Category 52
Discussion List
HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD_ table does not store audit transactionsSummary: Hi Team We have a requirement to extract how many documents has been uploaded/edited/deleted the documents by employees. When checked the audit table (HR_DOCUME…Yalluri Sreenivasa Reddy 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Human Capital Management
Set journey filter to be 'Organization' for HR UsersSummary: For HR, the default filter is currently set to Direct Reports instead of organization – is this something we can set/change? HR has to change this filter every …
Expats in JourneySummary: Content (required): Hello all, We are facing a problem regarding the expats and the Journey's allocation. As you know, in the case of an expat, his initial assi…
PER_CHK_ACTION_OCC_ITEMS: which table and column does foreign key column OBJECT_CHANGE_ID reference?Summary: I'm looking for information about column OBJECT_CHANGE_ID in table PER_CHK_ACTION_OCC_ITEMS. Which table and column does this column refer to? Content (required…
Can we bypass comments questionnaire in Resign from Employment but still have the Comments sectionSummary: Hi All, Can you please let me know if we can bypass comments questionnaire in Resign from Employment Page but still have the Comments and attachment in the next…
Can we add a field in Resign from employment responsive UI - to show a primary assignmentSummary: Hi Team, Can we add a field in Resign from employment responsive UI - Assignments section to show the if the assignment is primary assignment or secondary assig…
Organization Security Profile Typical BehaviorSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement in which we ,have a particular set of users called Corp HRs which need to have access to data only to 3 BUs not all the other BUs.…Gaurav Rath- PGC 22 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Human Capital Management
Employee Details in TransactionsHi We are trying to get the all transactional details using BIP , we want to know which table store the person details of emp for whom the transaction is created, For ex…
Onboarding/Journey - Pending worker unable to access Disability Info sectionSummary: Content (required): Hello everyone, We are currently trying to assign a "Disability" task for the pending workers on the pre-onboarding process. We have already…
Expat Inclusion (Eligibility Criteria for Checklist Allocation)Hello everyone, We are facing a problem regarding the expats and the Journey's allocation. As you know, in the case of an expat, his initial assignment is getting suspen…
Area of Responsibility - Approval ConfigurationSummary: Currently configured approval for Document of records using Area of Responsibility (AOR). Will approval hierarchy gets updated based on Area of Responsibility (…
Department not showing in dropdown in responsive pages.Hello All, We have observed that department starting with- similar name is not coming in the dropdown while changing department for any user. it shows only 25 values in …
Unable to terminate an employeeSummary: Hi Team, Termination has been failed, with below error. could you please help me what is the solution. Content (required): Version (include the version you are …MohammadAfghanul Khair 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sateesh V -Oracle Human Capital Management
Checklist(Journeys) is not allocated to pending workerSummary: Checklist(Journeys) is not allocated to pending worker Content (required): We have created a checklist template of Onboarding category and Action code as 'Add P…
Requirement: Looking for exclusion rules and custom criteria documentSummary: Hi Expert, I am looking for an exclusion rules and custom criteria documents. Please suggest, if anyone has anything. It would be appreciated if you could help …MohammadAfghanul Khair 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by RameshK-Oracle Human Capital Management
Getting an error while canceling the work relationshipSummary: Hi Team, I am getting error while cancelling the work relationship. Please see the below screenshot . Content (required): Version (include the version you are u…MohammadAfghanul Khair 32 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by MohammadAfghanul Khair Human Capital Management
Making Titleand Last Name fields mandatory using HCM Experience Design StudioSummary: I am trying to make the Title and Last Name fields on the Person screen mandatory using HCM Experience Design Studio but I cannot find the field. I was able to …
Journeys Configuration Checklist TemplatesSummary: Content (required): Hello everybody, I am taking the liberty of contacting you following your video on Journeys on July 8th. We are starting to use Journey and …
DFF removing leading zero(s)Summary: DFF is removing leading zero(s) after submitting the data. How can this be tackled? Content (required): We have created a DFF in PER_PERSONS_DFF with character …Harpreet Kaur Sohal 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Harpreet Kaur Sohal Human Capital Management
Roles associated with reportsSummary: Can we create a report to identify all the roles associated with different reports in OTBI ? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if …Saurabh Pratap Singh 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Human Capital Management
Custom Template For JourneysSummary: @Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle @Shweta Ganguly-Oracle We are creating custom template for combined task notification for Journeys, but when we use custom template b…
Enterprise Onboarding checklist for pending worker redirects to login screenSummary: Enterprise Onboarding checklist for pending worker redirects to login screen Content (required): When the pending workers gets a checklist email notification an…
Questionnaire template for HRHello Team, We have received one requirement where after employee resignation , when HR has discussion with resigned employee, HR should be able to maintain and save it …
IS there a way to Hide drop down values in Terminate from Employment PageSummary: Hi Team, IS there a way to Hide drop down values in Terminate from Employment Page - any other option other than end dating the action in Configure Actions as t…
How to Default Values in Add a Pending WorkerSummary: When a user is adding a pending worker in oracle how can I pre-populate certain values in certain fields . for example: populate these fields with the employee …
Exclusion of ATG/Franchisee (Eligibility Criteria for Checklist Allocation)Hello, We have some inquiries about the ATG/Franchisee that is not managed in the system. They are added as pending workers in the recruiting and the journey is allocate…
Non-allocation of the checklist for a part of the population managed in ORCHello everyone, How can we avoid the allocation of the checklist (Onboarding Journey) for a certain population? The Action that triggers the allocation of the checklist …
Allocation of checklists to the population not managed in ORC (Eligibility Criteria for Checklist)Hello, If an offline hiring process occurs, then how can the action of add pending worker happen? How can we trigger the checklist without the trigger action of the mast…
Download all documents attached in the checklist after completion/closureHello, In Mass download of document records, we can download a specific document type grouped either by document type or person. Something like this takes time if there …
Extra-EU citizenship (Eligibility Criteria)Hello, During the requisition you cant ask sensitive information such as disability and and citizenship. This information can be added afterwards. As we know, the inform…Ioannis Adamou 22 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Ioannis Adamou Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace