How I can expose output from a custom built BI publisher report to a 3rd party using a REST API Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, …Nirmal 154 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How to call a flow from within a flow ?Hi Team, I have a requirement to generate 2 different HDL files using 1 single flow. The parent flow uses the UCM# as a parameter which is generated over content server …
Loading Third parties using HDLSummary Loading Third parties using HDLContent Hi Until now, we have been uploading third parties using PBL. Going forward, i believe we would be using HDL to load third…
Real time trigger on fusion HCM record creation or updateSummary: We are trying to send new information (creation of new record or update on existing) to third party tool IN REAL TIME. Is it possible to send trigger to OIC upo…
Integration with WorkdaySummary Options to integrate from Workday to Cloud HCMContent Hi Please need inputs on below 1) Any other customer who have integrated Workday with Oracle Cloud HCM? 2) …User_2025-01-29-23-47-21-966 85 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jaypatil-Oracle HCM Integrations
How to get the Log file of 'Load data from file'Summary: To get the log files of 'Load Data from file' Content (required): We are using Load Data From File web service to push data into HCM. We are also using an FF to…
ADP - Smart Connect - Getting Flexfields to show up on Payslip XML FileSummary I can't seem to get flexfields to show on up the payslip xml file even after following the smart connect guideContent Hi, Has anyone had experience setting up th…User_2025-02-04-19-36-53-958 57 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Chandramouli Srinivasan HCM Integrations
Is it possible to load a file directly from third party system to Oracle HCM cloud without OIC or PaSummary Is it possible to load a file directly from third party system to Oracle HCM cloud without OIC or PaaS?Content Is it possible to load a file directly from third-…
3rd Party Products for Blind ResumesSummary Any Oracle partners provide blind resume?Content We are exploring products that can make candidate resume submissions blind. One such is MeVitae. Does Oracle hav…
Transfer Payroll BACS file to SFTPSummary Transfer Payroll BACS file to SFTPContent Hi Experts, We have a requirement to transfer Payroll BACS file on SFTP automatically or through integration Can we ach…