Category 102
Discussion List
Dynamic Number Scaling in ReportsSummary: Is it possible to dynamically scale the numbers on a report based upon a user prompt or some other method? Content (required): My client have needs to scale the…Michael C Stefanavage 170 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael C Stefanavage Narrative Reporting
Do we have a detailed technical Deep dive of a PPT based Report Package Demonstration?Summary: Looking for a detailed Technical Deep Dive for a PPT based Report package. The process explained in Oracle Learning Library is a summarized version. We tried to…
New User login issuesSummary: New reporting director joined the organization, and my NR admin provided the admin role to a new user. Somehow, he can't be able to log in. Content (required): …
Help! Formula column behavior in column groupingSummary: We have some reports where the design is best met via using Grouped columns and rows. Some grouped rows have their own formula row. When returning data, for for…James Holland II 71 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
How to Trim Aliases of Different Lengths?Summary: Is it possible to trim Aliases of different lengths in Reporting? We have to add member names to our Aliases to make them unique across all dimensions. Unfortun…
Import MR Report from NR Business Process to Planning Business ProcessSummary: Import MR Report from NR Business Process to Planning Business Process Content (required): We have created a MR Report with Planning Cloud as source. Now we wan…
Announcing: A New EPM Center of Excellence (CoE) Guide!Summary: We are pleased to announce that the new EPM CoE guide is available to help you create and run an EPM Center of Excellence. Content (required): You will find the…
Automated way to run Server Side RefreshSummary:Server Side Refresh through EPM Automate Content (required): Just checking if there is a way yet or planned for the future to include a Server side refresh of a …
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.12What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.12 Please refer to the December 2022 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM C…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 31 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Conditional use of Alias tables within report gridsSummary: My client has a use case where they have a single account hierarchy that they use for financial statements however the Financial Statement Line Items (FSLIs) re…
Configuring Narrative reporting from BeginningSummary: Configuring Narrative reporting from the Scratch Content (required): Hi All, Here we are trying to remove current application of Narrative reporting & trying to…
Comparing data between ERP and Planning in a ReportSummary: Hi All, Since you can reference cells in another grid I thought it was possible to use 2 different data sources with different structures like Planning and ERP,…
Reference Variable to drive the POV on a Management ReportSummary: Can a Reference Variable be used as a Variable to drive the POV on a Management Report? Content (required): I would like to have a repository of Variables that …
NR: Excel Table reference doclet's Format not respected in wordSummary: Content (required): hi all We are experiencing the following: tables embedded in word are not maintaining column width formatting. We have an Excel reference do…
What's the best way to migrate report packages and reports to another environment?Summary: I've migrated reports and report packages to another environment but can't seem to refresh them despite repointing the reports to the new data source. Have I mi…
Can you suppress a grid dependent on another suppressed grid within the same report?Summary: Hi, is is possible to suppress a grid based on suppression of another grid within the same report and the same sheet? Content (required): Version (include the v…
Copy and Pasting data from an NR Data Source Using Smartivew, "Planning Provider Error"Summary: Content (required): I am trying to use the SmartView copy and paste functionality to copy data from an excel ad hoc grid into a Word Doclet. I followed all of t…
How to make cell level formulae work for Zoomed-In column-cellsSummary: Calculations/Formulas for Zoomed-In column-cells Content (required): Formulas on quarters not working for month columns when user zooms-in the QTR (some formula…
"Unable to complete requested action because the rpt package does not contain any rpt content" ErrorSummary: I am getting this error when trying to preview a report package: "Unable to complete requested action because the report package does not contain any report con…
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.11What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.11 Please refer to the November 2022 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM C…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Narrative Reporting trainingSummary: Does anybody know how to access the Narrative Reporting training? Or at least to see the contents of the course? I found this page: Narrative Reporting Training…
Issue with Cell Value function - Cannot refer the values from dynamic rows in other gridSummary: Not able to refer to the values in the dynamic rows from other grid, please review the attachment and confirm, if there is another way to address this requireme…Sandeep Hardikar N S 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Hardikar N S Narrative Reporting
Server-side refresh not working on ERP connectionsSummary: Content (required): We have the excel reference doclets with connections to Oracle FCCS and Oracle Cloud ERP. We are able to make the server-side refresh for th…Ayaz Shamsir - Deloitte 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Tom LeFebvre-Oracle Narrative Reporting
guys, can you tell if it's possible to use bursting definition by sending emails to users who don'tSummary: guys, can you tell if it's possible to use bursting definition by sending emails to users who don't have oracle licenses? Content (required): Version (include t…
Refresh Excel SmartView POV members directly from Report PackageSummary: Hi there, I am wanting to know if it's possible to update reference document (Excel SmartView) members across multiple Excel reference docs directly from one ce…
Can't refresh reference doclets with migrated report packSummary: I've migrated reports and report packs from one environment to another and everything looks fine except I'm not able to refresh the reference doclets that the r…
Repeated Headings for selected dimensions?Summary: Content (required): Repeat Headings is a global setting, so it affects all dimensions in the row. Is there a way to have the headers repeat for just one of my r…
UDA does not get updated in Reports for Entity Dimension in FCCS !Hi all, We created a UDA in the entity dimension in FCCS, however it does not get picked up! Can you please help?
Is there a way to link Static/Reference variable used in the content of doclet to the subvar in MR?Summary: I am supposed to create 5 report packages and may have to maintain CurrYr/CurrMnth and CurrDate as Static variables to manage the content references in the docl…Sahitya Guruju Veena 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sahitya Guruju Veena Narrative Reporting