Category 149
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How to reject a requisition approval request after opening edit requisition page as approver.Summary: We are using "Edit Requisition as Approver" function. Once approver selects "Edit Requisition as Approver" menu from a approval request notification page, the a…Tomoyuki Hyakutake-Oracle 37 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Tatsuhiko Suekane-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to create 2 different personalization on a Non catalog request using VB in RSSPSummary: I have a requirement where i need to have 2 different customization, one for non catalog request and another for smart form(this is how it is in Classic) Non Ca…Sonakshi Anbu 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How can I display BPA Priority Value in SSP Results?Summary: Since 24A Oracle has allowed us to input a priority value on BPA headers, and in 25A we can even pick top 2 priority values using External Purchase Prices. This…Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Distribution Level DFF - Responsive Self Service ProcurementSummary: Enable Distribution level DFF for requisition in responsive self service procurement application Content (required): Today we do not have Distribution level DFF…Ketan Chincholikar 398 views 22 comments 2 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Create Requisition in Redwood with an agreementHow is posible search an agrement to create a requisition when in the agremeent just we have an description because when we try search the description the agreement does…
Q&A responses for Jan 6 2025 - Redwood Self Service Procurement Procurement Customer Connect EventHi Customers & Partners, thank you for attending the Product Update: 25A New Features in Redwood Self Service Procurement CCC Event on Jan 6, 2025. We were not able to g…Karlay Tan-Oracle 159 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Karlay Tan-Oracle Self Service Procurement
cancelcancel Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets tha…
Why can't I submit an internally orderable item to cart that was added to my personal shopping list?The button "Add to Cart" from my shopping list is missing when trying to use an internally orderable it only shows "Remove Selected Items" button. However if I change my…
Role/privilege to receive on behalf of othersHello, current scenario: the requester is creating the PR and he is only able to receive the POs generated based on his name as a requester. Desired Scenario: all the re…Victor Chrabieh 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alina Tola–Support-Oracle Inventory Management
In Oracle Fusion, what's the best practice for uploading BPA line item images?Hello, In R12 EBS, when we currently load a BPA we have to manually place the item images directly of the linux box and reference the image in the catalog template. In F…
To create a PR with multiple lines & cost centers and rout approval to respective CC managersSummary: The requirement is to create a Purchase Requisition with multiple lines and each line with unique cost center, also on submission each line should get approved …Shweta Prakash Veer 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Dependent Mandatory DFF is taking the highest priority than Independent DFFSummary: We have a Global DFF "Project Task" (Attribute 8) at Requisition line level which is a table based on table value set. After selecting the value, we are not abl…Govind Kumar Reddy S 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Govind Kumar Reddy S Self Service Procurement
Need system to auto-populate descriptive flexfield values in Responsive Self Service ProcurementSummary: Need system to auto-populate descriptive flexfield values in Responsive Self Service Procurement Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …Chinmay Desai 31 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to hide cost in Purchase requisition for inventory itemsSummary: The business requires that the cost of items for the Internal requisition process be hidden in the UI and notifications (Email and Application). Content (please…Sameh Alnatsheh 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Sameh Alnatsheh Self Service Procurement
add attachment to requester initiated change orderSummary: Can we add an attachment to a requester initiated change order in the new RSSP? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In the old SSP UI…
How to show a warning message under a condition of total amount on RSSP using VB Studio?In the SSP page, we show a warning message using Page Composer when the total amount gets over a certain amount (RequisitionAmount.inputValue >= 50000000). It seems "Gui…Kana Kutsukake-Oracle 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kana Kutsukake-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP Buyer Approval error for requisitions using the search bar instead of Enter Requisition LineIn RSSP When a user is entering a requisition that requires buyer approval they should use the enter requisition line feature. In the past if a requisitioner used the se…Denver Monteith 14 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Derive Req Line DFF value from Req Header DFF valueSummary: How can I default a Req Header DFF value to the PO req Line DFF value Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Need solution Version (incl…
Requisition auto approval when the job level of the first approver is above the minimum job levelHow can you make the requisition auto approved when the job level of the first approver is above the minimum job level in fusion procurement ?
Approver is receiving 2 email notifications to approve the purchase requisitionApprover is receiving 2 email notifications to approve the purchase requisition
Error while enabling Responsive SSP:Summary: Error while running ESS Job : ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS Error : ESS job to create index and initial ingest is curren…
How to display the description of DFF Value selected similar to Item Description displayed for ItemSummary: We have a Global DFF "Project Task" (Attribute 8) at Requisition line level which is a table-based value set. After selecting the value, we are not able to see …Govind Kumar Reddy S 14 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Govind Kumar Reddy S Self Service Procurement
How do we create a mapping set under the Purchasing Subledger Application?Summary: We are trying to create a mapping set under the Purchasing Subledger Application to configure approval rules for requisitions as indicated in the 24C release, b…
We want to understand the logic of pricing in a requisition for quantity above the price breakSummary: We have a BPA defined with 6 price break as follow. quantity - 1, Price Break - 54.50; quantity - 2, Price Break - 50.25; quantity - 3, Price Break - 47.83; qua…
How to default the attachment category as "To_Internal"Summary: Business requirement is , in purchase requisition header level attachment category need to be as "TO INTERNAL" which need to be default. Content (please ensure …
PR Delivery date should come from BPA and promised delivery date in PO should populate the same.Summary: PR Delivery date should come from BPA where delivery date is an DFF, and promised delivery date in PO should populate the same. Content (please ensure you mask …
Prevents users from creating Purchase Requisitions during the Financial Year-end closingSummary: Hello, The client needs a solution that prevents users from creating Purchase Requisitions during the Financial Year-end closing, while still allowing them to c…
DFF not available at smart form level in responsive self service procurementSummary: Currently when using self service procurement we have Line Level DFF enabled which is enabled at smart form level as well as when we review the lines after addi…Alim Alimia 162 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Next approver to view attachments added by the previous approver while approving a requisition?Summary: We have a requirement where the next approvers want to view the attachments added to a requisition by the previous approver while they approve the PR. Scenario …