Category 52
Discussion List
Reminder_Template_Id is not updated as NULL even after disabling the Reminder setup in JourneysSummary: After disabling the Reminder in Journeys setup, the reminders did not get disabled and we still sending notifications to the users. We had to disabled the remin…
Can I setup a notification for when a journey is saved for later?Summary: Client wants to receive notification when she saves for later option during a task into journeys. Content (required): Client wants to receive notification when …
ORA_CHK_TASK_ASSIGNED_CONSOLIDATED gives null valuesHello, We are facing an issue with the ORA_CHK_TASK_ASSIGNED_CONSOLIDATED email notification, in which we get null values, instead of the list of tasks initiated: Can an…
How to reorder Journey category list in the assigned journey page.Summary: Reorder Journey category list in the assigned journey page. Content (required): In the below attached image, the list of journey category is being displayed, we…
How to default Country field when creating LocationSummary: Hello experts, in the country field appears United States by default. Is it possible to replace United States with Italy? In other words, Italy should be the de…Valerio Curzi 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
AZA: Manage Employment Approval IssueSummary: Hi Team, HR admin performed a position change in assignment screen for an employee and the received an FYI bell notification that the transaction is approved bu…
Reopening Tasks with AttachementsSummary: Pending workers are unable to update attachments in reopened tasks. Content (required): We have several preboarding tasks configured where an attachment is requ…
How to hide Business Title in the 'Directory' Search filterSummary: How to hide Business Title in the 'Directory' Search filter Content (required): Hi, we would like to hide the 'Business Title' column, among the pieces fo infor…Alberto Barile 142 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Esposito Francesco Human Capital Management
Do we have OTBI Subject Area which contains FNB tables/FoldersSummary: Do we have OTBI Subject Area which contains FNB tables/Folders Content (required): Do we have OTBI Subject Area which contains FNB tables/Folders Version (inclu…PavanBheema-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Human Capital Management
What exactly "Assignable" for Roles works?Summary: Hello team, I need to understand what "Assignable" works exactly? Navigation: Tools>Security Console>Users>Search any user>Click the same>"Assignable" is visibl…
Resignation handover process - Unable to reassign the tasksSummary: Dear Experts Content (required): We deal with resignation handover process we couldn`t reassign the task (Enable Reassign Task Button ) to another person such a…
Has anyone seen this error; ADF_FACES-60097:Server Exception during PPR, #15Summary: On some of our HCM pages we occasionally see an error 'ADF_FACES-60097:Server Exception during PPR, #15' and not sure what this or how to resolve. To remove the…
Pending Worker not appearing in the Pending Worker List when Imported using Spreadsheet Data LoaderSummary: When pending workers are imported using an HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader the pending worker appears in Employee Info but not in the Pending Worker list. Pending W…
Standard working Hours overrides field used in Employment details pageSummary: Anyone is using Standard working Hours overrides field available at employment details page available for UK, Please can you explain why this field is only avai…Namrata_HCM 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Iulian Brinzoi-Nuta - HCM-Oracle Human Capital Management
DFF field to be made mandatory based on the Legal EntitySummary:DFF field with LOV to be made mandatory based on the Legal Entity Content (required): On hiring of a person,one of the field with the DFF with the LOV has be mad…
Unable to add Custom Field on Termination PageSummary: Requirement to add a custom field on the Termination Page (Attempted these codes as guided by Oracle Documents- PER_PPS_DF, PER_PPS_LEG_DDF) Content (required):…
How to Update Business Unit active status to inactive statusSummary: Need to Inactive list of Business Units. Content (required): Hi Team, I have a requirement need to update the Business Units status from active to inactive. It'…
Is it possible to hide the email type: Work Email from Pending Worker users?Summary: Pending Workers have the ability to +Add Email type 'Work Email', however this should be restricted as once it's been added it can only be updated via the Secur…Meeghan_Rodrigues 72 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to create two Department Trees and make active both of them?Summary: Hello experts, is there a way to create two distinct Department Trees and make both of them active? Thanks in advance for your time! Kind Regards, Valerio Conte…
Test Automation using Selenium for HCM HR Quarterly patchesSummary: We are in process of deploying the Selenium tool for Automating some of the testing on HCM HR modules. We would like to start using these automation test script…
How to Make a DFF visible to MSS and HR but not for ESSSummary: Hi Experts, We have a requirement where we need to make a custom DFF on a DOR page visible to Managers and HR when they try to access it from their respective s…Ronal Khara-Oracle 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ronal Khara-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can we delegate the approvals to another person,if person is on leave?Summary: Can we delegate the approvals to another person, if person is on leave? Content (required): Can we delegate the approvals to another person, if person is on lea…
How can I delete extra veteran fields in Personal Details QA?Summary: I'd like to remove extra veteran fields in the Demographic Info section of Personal Details - how can I do this? Content (required): I'm trying to remove extra …Catherine Kelling 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Catherine Kelling Human Capital Management
Ability to export help desk request from View My requestsSummary: Manage HelpDesk Requests page has ACTION button -->Export functionality to export requests However, the same functionality is expected to export all the HelpDes…Veerpal Kaur 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Bell notification menu is not displaying any notification / approval, But exist in BPM WorklistSummary Notification is only shown in the worklist, recently we are not able to get notifications in the bell notification menu for almost many users. Some of the notifi…
AZA: Oracle ME SubscriptionSummary: Hi Team, Oracle ME is a part of Global HR subscription or we need to have a separate subscription for it. Any inputs are much appreciated. Thanks in advance Reg…
Expression Leanguage (EL) for custom text based on start date selectedSummary: Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to display a custom text box depending on the start date selected on add a contingent worker flow? Content (required): Th…
"why are you making changes to direct reports" list of values are blank in termination screensSummary: "why are you making changes to direct reports" list of values are blank in manager termination screen Content (required): one of the oracle document says to ena…
WorkerExtraInfo HDL file with sample valuesSummary: Hello experts, please, could you share the proper HDL file to load WorkerExtraInfo with sample values? I'm experiencing issues with CategoryCode and Information…
how to create a dff like probation period with text and dropdownlist box in single rowSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):