Category 52
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How to Stop Showing Duplicate Transactions in Subsequent AlertsSummary: Whenever the Alert runs, it picks up all the transactions happened before along with the new one. We want the Alert to work in incremental way so that it picks …
HR Help Desk - Audit TabSummary: Hi Everyone, Can someone explain the use of the below fields in the Audit tab of the Service Request details page? Show User-Related Details: Shows Impersonator…
When we transfer Performance Document, managers unable to see add/edit button.Summary: When we transfer Performance Document, managers unable to see add/edit button in My Work Priorities and My Career & Development Goals. Content (required): Versi…Sakthi Priya S 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Chris Pomager-27736 Performance Management
Journey Task Clearance from IT TeamSummary: Journey Task Clearance from IT Team Content (required): Hi Experts, We have a requirement that on employees separation, clearance checklist gets triggered to di…
Font and size of seeded Performance Management tiles for ESSSummary: We would like to know the font and size of characters on seeded Performance Management tiles/cards for ESS Please help Thanks Content (required): Version (inclu…
22B- New logo is stretchedSummary: After updating a new logo, the logo can be seen on the screen but it's stretched. How to update a logo which which will not stretch? Please help. Content (requi…Unmesh Mohitkar 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Unmesh Mohitkar Human Capital Management
Branding QueriesSummary: Hi All, I have attached an image , this is what the branding should look like , but I am not getting the theme properties , which can make this change happen. I…
Need to add the passport expire date field to the Jordan master record entering processSummary: Can you share the steps to follow to proceed with the requirement Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (…
Restrict Line Managers ability to edit LWD only later than resignation notification dateSummary: Currently after employee submits the resignation and it goes for approval to line managers. The line managers are able to edit the LWD to a date which is before…Aditi Anand 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Saurabh.Sinha-Oracle Human Capital Management
User Journey is automatically completed for employeeSummary: User Journey is automatically completed for employee and journey is not visible to the employee Content (required): I logged in as LM or HR and assigned journey…
How requestable and self requestable work in real time.Summary: Content (required): Hi Expert, What is the navigation to perform the requestable and self requestable? And how an employee can perform requestable and self requ…Faizan Rashid 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maruvada Sanat Kumar-Oracle Human Capital Management
Create a DFF that defaults to Today's dateHow can we Create a DFF that defaults to Today's date?
Guided Journey- not able to run OTBI analysis in a taksSummary: Hi , I am trying to call an OTBI Analysis using Guided Journey task. I am getting error, invalid path. I tried multiple options related to Analysis path. It's n…
How to correct an effective date for Add Assigment?Summary: We have a situation where we need to change the effective date of an 'Add Assignment'. The team member in question is owed hours worked from the previous pay pe…User_KWZKP 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Change Personal Information flow not sending information notificationSummary: Our Change Personal Information approval flow is not sending the informational only notification. We are testing 22A and 22B and found this. We have tried multi…
Does Oracle support the same AOR assigned to multiple teammates?Summary: We have a requirement to assign the same AOR criteria to the two HR teammates that support benefits. When we set this up, approvals only goes to one of the team…
How can return flows (FTP/SOAP/Procedures) be managed?Hello everyone, we would need to receive an input file periodically and then perform some sort of periodic loading, we have seen that it can be done via SOAP calls but i…
Manage Time zonesSummary: Manage Time Zones - How this works as the page accepts free flow text Content (required): Hi, Manage Time zone screens accepts free flow text. I just want to kn…Christopher Jothi - HCM-Oracle 71 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Christopher Jothi - HCM-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to reroute the InProgress approvals on the basis of new approval ruleHi. We made some changes in one of the document records approval rule, we need to reroute the previous transactions which are already in-progress status so they follow t…
Wrongly entered an incorrect start date of a rehire candidate, how to correct it?Summary: being rehired, effective 5/16/2022. A rehire date of 5/19/2022 was put in by mistake. Attempts to delete the rehire record or cancel the work relationship resul…Jaisun 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Cristina Greyling - Oracle-Oracle Human Capital Management
Employment Seniority Date Adjustment Fast FormulaHi, We are having custom logic to find out number of days to adjust which is based on the assignment DFF. Let say example, Employee status is maintained in one of the as…Dawn Jervis Mendonca 240 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Dawn Jervis Mendonca Human Capital Management
How to publish a Sanbox so that the changes made should be visible to a specific country employeesSummary: Made some changes in the Payment Method page under Me using Page Composer, Now want to publish that Sandbox so that it should be visible only to the employees i…Jaisun 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Maruvada Sanat Kumar-Oracle Human Capital Management
Unable to add bank account details.Summary: When we are trying to create bank account for the User, it is showing the warning message. We checked in the backend table, the bank details are associated with…Sakthi Priya S 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jim Kirkpatrick-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to fetch and display logged in employee's hire date as a read only DFF in Fusion?Summary:Dear Team, I have a business requirement to display the logged in employee's hire date as a read only DFF in Fusion. Kindly help me in achieving this. Content (r…partha sarathy 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran-Venugopal-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is there a screen / quick action to let a user see their Areas of Responsibility? AORsSummary: We're keen to allow users to see their areas of responsibility, under the 'APP' Roles & Delegations, they can see user/data roles assignd to their account, user…Kevin M Storrie 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kevin M Storrie Human Capital Management
How to display a long text with checkbox as DFFSummary: How to display a long text with checkbox as DFF Content (required): How to display a long text with checkbox as DFF Version (include the version you are using, …partha sarathy 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran-Venugopal-Oracle Human Capital Management
Count showing wrong for Manager under directory? even he has correct direct reportees?Summary: Count showing wrong for Manager under directory? even he has correct direct reportees? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applic…Ashok Gosu 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Maruvada Sanat Kumar-Oracle Human Capital Management
Process to enable Single Sign On (SSO) between Oando Fusion and BPMSummary: Process to enable Single Sign On (SSO) between Oando Fusion and BPM Content (required): Hi Team, Our client has Microsoft Active Directory linked Oracle Fusion …partha sarathy 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran-Venugopal-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to remove the quick actions panel without removing from the responsive UISummary: Remove the quick actions panel in the Home page without removing from the responsive UI Content (required): Hi Everyone, When I'm going in sandbox > structure I…
How to update an Assignment Flexfield using HDL?Summary: How to update an Assignment Flexfield using HDL? Content (required): Hi, we would like to update an assignment flexfield (flexfield code: PER_ASG_DF) using HDL.…