Category 149
Discussion List
Make Attachment Description field required on Non Catalog RequestSummary: is there any way to make the Attachment Description field required on Non Catalog Request? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…Diego Schenquermam 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Changing field name in Self Service Procurement.Summary: We are changing the name of the Deliver to Location field in Preferences within Self Service Procurement. We are going to change the name to Expense department …
Personalization in Corporate Card Purchase Requisition Page - Defaulting Purchase Type Field (DFF)Hi Everyone, I have a requirement related to the personalization in corporate card purchase requisition page, and I was hoping to get some insights. Scenario: When a use…Sagar - Oracle-Oracle 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RRSS Visual Builder Business RuleHi Oracle, System Release 24D My customer needs to auto populate a DFF field if the item category name is = Lab Supplies. Currently, I am analyzing VBS business rules: U…
How call a REST service at scheduled time from VB studio pageSummary: Hi Team, We have requirement to call API at certain frequency and check the details from Oracle VB studio custom page. Any suggestions will be helpfull. Content…
SLA rule for destination type = Work OrderSummary: Want to create an account rule for Destination Type = Work Order. Used the condition "Destination Type Code"(PO,S,S) = WORK ORDER in the rule but is not working…
how to upload agreement lines using excel template not tab delimited textSummary: while upload agreement lines using tab delimited text its very difficult for user to full hundred agreement lines but with excel template it will be easy , so c…
Incomplete Charge account information is being displayed in RSSP.Summary: A PR created in RSSP has multiple distributions, with different project details. Here, the user is facing 2 major issues: 1. In the Classic SSP, if the charge a…Mashhood Alavi-Oracle 83 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mashhood Alavi-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Account Combination Errors in RSSPSummary: In Classic Requisitioning, we used cross-validation rules for charge account validation. It seems that the validation in RSSP is based on account combinations, …
Internal Material Transfer - between companiesHello, We need your kind support for an urgent case related to the following scenario : Transfer of material from a source org in company X to an expense location in com…Victor Chrabieh 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Victor Chrabieh Self Service Procurement
Is there a way to save a search in the RSSP application?In the classic application we had the ability to save a search. This was helpful as it allowed quick recollection of requisitions "Pending Approval" entered by one User …
Can we hide PR Line>'Edit' button in My requisitions?Hi, If we click 'Edit' in pending approval PR header, it'll be withdrawn automatically and we can revise the PR information directly. If we click 'Edit' in PR line of pe…
Segment invalid in RedwoodHi We are testing the redwood functionality, and we found out that in some of environment user experiencing the issue: "segment is invalid" when entering requisition cha…
Requisition approval error: Issue in displaying history. Please contact administrator.Summary: Error when we click on Manage Approvals in requisition page. Error: Issue in displaying history. Please contact administrator. After expanding, it shows below d…
How to call OIC Integration from Redwood Self Service Procurement PageSummary: Please suggest a way to personalize Redwood SSP, so that we can trigger OIC integration from Redwood SSP page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …NeerajAgrawal-Oracle 60 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by NeerajAgrawal-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to remove Purchase requisition PDF from PR approval notificationSummary: How to remove Purchase requisition PDF from PR approval notification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Need to remove Purchase requ…Abhishek.Gupta 55 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Can not see Line number in RSSPSummary: Can not see line number in RSSP Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We can not see Line Number PR in RSSP. It makes communication dif…
RSSP: error while updating charge accountSummary: Using RSSP we are seeing error while selecting charge accounts intermittently. Same combination works fine in classic SSP Content (please ensure you mask any co…bgopl12345 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Editing the amount on a requisition that's been approved (Responsive SSP)There's a difference in system behavior when the requester tries to edit a Requisition where the PO has been created: In the OLD UI, requester has two options- "Edit " o…Sean O'Connell 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Abdelrahman.Badawy Self Service Procurement
Negotiated check box is not visible in Responsive Self Sevice Application through VB studio.Hi Team, We are using the Negotiated check box for requestor negotiated pricing. It is not visible through VB studio personalize, Enabled show Negotaited Flag to "True" …Swapna Vanpalli 132 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Swapna Vanpalli Self Service Procurement
Unable to Receive PO Due to Error :The combination ID 23,499 is not valid.We are facing this issue, for only one specific PO. We have already checked that The account combination for the PO charge account is enabled. Any ideas. Thanks in advan…
Fail when trying to update ProductCategory with draftPurchaseOrders REST APISummary: Hi I am trying to updade the ProductCategory using the draftPurchaseOrder rest API. However, I am getting an error :…
RSSP Change in User Interface in upcoming quaterly updates(25A onwards)Summary: Our Customers has got the notification We strongly encourage you to transition to the News feed layout now using the following steps: Login as a user with Admin…
Redwood-Requisition Preference - Be able to hide "Contract number" and "Funding Source" fieldsSummary: Is there any way to hide "Contract number" and "Funding Source" fields from the Redwood Requisition Preference? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…Diego Schenquermam 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maithily Kohale-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Oracle Healthcare MarketplaceHi all, Our client is a Private University in Spain which university hospitals around the country. They are interested in finding out more about Oracle Healthcare Market…arin innovation 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Karlay Tan-Oracle Self Service Procurement
The Deliver-to Location isn't valid in PR and POSummary: Hi We have 1 BU as the requisitioning BU and procurement BU. We have set the location like this: For 1 location, is related to 1 inventory organization and we h…
How to remove Purchase Requisitions work area from home pageSummary: How to remove Purchase Requisitions work area from home page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Assigning employee role provides th…Srinivas Reddy 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Pablo Schenquerman Self Service Procurement
Unable to create an IMT to an Expense destination, between organizations in different BUsI'm trying to create an Internal Material Transfer from Inventory to an Expense destination. The two Inventory organizations belong to different Business Units. When I t…Ve Ainsa-Oracle 24 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Victor Chrabieh Self Service Procurement
Is there an option to disable Email attachments for Rejected PR to Requester as part of FYIIs there an option to disable Email attachments for Rejected PR to Requester as part of FYI, As both Approved and Rejected Email notification has same Pending approval R…Sumesh_Raina 83 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by ROHIT.R-Support-Oracle Self Service Procurement