Category 56
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Description about columns BEGIN_BAL, ACCRUED in ANC_PER_ACCRUAL_ENTRIES tableSummary: Hi Folks , Please help me in understanding what values exactly those two columns will fetch. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Vers…
How to get WorkSchedule Hours in absence entry validationSummary: i want the exact days between IV Start date and IV End date not that when i change the iv start time and iv end time then whatever duration is coming that is no…
Cost center Manager approval for Document of RecordSummary: I have defined a document of records where employee will submit a request for bank account change/Expense Approval and I want to route it to the Cost center man…PratikL 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Absence actions (Redwood) are missing under My team action listSummary: We have enabled Redwood profile options for absence, when we navigate to 'My Team' and click on 'Actions' all the absence actions under My Team have disappeared…
Getting Error - "The legislation code isn't valid for the person" during ConversionSummary: We are in the middle of production conversion. We are using the Excel template to load the employees into Production Instance. When we load the data, we are get…Vikram Raghunathan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vikram Raghunathan Workforce Management
Report pulls data that doesn't have any time entries with exception in UIWe're currently encountering issues with Workforce Management - Reported Time Cards Real Time subject area. The report pulls data that doesn't have any time entries with…
LEAVE AGREEMENT ELIGIBILITYSummary: Hi All Hope you are well. Has anyone been able to update the fast formula for Leave agreement eligibility and validation. We have a default formula that we are …Ahsam 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Tiwari, CPP -Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Rates for Separated and Promotion from Part Time to Full TimeSummary: seeking any inputs on how to configure the below scenarios: what if an employee converted from part time to fully, then they are entitled to receive all the pay…Kareen Taopo 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Tiwari, CPP -Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How do i create a DFF in AOR screen or to enable the Business rules to createSummary: There is not ability to create DFF in AOR screen or to enable the Business rules to create. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Busin…Sanjay K P 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stephanie Moxley-Oracle Human Capital Management
Total Time in Grid excluding Break timeHi Folks, Any possible workaround to enable the "Show in reported time Grid for enhanced time card" option for the custom time category to avoid Break time in grid total…
How to see the assigned work schedule of an employee under work schedule assignment page.Hi Experts, Please advise on below issue. Issue: One employee is trying to book his absence on Saturday, but system is throwing an error message saying that 'Absence sta…
Though Balance is there, unable to apply compensation leave.Summary: Dear Team, Our client is having 3.75 hrs compensation leave balance. And in the compensation leave type, the minimum duration is also 3.75 hours only. But, when…
Absence duration not working as expected when enabling redwoodSummary: For Absence type of UOM = Calendar days, we have a minimum duration of 5 days. But when we are trying to add 5 days on Redwood Self Service Page we are getting …
Disburse Positive balance on Termination with ProrationSummary: We've a requirement to Disburse positive balance on Termination with proration from a plan for which the balance is adjusted manually. Let's say, there are two …
Employee's Absence entries should be triggered retro payments for backdated salary changesSummary: I have a requirement where Employee's Absence entries should be triggered for retro payments for backdated salary changes. Content (required): Scenario: Employe…
Required to transition to Learning Redwood by 24D?Summary: With 24 D going on for learning, I want to understand if there would be any impact if the customer doesn't transition into Redwood pages for learning. They are …
Issue with Pre-Populating Public Holidays on Time Cards with Custom Calendar Event CategoriesSummary: Currently, the standard Calendar event category "Public holiday" is not used in our setup. Instead, we created new Calendar event categories such as "Public hol…Ariane Lamontagne-Montminy 96 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ariane Lamontagne-Montminy Workforce Management
How to remove the compensatory off plan enrolment end dateSummary: How to remove the compensatory off plan enrolment end date Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We are unable to remove the e…
Page is navigated to home page after submitting absenceSummary: In Add absence under ME and My team, once we submit the absence, the page closes out and shows main home page, instead of existing balance page. Absence is subm…
Time card approval - when Submitted by Time Admin( Custom Role) should go to admin's Line ManagerSummary: We have a requirement, where a custom admin role can submit time cards on behalf of employees and the approval should flow to the Admin Line manager. Currently,…
How to setup separate Time Card approval rule for Employee, Line Manager and OTL Manager ?Hi, In our Oracle Time and Labor project I have a requirement to setup separate approval rule for Employee, Line Manager and OTL Manager. The approval rule I need to con…
Time and Labor Value Set Issue after 23C on Web Clock_TCF Initialization FailedSummary: Hello, A few weeks ago, we transitioned to version 23C. After 23C I have created new layout set for new HCM group like before. The layout set is working but lin…
Donation pool request getting auto deniedSummary: Employee is initiating donation to pool from ESS after which the donation request is getting auto denied. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
In manage document record the request not appear in the employee page until it becomes approved.The requests in manage document record not appear in the employee page or the transaction console while it in the pending status or any status except approve.. Also, the…Mohammad al-Kilani 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihnea Savu-Oracle Human Capital Management
24C Time and Labor Additional Statuses Redwood Time CardSummary: 24C Time and Labor Additional Statuses Redwood Time Card Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As per 24C release notes, Additional Tim…
Global transfer does not transfer absence balance - instead plan is paid out as Final DisbursementWe have an absence plan which sometimes global transfers the balance to the new assignment, and other times does not. It seems that if there is a "Synchronization From P…
Why do I find only some timecard records in the HXT_TM_HEADER?Summary: I am trying to build a BIP report which contains information on the timecard details and I have understood that the best tables to use for this purpuse are HXT_…Enrico Rizzetto 171 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Actions performed through 'My Team' not in RedwoodAfter enabling all the Redwood profile options for absence, we still see that when we navigate to 'My Team' and click on 'Actions' and go to any absence page like 'Add a…
Agent is unable to find a candidate to assign to a job req.Good morning, We have a situation where an Agent is unable to refer a candidate to a job req. They can see all the other candidates in their agency portal. Their process…CharleyT 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Joey O-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Absence balance Adjust reason -Final DisbursementSummary: Hi, From the Absence Administration Enrolments and Adjustments > Adjust Balance > Adjust Reason - ‘ Final Disbursement’ Have seen one Absence balance adjust rea…Kumar-S-Oracle 22 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Veena S. Parvathi-Oracle Workforce Management