Category 150
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How to access POZ_SUPPLIERS_PII table dataSummary: How to access POZ_SUPPLIERS_PII table data Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
How to find record that builds search and select results view?Summary: How to find record that builds search and select results view? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In different areas of SSP/Procurem… 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Management
How to keep the content of a Text component unchanged in the external Supplier Registration Page?Summary: Content in the text component would be reset to "Enter your text here" when refreshing the page. How to fix this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
supplier-user associationSummary: Hi , I need to associate a user with a specific supplier. My goal is to view the order, with my user , created on the specific supplier ( in the search task "Cr…
Can we Remove Columns from Search and Select Results view?Summary: Email Address and Phone numbers are exposed in the search results view when selecting Requester or Received by name. As these are Personal Identifiable Informat… 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arindam Bhattacharya - Oracle-Oracle Supplier Management
Can you edit the Supplier Type field once a Supplier is Active?We created a new Supplier. Our buyer is unable to see the new supplier when attempting to pull it up in the LOV dropdown in the create requisition. The Supplier Type was…
How to Load Tax Registration Number, Tax Registration Type and Country details for suppliersSummary: We are looking for some help on how to Load Tax Registration Number, Tax Registration Type and Country details for suppliers at the Address and Profile level. C…Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle 1.3K views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Jenson Samuel-Oracle Supplier Management
Taxpayer Id must be 9 numeric Characters For US And For CA Tax Registration No must be numericSummary: If United States, require Taxpayer ID and must be 9 numeric characters. If Canada, require Tax registration number and must be numeric only. Can we achieve it i…
Can we have a value set for the province field of Canadian supplier address formatSummary: The electronic payment files are getting rejected by the bank because of the date entry error at supplier level. Can we have a value set for Canadian provinces,…
Can you display Supplier DFFs only in the approval notification and not in the registration form?Summary: Can you display Supplier DFFs only in the approval notification and not in the registration form? Content (required): We have some DFFs that have to be visible …
How to get Supplier Audit Backend tablesSummary: Our client has requirement to develop a report for Supplier Audit (Supplier profile changes in the previous term, years need to be audited) in which the Busines…
I using supplier registration page want to know how to add one more tab in train component at topSummary: Hi Team I want to customize the supplier registration page i.e. by adding one more tab in train component as shown below using page composer but i don't see see…mudassirsOrc-Oracle 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by mudassirsOrc-Oracle Supplier Management
in supplier regisrtration page i want to embed vbcs page but fusion doesnt not create a supplier idSummary: Hi Experts in supplier registration page i want to add vbcs extension page but fusion doesn't not create a supplier id before supplier is successfully created. …mudassirsOrc-Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by mudassirsOrc-Oracle Supplier Management
How to use finder query parameter in REST api for suppliersSummary: Hi Experts I want to use this finder query parameter in the suppliers REST API as shown in below docs but i do not know the syntax to use to find with supplier …
Is there a way to restrict the supplier user from editing PO and BPA?Hello everyone, Do any of you know if there is a way for the supplier user to not be able to edit purchase orders and purchase agreements from the supplier portal? Thank…
Automatically update bank account number when IBAN number is changedContent (required): Hi all, I have an issue I need to understand the logic behind. I have enabled internal supplier bank account changes approval on our test environment…Daniel Lundsteen Minke 179 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by SOUMYA PRIYA CHOWDHURY Supplier Management
Supplier audit report does not show the bank account approversSummary: When we run the supplier audit report, it does not show the approver who has approved the profile or bank account changes. Content (please ensure you mask any c…
how to remove edit option from actions in manage shipments in supplier portal?how to remove edit option from actions in manage shipments in supplier portal? we need to remove edit and keep cancel option.
how to send the notification to all the supplier to update their profileSummary: how to send the notification to all the supplier to update their profile Content (required): how to send the notification to all the supplier to update their pr…
How to define filter condition at Ess level?Summary: Needs to define a filter condition on a custom Account Analysis Report at ESS level. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…Sachin.Rawal 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Razvan Paduraru-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
How to Integrate Sales Accounts with PayablesHello Team, we have a requirement to integrate sales accounts with oracle payables to generate invoices and do the payments. could you please let us know the process/ co…
Where does "Update Requisition Line Action Required Code" impacts or appears on requisition ?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):RAGHWENDRA CHAUBEY-Oracle 84 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Gattu Self Service Procurement
Approval Workflow for Tax Reg Num change in Suppliers profileSummary: Client is looking for triggering approval workflow when there is a internal change in Tax Registration number on supplier profile Content (please ensure you mas…
How to mask taxpayer idSummary: We need the option of hiding the supplier's taxpayer id when it is a social security number. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Vers…
Assignment of sites in the supplier registry.Is there a possibility that during a supplier's registration they can indicate the business unit in which the site will be created? Currently it can only be indicated th…
UAE supplier Trade Licence NumberSummary: our customer in UAE need to add the below two fields while external registering supplier and after successful registration need these information to be in suppl…Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 221 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Saransh Rastogi Supplier Management
Can we hide create bank account at supplier site or supplier profile level?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We tired to create a custom role to hide create bank account at Supplier Profile level, however i…
Does enabling supplier audit report causes any performance issue to environment?Summary: We are planning to use supplier audit report for our client. Will that have any impact on the performance of the pod? Eg: instance slowness etc Content (please …
BPM approval for Supplier Site Contact Email on Invoice HeaderSummary: We have a requirement to create BPM Rule for DM and CM to route FYI notification to the Supplier Site contact email from the Invoice Header. Is there any attrib…Shubham Laxmi-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Somashekhar K-Oracle Supplier Management
FBDI Template FunctionalitySummary: The FBDI Template for Supplier Address updates is not working as expected. I am attempting to clear out Addresses on lines 3 and 4 for Suppliers. Based on the O…