Category 42-2
Discussion List
What access/privilege is needed to get Account Information from RESTThis post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR)Release: Summary of the question: What access/privilege is needed to get the appropriate acce…Robert Mutton-Support-Oracle 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Robert Mutton-Support-Oracle Sales
How to enable the originalsourcesystemreference number child field in adaptive search?Summary: I'm using the REST API endpoint of adaptive search and I want to expose the Original Source System Reference field of an account from contact entity. The accoun…
How to add team members to an account in bulkSummary: We want to know if there is a way to bulk add or remove sales team members in an account through the UI Content (required): We would like to know if there is a …
What is the equivalent field in base table for "PrimaryContactFlag" attribute of Activity Contact?Summary: I want to convert Rest Websevice extract for Activity Contact with specific fields only into BI report. When I tried to construct the SQL Script using "ZMM_ACTY…
How is it best practice to update the team members associated with an account?Summary: We are currently undergoing a commercial force maintenance process due to a change in the company's strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to start an update proc…
How to add SHIP_TO for an existing siteSummary: How to add SHIP_TO for an existing site Content (required): How to add SHIP_TO for an existing site. I have sites which are having only BILL_TO, but now I want …
How to change the HZ_PARTIES.Orig_system_reference for a party?Summary: How to change the HZ_PARTIES.Orig_system_reference for a party? Content (required): **This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) ** Version …Jacqueline Li-Support-Oracle 124 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jacqueline Li-Support-Oracle Sales
Standard Business Process flowsSummary: Can you please provide Standard Business Process flows for CX Sales & Service provided by Oracle Content (required): BPDs for CX Version (include the version yo…
Opportunity and Lead Territory Assignment Flexibility Using Custom DimensionsSummary: Overview of opportunity and lead territory assignment flexibility using custom dimensions feature and a demonstration of the one-time setup steps to enable a cu…
Replacement Options for Oracle Social Network That Works for CX Sales MobileSummary: We are attempting to implement Oracle Social Network(OSN) as we need a method of communication where users can message and collaborate between each other on the…
What is the possible approach to purge the completed territory proposals?Summary: Do we have option to the purge the Completed Territory Proposal? and If yes, How to purge the territory completed territory proposal? Content (required): Do we …
privileges to access following API'sSummary: We are looking to query following API's and need specific privileges to grant to custom role. https://*******…
SQL Database for Oracle Fusion SalesSummary: Is there a way to access the Oracle Fusion using SQL Server? Content (required): We would like to access the database using SQL Server to update records in Orac…
Non-UI way to generate application composer customization reportSummary: Non-UI way to generate application composer customization report Content (required): Is there any alternative way to generate Application composer customization…
How to filter search results using child object fields in Adaptive Search REST API?Summary: I'm filtering the search results in Adaptive search REST API using child account fields and contact fields from parent contact object. When I tested in Postman,…
How to use SOAP API to modify the value of orig_system_reference for a customer account?Summary: How to modify the value in HZ_CUST_Accounts.orig_system_reference and hz_orig_sys_references.orig_system_reference for a customer account? Content (required): *…Jacqueline Li-Support-Oracle 131 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jacqueline Li-Support-Oracle Sales
How to archive older records in sales cloud?Summary: How to archive older records/records which are not using for a long time in sales cloud? Content (required): When does anything (Leads, opportunities, service r…
How to Show Territories Change History in UI?Summary: How to Show Territories Change History in UI? Content (required): Customer want to show up the change history details in territories object similar to Account/C…Abhishek Methi-Support-Oracle 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Lucian Vasile-Support-Oracle Sales
Is there a way to have a validation to inform the user of duplicate entry when setting up territory?Summary: Is there a standard way to have a validation to inform the user of duplicate entry when setting up territories? Content (required): For example, user creates ne…Abhishek Methi-Support-Oracle 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Methi-Support-Oracle Sales
How to extract Geography validation attributes for all countriesSummary: **This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: 23A Summary of the question: How to extract Geography validation attributes for all co…Syed Misbauddin-Support-Oracle 91 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Syed Misbauddin-Support-Oracle Sales
How to add to additional fields to the list of filter fields on Opportunities subtab of AccountSummary: How to add to additional fields to the list of filter fields on Opportunities subtab of Account Content (required): User wants to add 'Close Date' field to the …
Forecast Freeze date calculationSummary: As per the setup, I'm expecting the due date as 6th of every month and freeze date as 3rd of every month, but for April, it is showing correctly. but for other …
Migration T2PSummary: We are planning to move the changes using 'Migration' for oracle sales cloud, with this Is there any Impact on ERP screen of CX. Content (required): This is to …
How CX Sales backups and Restore works**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: 23A Summary: I would like to know how backup and restore works on CX SalesSyed Misbauddin-Support-Oracle 85 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Syed Misbauddin-Support-Oracle Sales
Sales opportunities to be approved cannot be searched by the approver or any other resourceSummary: A new sales opportunity has been created for smoke testing and has been submitted for approval but upon logging in as the opportunity approver, the opportunity …
How to remove appointments which are completed or cancelled from the 'My Appointments'Summary: Greetings! Can anyone assist me on how to remove appointments/tasks that are 'completed 'or 'cancelled' from the 'My Appointments' present under Sales Infolets …
Unable to translate the DCL values.Summary: We are looking fuzzy search option in FCL and currently, we have not seen this feature in FCL. So We need the DCL field value transition based on the login user…
What permissions are needed to access RoutinesSummary: I am wondering what permissions are needed to access Routines Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add …
How the Real-Time Access Works for the objects secured using access groups?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: Summary of the question: How to Real-Time Access Works for the objects secured us…Madhuri Cheruku-Support-Oracle 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madhuri Cheruku-Support-Oracle Sales
How to change the Field in the Find section on the Landing Page?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR)** Summary: By Default, a Custom Object gives the option to Find on "Record Name" field on Landing Page. …Varun Malhotra-Support-Oracle 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manoj Kumar-Support-Oracle Sales