Category 452
Discussion List
How to Restrict the compensation plan to AOR.Summary: How to Restrict the compensation plan to AOR. Content (required): Hi All, Is there any way to restrict the compensation plan visible only to AOR. Currently the …
More than one alert columnSummary: Content (required): Hello all, I would like to ask if it is possible in Worksheet Page Layout, to create extra Alert Column so we can use different sequence in …
Summary tab, Allocated Budget PercentageContent: Hello everybody, Regarding the Compensation module, I’ve tried to set the Summary section of Budged Allocation to show the Budget Allocated Percentage using the…
Compenastion Change Statement Not Available in ESSHello all, I am running into an issue regarding the compensation change statements. I ran the batch process process workforce compensation change statements, but the Com…
How do we use an Uploaded Printable StatementSummary: How do we use an Uploaded Printable Statement Content (required): I've tested changes in a total comp statement template and am trying to use the template in pr…
Database table that stores manager budget method selected option.Summary: Managers are presented with option of how they which to manage budget, i.e don't pass budget, pass to direct reports, pass to all lower managers. Content (requi…
Is it possible to reorder the the list of comp plans in the "Viewing Plan" option section?Summary: Is it possible to reorder the the list of comp plans in the "Viewing Plan" option section? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
Workforce Compensation Worksheet Export Under View Administration ReportsSummary: Under View Administration Reports > Worksheet Export, how to make the worksheet columns updateable and can we make columns in sync with the columns in Plan? Cur…
Limit users ability to delete worksheet NotesSummary: Content (required): I don't want users to delete worksheet Notes. Is there a permission that I can remove from the job role or do i have to do it via personaliz…
How to limit access to the Compensation Plan set up (Plan Entity A) for an Comp. Admin from Entity BSummary: Content (required): Hello everyone, In the Plan Access page in Compensation, there is a new Area 'Roles with Plan Setup Access' which enable us decide which rol…
Restrict submission without budgetSummary: How to restrict employee while submitting worksheet if not budget . Content (required): We have defined grade wise % in UDT. However, when sheet populated alloc…
FF based approval Hierarchy role wiseSummary: can we configure FF based approval hierarchy role based approval. Content (required): We have a unit Head who will be working on the sheet this unit head only w…
Grade Ladder in PromotionSummary: How can we make grade ladder for employee to be promoted on this particular Grade. Content (required): We have a requirement in Promotion plan where we need to …
Original Hire Date seems to be incorrect for some employees on a worksheetSummary: Content (required): We enabled the Original Hire Date and the [most recent] Hire Date seeded columns on the template. Noticed the Original Hire Date is not corr…
Tables that stores compensation LettersSummary: We are having request from Business that need to do a bulk Download of all compensation review letters. Content (required): We are having request from Business …
Referencing Worksheet columns from multiple Plans in StatementsSummary: Is it possible to refer Worksheet columns from multiple Plans in Statements at run time? We are unable to accommodate all cols in a single sheet and hence the a…
Total Compensation Item with a % SignSummary: We have a requirement to show certain Percentages which are Non Monetary types of Compensation Item. Is it possible to show the % symbol while generating the st…
Precise calculation for "Years Employed" and "Years in Position"Summary: The client wants to add a "User-Defined Column" to calculate for the Business Unit Length of Service. They want to have the same calculation as the "Years Emplo…
Submission Notes in Run Batch ProcessesSummary: When we run a process in the Run Batch Processes and put some note in the "Submission Notes" and we want to find the note we put, where can we find it? Example …
Exhausted All User Defined ColumnsSummary: We have exhausted all the User Defined Columns and are in need to accomodate additional numeric information which are critical to Business and must be shown in …
while converting Pending Worker to Employee, Element Enddate is is getting updated to OngoingSummary: When a pending worker is created with an Element allocated from ICP with a specific End date is getting updated to Ongoing while converting in to Employee. Cont…
How to test email notifications for Workforce Compensation?Content (required): Steps I tried: 1.Enabled reminder for below worklist. (Tried disabling it as well) 2.Update the approver's work email to my email address, set as Pri…
How to migrate specific common lookups, actions and value sets?Content (required): How to migrate specific common lookups such as CMP_CWB_TAKE_ACTION, custom actions, and custom value sets that are used in Workforce Compensation? Ve…
Worksheet Overridden by Another Manager standard template notificationSummary: Hello experts, do you where I can find the Worksheet Overridden by Another Manager standard template notification in Reporting and Analytics page? Thanks in adv…
How to segregate custom list column visibility by Legal Employer in compensation plan?Summary: Hello experts, in compensation plan we need to make appear some values in the custom list column by the legal employer the employee belongs to. The custom list …
Can next salary review date be required?Summary: We are looking to use the Next Salary Review Date for merit eligibilty and would like to make this field be required for all offers or salary changes. Content (…
Need One More Text Column Field in worksheet configurationSummary: Need One More Character Field in worksheet configuration Content (required): In Worksheet configuration, in User Define Columns sections we have 15 Text Column.…
Total Compensation Statement Configured in Rands, but showing in USDSummary: We had a previous TCS configured for the US, in USD. We are now implementing for South Africa and need to show monetary items in Rands. It looks like we must be…
Cross Referencing Multiple Cycles of one PlanSummary: We have Plan A with Same Extract Date say 31-Dec-2021 and with multiple cycles say 2023 , 2024, 2025 etc . Each of these cycles have a worksheet column say Tota…
Compensation Zone Overlap IssueSummary: We currently have two Compensation Zone Types (US Zone Type and CA Zone Type) with Zones created using State/Province and Postal Code Ranges. We are experiencin…