Category 336
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Why Fusion order management sends ship only lines to RMCS ?In Fusion Order management , we have certain line types which do not contribute to revenue for e.g. Ship only lines , So why Fusion OM sends these Non-Revenue lines to R…
Revenue Recognition on Lineal Basis where the Contract created in RMCS from SubscriptionHi, Issue Description: below is the scenario Subscription Transaction Price = 50k Subscription period = 1JAN 25 to 31DEC 25 (1year term) and the invoice in March for 15K…
Sales Order line information is not getting into RMCSSummary: Please review the discussion, and suggest your recommendation.…
Period Close In Revenue ManagementSummary: Period Close process in RMCS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need the period close process document for Revenue Management (RM…
Allow contract modification date as sysdate for termination of Future dated subscription linesSummary: We are facing multiple issues due to system not allowing to pass contract modification date as sysdate for new line addition or terminations of future dated lin…
How to Create RMCS Performance Obligation Billed Accounting for Subscription Termination PenaltyWe have Created a Subscription Termination We have the Initial Performance and Performance Obligation Satisfied Accounting Created. How do we Generate Performance Obliga…
Report to validate the net amount between Contract Asset and Contract LiabilitySummary: Is there any report that it can be used to validate the net amount between Contract Asset and Contract Liability?
PJB_CLIN_NUMBER_NULL Oracle seeded error while importing billing events in FusionHello, When billing events are created through FBDI using the import job "Import Project Billing Events", we get a seeded report ("Import Project Billing Events: Generat…
Seeded Report Available to see Pending RevenuesHello, Module = Revenue Management Cloud Services Version = 25A (Fusion) Issue/Requirement = Is there any report available in Oracle Fusion Revenue Management, using tha…
Obsolete - Please deleteSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Contract Discount Accounting and Month End Balance IssueHi We have an order with one line and the associated contract was created in RMCS on the 18th of January and accounted correctly, at this point there was no contract dis…
Do we have Service mapping from Order Management to RMCS to bring in Unit SSPDo we have Service mapping from Order Management to RMCS to bring in Unit SSP Or Is there a work around to update Unit SSP for data coming from Order Management. We trie…
date format issue through FBDI uploadSummary: we have some future dated maintenance contracts in Oracle with a dummy start date of 01/01/2050. but when they are interfaced to RMCS through FBDI load they get…
RMCS Entries are not going to EBS GLSummary: We have an integration setup between RMCS and EBS GL as per the Oracle Standard Document. There are around 4 ledgers for the project. Earlier we went live with …
Difference between ORMB vs RMCSHi Team, I know it's a very basic question but would like to know the difference between ORMB and RMCS. RMCS is part of the oracle fusion. Is ORMB also part of the oracl…
Why Devolve performance obligation is available with Daily Rate Partial Periods plan onlySummary: We have requirement to use devolve performance obligation feature provided by RMCS. However as per Oracle documentation and POC performed we can see it is avail…
Errored while trying to complete the AR transactionSummary: When trying to complete DOO invoice getting the below error "The remaining balance of the letter of undertaking isn't enough. You must either increase the balan…Rofe_Nenewel 43 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mahesh Adivishnu-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Extract Sales Order for revenue management fails with ErrorSummary: Extract program for OM to RMCS fails with an error Content (required): I am running the program to send the OM to RMCS. Below the error we found in log and outp…
How to assign just Manage Standalone Selling Profiles Task to a userSummary: Hi, In RMCS we need the ability to assign just "Manage Standalone Selling Profiles" Task to a user. the user does not need set up and maintenance. is there a wa…
Assigning of multiple cost plan type in Billing ExtensionHow to assign multiple cost plan type in percent spent revenue method in Billing extension to generate revenue using two different Financial Plan type. Requirement: Clie…
Validate Customer Contracts ErrorSummary: We are integrating Subscription Management to Revenue Management and the job Validate Customer Contracts contains multiple rows with error - You must enter a un…
You must provide a valid UOM code for the memo line in the associated inventory organizationYou must provide a valid UOM code for the {MEMO_LINE} memo line in the associated inventory organization while PPM integrating to RMCS "Validate" job showing error in co…Vidyasagar.Ramaraju 13 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Vidyasagar.Ramaraju Revenue Management
Ability to retrieve account balance in subledger sourceSummary: Our client is implementing RMCS and has requirement to split the initial performance amount in two different Asset Accounts basis of predefined proportion. We a…
AUM ScenarioSummary: We have a requirement to create a Revenue Contract initially with the minimum and updating it throughout the lifecycle of the contract based on the AUM declarat…
How to book the asset account at promised detail levelSummary: We have requirement to add two promised details in single performance obligation and book the promised detail allocated amount in two different asset accounts. …
Can we update the SSP if its already in used?Summary: Can we u[date the SSP if its already in used? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When tested we were able to update so even the orac…
Require assistance on How to import satisfaction events using FBDI.Summary: I need assistance with importing satisfaction events using FBDI. One of the lines from the PPM contract did not import into the revenue contract, and after cons…
How can I comply with IFRS15 for our local tax reporting in Costa Rica?Summary: How can I, at the secondary book level, make a recognition of the deferred revenue but to the real revenue account for the total amount and that when the subseq…
In Revenue Contingency Assignment rule, the condition 'starts with' is expecting full memo line nameWhen we tried to create the Revenue Contingency Assignment Rule with the Memo line as parameter, the condition "Starts with" is expecting the full memo line name. We wan…
Number of Memo Lines supported as a parameter in Revenue Contingency Assignment RuleIn Revenue Contingency Assignment Rule, shall we add 2000+ memo lines as a parameter?Dinesh R 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Phil DeCoster - Support-Oracle Revenue Management