Category 149
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How to display the description of DFF Value selected similar to Item Description displayed for ItemSummary: We have a Global DFF "Project Task" (Attribute 8) at Requisition line level which is a table-based value set. After selecting the value, we are not able to see …Govind Kumar Reddy S 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Govind Kumar Reddy S Self Service Procurement
How do we create a mapping set under the Purchasing Subledger Application?Summary: We are trying to create a mapping set under the Purchasing Subledger Application to configure approval rules for requisitions as indicated in the 24C release, b…
We want to understand the logic of pricing in a requisition for quantity above the price breakSummary: We have a BPA defined with 6 price break as follow. quantity - 1, Price Break - 54.50; quantity - 2, Price Break - 50.25; quantity - 3, Price Break - 47.83; qua…
How to default the attachment category as "To_Internal"Summary: Business requirement is , in purchase requisition header level attachment category need to be as "TO INTERNAL" which need to be default. Content (please ensure …
PR Delivery date should come from BPA and promised delivery date in PO should populate the same.Summary: PR Delivery date should come from BPA where delivery date is an DFF, and promised delivery date in PO should populate the same. Content (please ensure you mask …
Prevents users from creating Purchase Requisitions during the Financial Year-end closingSummary: Hello, The client needs a solution that prevents users from creating Purchase Requisitions during the Financial Year-end closing, while still allowing them to c…
DFF not available at smart form level in responsive self service procurementSummary: Currently when using self service procurement we have Line Level DFF enabled which is enabled at smart form level as well as when we review the lines after addi…Alim Alimia 159 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Next approver to view attachments added by the previous approver while approving a requisition?Summary: We have a requirement where the next approvers want to view the attachments added to a requisition by the previous approver while they approve the PR. Scenario …
How to use Attribute Binding parameters available in Expression Editor in Page Composer in SandboxSummary: We have a Global DFF "Project Task" (Attribute 8) at Requisition Line level which is based on table value set. After selecting the value, we are not able to see…Govind Kumar Reddy S 20 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Govind Kumar Reddy S Project Management
GetManager function is not available in Requisition Approval(ReqApproval Task).Summary: The GetManager function is not available in Requisition Approval(ReqApproval Task). Is there a similar function to check if a matrix manager exists for the requ…Maaz Mohammad 22 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Alex Tuteur-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Change the colour scheme/branding of the Redwood Next Generation Supplier PortalSummary: Is it possible or is there a guide to change the colour scheme of the Redwood Next Generation Supplier Portal. We know that it is possible to change the logo, a…Oliver Raymond_95 24 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Michelle Ward-Oracle Supplier Management
Ability to view DFFs if we move the location of them on the requisitionWe currently have a set of questions that we ask using the DFF fields at the header level of a requisition. When we make the transition over to RSSP we are planning to m…Shannon Gruber 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Self Service Procurement
Project PR budget check results detailsHi, When we check the budget of the PR which is related to a project, it'll check the budget of this project. When the requisition didn't pass the funds check, we can se…Carrie Xiao 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ifeanyi Katchy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to bulk cancel/delete lines in a BPA using FBDI?Summary: How to bulk cancel/delete lines in a BPA using FBDI? Content (required): How to bulk cancel/delete lines in a BPA using FBDI? Version (include the version you a…Meghana 229 views 8 comments 4 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
Should "Notes to Supplier" entered in RSSP appear on the PO?Summary: When creating a requisition via a Smart Form, we have entered a note in the "Note to Supplier" field. This appears on the requisition under "View Line Details".…
Redwood - Non Catalog Request - be able to see Attachment DescriptionSummary: Redwood - Non Catalog Request - be able to see Attachment Description Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the versio…Diego Schenquermam 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Diego Schenquermam Self Service Procurement
Purchase requisition process: Is there a way to auto populate a DFF field based on a category name??Hi Oracle, Regarding purchase requisition process: Is there a way to auto populate a DFF field based on a category name? If so, Do I need to use Redwood Requisition Self…
can you add custom validation on accounts field of billing page ?Summary: We wanted to add a validation on the red wood SSP page to utilize an value set for Account field to trigger an validation as this field is not showing as editab…
How to disable Approval pop up message on Supplier Profile?Summary: Hello, Any idea how to remove pop up message ("Internal profile change request xxxxx was submitted. It contains changes that require approval") on Manage Suppli…
In RSSP can you define a "creation date" when you search using "Creation Date"In the Classic application you could search by defining date parameters such as after "22/01/2025" or created on a specific date. In the RSSP I cannot see an option to s…
Make Attachment Description field required on Non Catalog RequestSummary: is there any way to make the Attachment Description field required on Non Catalog Request? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…Diego Schenquermam 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Changing field name in Self Service Procurement.Summary: We are changing the name of the Deliver to Location field in Preferences within Self Service Procurement. We are going to change the name to Expense department …
Personalization in Corporate Card Purchase Requisition Page - Defaulting Purchase Type Field (DFF)Hi Everyone, I have a requirement related to the personalization in corporate card purchase requisition page, and I was hoping to get some insights. Scenario: When a use…Sagar - Oracle-Oracle 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RRSS Visual Builder Business RuleHi Oracle, System Release 24D My customer needs to auto populate a DFF field if the item category name is = Lab Supplies. Currently, I am analyzing VBS business rules: U…
How call a REST service at scheduled time from VB studio pageSummary: Hi Team, We have requirement to call API at certain frequency and check the details from Oracle VB studio custom page. Any suggestions will be helpfull. Content…
SLA rule for destination type = Work OrderSummary: Want to create an account rule for Destination Type = Work Order. Used the condition "Destination Type Code"(PO,S,S) = WORK ORDER in the rule but is not working…
how to upload agreement lines using excel template not tab delimited textSummary: while upload agreement lines using tab delimited text its very difficult for user to full hundred agreement lines but with excel template it will be easy , so c…
Incomplete Charge account information is being displayed in RSSP.Summary: A PR created in RSSP has multiple distributions, with different project details. Here, the user is facing 2 major issues: 1. In the Classic SSP, if the charge a…Mashhood Alavi-Oracle 75 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mashhood Alavi-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Account Combination Errors in RSSPSummary: In Classic Requisitioning, we used cross-validation rules for charge account validation. It seems that the validation in RSSP is based on account combinations, …
Internal Material Transfer - between companiesHello, We need your kind support for an urgent case related to the following scenario : Transfer of material from a source org in company X to an expense location in com…Victor Chrabieh 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Victor Chrabieh Self Service Procurement