Category 335
Discussion List
Funds Reserved on Spend Authorization is Not showing under Commitment or ObligationSummary: Hi Team, We are facing an issue in Spend Authorization where the funds reserved are not showing in Commitment or obligation on Manage Budgetary Control Balance …
Do we have a functionality for Notifications in the case of Travel Request Authorization.Summary: Do we have a functionality for Notifications in the case of Travel Request Authorization. Content (required): Can the functionality for Notifications be enabled…
Can we create Miscellaneous policy with limit 2 years?Summary: We have mobile allowance for each employee 700 USD every 2 years, Content (required):We have mobile allowance for each employee 700 USD every 2 years, so we nee…
How to Get the List of Approved Authorizations which is not applied against any expense report.Summary: Hi Team, We have a Requirement to Get the List of Approved Authorization which is not applied against any expense report. Do we have any oracle Standard report …
How to move expense report from a Termed approver to another approver within the same approval groupSummary: Back ground: We have an Auditor Approval group set up to final approve all expense reports for payment once the manager approves. Issue: one of our Audit approv…
Can we set an Expenses deadline for submitting an expense report for Employee in the systemSummary: Can we set an Expenses deadline for submitting an expense report for Employee in the system. Content (required): Expenses deadline need to be set for submitting…
How to change sender email for approval notificationSummary: How to change sender email for approval notification Content (required): How to change sender email for approval notification Version (include the version you a…
Is it possible to prevent expense entry for a date older than 60 days?Summary: In accordance with our company's audit policies, no personal mileage expenses can be entered for more than 60 days. Is there a policy option where we can preven…
Expense reports including itemizations w/ conversion rate randomly not allownig to complete auditSummary: We have had some instances where user report they are unable to complete audit after reviewing an expense report that contains itemizations (such as a hotel bil…
corporate card transactions marked as personalSummary: corporate card transaction marked as personal by the user and created a report and it went to paid status with amount 0. Later user realized that the expenses w…
Merchant category codes in ExcelSummary: Hi We are implementing corporate credit cards for VISA. We need to upload the MCC codes under the lookup EXM_MERCHHANT_CATOGERY_CODE. What is the best way to up…
Process Expense Reimbursements and Cash AdvancesSummary: Hi Team, We are creating custom inquiry role for expense auditor , we want to remove 'Process Expense Reimbursements and Cash Advances' from Task . Can you plea…
Raising request authorization for business trips without estimated amountSummary: Business Trip process: business user needs to go on a business trip, so needs to get approval to allow going for travel. The normal business user has no idea wh…
How to enter negative trip distance while creating expense report?Summary: Which setup needs to be enabled to enter negative trip distance while creating expense report? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, i…
Can an Oracle Fusion expense be raised by other person instead of person, who has incurred.Summary: Can an Oracle Fusion expense be raised by other person instead of person, who has incurred an expense. (like- Expenses Claim be raised by PA (Personal Assistanc…
Where do I see updates history of Configuration on ERP-Expenses?Summary: Where do I see updates history of Configuration on ERP-Expenses? Content (required): I am particularly ineterested in viewing a history list of the person who u…
How to import Tokenized credit card files for Fusion from EBS.Summary: We are migrating from eBS to Cloud in a phased manner and we would like to know how the tokenization can be achieved in eBS.(currently in eBS processing the CC …
Non-Duplicate Duplicate ErrorSummary: When submitting expense reports on behalf of two DIFFERENT employees, I receive the below error message. Content (required): This only seems to happen when the …
Oracle Fusion Expenses supporting Corporate Card Transactions: BarclaycardSummary: Does Oracle Expenses support Barclaycard and what is the documentation around this? Content (required): The client is using Barclaycard instead of Amex - an Ora…
What are the seeded reports for Oracle Fusion Expenses?Summary: Content (required): What are the seeded reports available for Oracle Fusion Expenses? What do they do/what documentation is available? Version (include the vers…
Is it possible to recover the reserved funds against an approved spend authorizationSummary: Is it possible to recover the reserved funds against an approved spend authorization if the expense report total amount is less than the Authorized amount? Cont…
Is any field can be added in the Travel Authorization form through DFF or lookup.Summary: Is an extra field can be added in the Travel Authorization form through DFF or lookup. Field like - Mode of Transport, Travel region etc. Content (required): Is…
Missing Transactions from Upload Credit CardSummary: Content (required): Hello: Does anyone know why credit card transactions are not loading from random days? It is my understanding all credit card transactions l…
Remove URL optionSummary: We would want to remove URL option in the Attachments section . Navigation > Me > Expenses > Create New > Create Item > Save and Close Click on Add Attachment f…
Error You must enter a number less then the maximum value 1Summary: We have a 51 line expense report that will not allow us to Submit the report, due to this error You must enter a number less then the maximum value 1. (FND-3119…
I can't see a Contingent Worker in Manage Expense Contingent WorkerSummary: I want to link a Contingent Worker to a supplier, but when I add it to Manage Expense Contingent Worker, I cannot see the Contingent Worker. Can someone help me…
Why are expenses in my OTBI report multiplied?Summary: I'm trying to build a report in OTBI that details the status of corporate card transactions. We would like to see what transactions have not been placed on an e…
How to remove expense entries in bulkSummary: We have a requirement to remove the expense entries in the Lower environments. We tried using Delete expense API, which is not effective Content (required): htt…