Category 35
Discussion List
how to create project change order attachments using rest API / soap service?Summary: I could not find rest api to create project change order attachments. I found the change order data is stored in FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS table. Could you please …
How to import Project budget attribute values from FBDI using OCI integration?Summary: Hi Team , We have requirement to update Project Budgets .We have created an OIC integration to trigger import project budgets ERP job by creating FBDI csv templ…Lekhna Tripathi 72 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alberto Romani-Oracle Project Management
Restricting access to projects based on class codesSummary: We have a requirement where we want to restrict users' access based on class codes (screenshot below). There is no direct data security policy that links a proj…
Contract Credit Memo in Transferred Status, need to deleteWe currently have a contract credit memo that has been transferred to Receivables and is sitting as an import exception. This contract credit memo was created in error a…
What security allows or restricts that project status from being changedWhat security allows or restricts the project status from being changed?
24C Manage Project Costs Search: Query By "No Search Conducted"Post 24C (received 9/20 in PROD), the query by "filter" in the Manage Project Costs search does not return results. Typical behavior is to enter the search value (e.g., …
Contracts in foreign currency - how to align Ledger currency?Summary: We have contracts in foreign currency and contract invoice and revenue amounts (EUR) are the same when contract is closed. How do I align Ledger currency (DKK).…
Create Accounting in PPM but not to transfer in GLSummary: We have a requirement in which we need to generate burden accounting only in PPM but it should get transferred to GL Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Frequency of update in the Table - PJF_PROJECTS_COA_ALL_VL in PROJECT Segment of COASummary: In the COA set up the table (PJF_PROJECTS_COA_ALL_VL) under PROJECT segment It is defined as "When the Project is in Active status with Start Date the segment v…
Project Budget Approvals should be routed Project budget submitter ManagerHi Team, We have a business requirement that the project budget approval should be routed to the budget submitter's manager. I have created the rule and added the follow…
How to control the visibility of the project management infolets?Summary: Which privilege is controlling the visibility of the project management infolets? We understand by adding seeded 'Project Management Duty' role, or seeded 'Proj…
Unable To Add A Resource In Project Allocation RuleThese have ensured that the prerequisites are in place for RBS to work with Allocation: 1) The project used in Source tab of Allocation must have Reporting RBS and marke…
How to Import Project Expenditure Item DFF to General LedgerSummary: Business wants to import custom Line Description from Project Expenditure item Attribute4 to Journal Lines to identify the transaction. Content (please ensure y…
How to prevent update of cost rate in Manage Project Budget screenSummary: We are looking at options to disable the Raw Cost Rate field from being edited in the Manage Project Budgets screen. Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Capture Financial Progress on a project - ETC and EAC CalculationsSummary: EAC amounts are getting changed when the capture progress is run multiple time for a period. For testing purposes, we booked cost for a project for the period D…
Unable to account reversed entries loaded using a transaction source enabled as costed and accountedWe have a requirement to load accrual entries as costed and accounted. We created a new project transaction source with a document enabled as Costed and Accounted. We lo…
Privilege for 'Manage Financial Project Settings' task in PFMSummary: Privilege for 'Manage Financial Project Settings' task in PFM Content (required): HI Team, We have one custom Project Accountant role (Created by copying Projec…
Unable to Import Timecards into ProjectsSummary: Unable to Import Timecards into Projects Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information) : Hi Team, As per standard process, Created OTL Time Card…
"Manage Project Invoices" functionality within our Oracle Fusion Project ManagementSummary: I am writing to inquire about the "Manage Project Invoices" functionality within our Oracle Fusion Project Management. Specifically, I am interested in understa…SanthiSreeK-Oracle 142 views 21 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaheer Ahmed-Oracle Project Management
Budget is displaying amounts that I did not enter.Budget is displaying amounts that I did not enter manually. They are autopopulated and there is no resource allocated to them. Attached screenshot for reference (task 1.…
Cancelled invoice posting to closed projectSummary: Transactions that post to closed projects Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We found that canceled invoices will post a credit to a…
Project Budget Approval should be routed Approval Group and Supervisor Hierarchy in Same timeSummary: "We have a business requirement for one business unit related to project budgets submitted for approval. These budgets should be routed for approval to a group …
How ETC is calculated in project progress areaThe ETC has two methods , Manual or Remaining Plan When I select Remaining Plan at lowest task level I get it available for manual entry at the resource , meanwhile the …
Can we send Memo lines from Oracle Projects (Grants) to Oracle Receivables?Summary: Generate Memo Lines using Oracle Contract Management as part of Grants Implementation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are tryi…
What is the lookup code used in Type attribute under Notes section of Manage Project DetailsWhat is the lookup code used in Type attribute under Create Notes section of Manage Project Details. Can we customize the look up code?
How to handle prepaid expense in PM - Grants ManagementSummary: Client has expenses, such as subscriptions, that are paid upfront but belong in multiple periods. For example they pay for 3 years of subscriptions for $300 but…
Cannot find Expenditure Type as an available resource when modifying Budget on AwardSummary: We have created a new Expenditure Type and we are trying to add it to an existing Budget on an Award. When we select Manage Assignments for Selected Tasks and s…
How to restrict backdating the Expenditure Item Date?Summary: Business Case: Users can bypass Project holds by backdating the Expenditure Item Date on requisitions and PO change orders. When a project is marked as overbudg…
Import Costs count of transactions processedSummary: version 24C Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Just noticed that the Import Costs reflects a count of Successful Transactions proces…
GMS_BALANCESSummary: Equivalent tables in Fusion Cloud for EBS tables GMS_BALANCES and GMS_BUDGET_VERSIONS Need Fusion Cloud Equivalent Tables for Below EBS Tables GMS_BALANCES - Be…