Category 476
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Unable to edit the published Auto Complete Rule as it is grayed outSummary: Unable to edit the published Auto Complete Rule as it is grayed out. Would like to know if there are any privileges/roles that need to be added to the user to g…Sricharan Monigari 178 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Auto-complete rule to validate if communication details are entered for an Emergency ContactSummary: Auto-complete rule to validate if communication details are entered for an Emergency Contact Content (required): When a Family and Emergency contact is marked a…Indu Thomas 102 views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Defaulting Time Card Required and Overtime Period for Assignment Approved Use Case #15/INLSummary: We have an approved Use Case #15/INL and want to default the fields "Time Card Required for Assignment" and "Overtime Required for Assignment" for new hires. Wh…Karen Costakes 72 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete-the default value of ‘Recommended for Rehire’Summary: After the employee leaves, the default value of ‘Recommended for Rehire’ is "not specified". If I need to enable the automatic function, it is "Yes" Content (re…Menglu Cai 91 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Kevin Tan-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Errors on defaulting payroll frequency when trying to quick convert an employeeSummary: I am getting error when trying to quick convert a pending worker to an employee. Idea number in Autocomplete rule portal is #19 Content (required): My rule I ha…Dan Woodward 61 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
To make Standard field free text which is drop downSummary: Hi All, We have delivered field 'Collective Agreement' in assignment section. currently it is drop down field which is to be made as free text. Pease help us in…PuneethLokesh 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by PuneethLokesh HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
FTE field not existing in autocomplete rulesSummary: Dear Oracle engineers, I would like to put in place a rule that you validated for me on the plateform but I can not find the main element to put it in place: th…Imane Z 72 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Bhavna Thakur-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Can we Default 'Payroll frequency' based on EMPLOYEES current frequencySummary: Default Payroll frequency based on EMPLOYEES current frequency Content (required): We have a rule approved for 'Next Holdings Limited' #19 to default payroll fr…Dan Woodward 71 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Mandatory for line manager to add Attachment when doing termination action Dismissal?Summary: Mandatory for line manager to add Attachment when doing termination action Dismissal? Content (required): Is it possible to make it mandatory for the line manag…IanDeKoker 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Verification of data consistency in 2 different fields:Summary: Content (required): Our customer wants to do a verification of data consistency in 2 different fields: "Grade step name" and "Employee Category". For example, i…Evgeniya Repnina 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Identifying HDL load for Person Contact in autocomplete ruleSummary: We have to build Auto Complete Rule on Person contact where Employee should not be able to enter any relationship type other than Emergency where as Integration…Poornima Ponduri 121 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Poornima Ponduri HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Create Job offer Automatically with salary detailsHello Team, Content (required): We have a requirement to create job offer automatically with salary details. We are entering the salary details in Requisition DFF while …Mubashir Ansari 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Hide My Compensation tile/ Salary information if the Salary amount is less that 2Summary: We have a requirement to hide the current salary section if the salary amount is less that 2 on the My Compensation Page. any idea on how to do this.
Autocomplete on Position Page to throw error for Standard Working Hours FieldSummary: Hi Everyone, We have a requirement to throw error on Request a New Position/ Request a Position Change page to throw an error if anyone enters values other than…Manpreet Kaur2412 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Manpreet Kaur2412 HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Object Salary - rule type Object Defaulting Rule TypeSummary: When I enter the salary session, it calls the rule, but when I go back to another session and enter salary again, the Object Defaulting Rule Type rule is not ex…Simiao Oliveira 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Simiao Oliveira HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Duplicate check during Document Records creationSummary: This is an approved use case for Auto complete rules. "Duplicate check to validate if details of the new document record being created match the details of an e…Sathesh Ramaswamy 151 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Samal HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Requisition Title Additional InformationSummary: Is it possible to have an error message when Users attempt to enter data more than 128 characters when adding details on the Requisition Title Additional Inform…Maricel Navallo 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Using Autocomplete rule to validate salary amount for HDLSummary: Using Autocomplete rule to validate salary amount for HDL Content (required): We have a requirement to validate salary amount for the employees using autocomple…Radhadevi P 151 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Samal HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Is it possible to show a warning message reminding LM to verify Recommended for Rehire flagSummary: Is it possible to show a warning message reminding LM to verify Recommended for Rehire flag Content (required): Is it possible to show a warning message to the …IanDeKoker 51 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by IanDeKoker HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Practice Environment Autocomplete RulesHello, how do we practice and learn autocomplete rules if it cannot be enabled on our environments without Oracle's approval? Anyone have any ideas? Thank you!PriyaPenugonda-SC 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Manoj.Gupta HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Is it possible to override an autocomplete rule?Summary: Is it possible to override an autocomplete rule? Content (required): Is it possible to override an autocomplete rule? Currently we have an autocomplete rule ena…IanDeKoker 112 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by IanDeKoker HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Default Assignment DFFs based on department and department costingSummary: We have 2 DFFs in Assignment page Supporting Org and Supporting Company that need to be defaulted based on department. In addition we also want default expense …Sandy_Popuru 82 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Role based HCM Experience Design Studio - Inconsistent behaviorSummary: We have different requisition fields visible for Hiring Manager and Recruiter so we wrote HCM Experience Design Studio for each role. However, the visibility of…Ashish12345 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shikha Agarwal HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Clearing DFF value when position is changed in a transactionSummary: We have a table-validated DFF that is derived based on a combination of department and location. This DFF is expected to clear out when a position is changed. D…MaeHCM 117 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Is it possible to default Salary Amount of an employee from the Salary information on Position DFF?Is it possible to get default Salary Amount of an employee from the Salary information on Position DFF? How can it be done by Autocomplete Rules? For example : Let's ass…Serap Aktaş 64 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Issue within deletion of a record in Employment History sectionSummary: Hi everyone, we are encountering an issue related to the cancellation of a record in Employment History from Employment Info. We kindly need to know if the DELE…Marlon Castillo Maliglig 62 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Issue within deletion/change of a recordSummary: Hi everyone, we are encountering an issue related to the cancellation/change of a record. We kindly need to know if the Delete,Update or Correct buttons/actions…Marlon Castillo Maliglig 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Marlon Castillo Maliglig HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rule to default Succession Plan Name from Incumbent field is not workingSummary: Autocomplete rule to default Succession Plan Name from Incumbent field is not working. the plan name defaults for the first time when the incumbent has been sel…Prashant Kumar - 2103 31 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Prashant Kumar - 2103 HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
23A - Can we display warning message to highlight duplicate offers in Offer screen?Summary: As part of 23A Autocomplete Rules - Extend Rules for Job Offer - We can write rules to validate if the candidate has other job applications in a specific phase …Lakshmi B L 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Default Grade Rates (minimum and mid point) or min and ceiling step rate for Grades on RequisitionSummary: Hi @Danny Cusnir-Oracle Looking forward to your help on defaulting rates, currency and frequency of payment from positions on Requisitions . We have following 2…Tanu Shri Patel 92 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules